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Holy say what?

ET Warrior

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uh... I think I'd probably keep a disfigured face over having to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of my life (if I ever had a face-disfiguring accident... but I'm hoping to avoid that :p )


There's serious health issues there, methinks..... not to mention it's sorta creepy :eek:

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All of you people saying "omfg gross how could you do that?" need to realize that this isn't for people who just want to try something different. It's not like one of these "what do you get for the man who has everything" types of situations. It's for severely disfigured people. You know, folks that if it weren't for something like this, probably had slim to none chances of ever getting laid. Ask someone who got drunk and attempted suicide with a shotgun and survived if they think this is a disgusting idea. People have donated their organs on the back of their drivers liscences for years with little to no protest from anyone. People donate blood. People donate semen ffs. I think this is a great idea. Now if they'd just start transplanting humongous ***** to people...

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thish is strange and creepy not to mention FREAKEN WEIRD and I agree with sithy



... I thought I felt something poking my prostate...



It's not that I find the idea of the transplant gross or anything. I just don't think I'd want to live disfigured, period, let alone without looking like myself. Same as I couldn't live without one of my limbs.

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The identity issues might be a problem, too. I mean, disfiguring accident or no: having someone else’s face would be mentally upsetting (though, like CapNColostomy stated, it would be saving grace for someone who's face has been destroyed).

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