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Episode XX: The Jedi, the Sith, and the Hunger


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Alyssa smiled and nodded. "If becoming a Jedi were easy, there'd be many more of us than there are." As an afterthought, she added, "And if all students learned as quickly as you, most if not all current Jedi would already be Masters."




Riebe chuckled. "Eager to get going, aren't you, Jack?"

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"More than make it," Alyssa answered. Then, she groaned. "That's only if you have one of the Sith Hunters as your Master." She turned to him. "Do you know anything of how the current Jedi Council operates?"




Riebe laughed and led the way toward where the man was being held.

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"Then I'll give you a brief lesson in history," Alyssa said. "For some time after Master Skywalker remade the Jedi Order, there was no Jedi Council. Then, somebody suggested it, people agreed, and BOOM, we had a Council again. Skywalker, Katarn, and three masters from the Old Jedi Order formed the Council and gradually started adding people to it. Once the others gained a majority vote over the original five, they started adding people like crazy."


She shook her head. "Now, we have what we call the OC. That's the Original Council... the Original Five. Then, there's the BC, the Bureaucratic Council... they're twenty in number. Because of numbers, they always get their way... unless the Sith Hunters interfere."


With a little sigh, she continued. "That's why you'd need a Sith Hunter for a Master if you're going to be a Jedi. They can teach you everything you need to know and more... and because Riebe was my teacher, the BC won't touch me. They don't dare throw me out of the Order because that would make Riebe unhappy... something they don't want to do."




"Try?" Riebe laughed. "Allow me to introduce my assistant, Jokemaster. Let's start with some fun, shall we?"


She turned to Jokemaster. "Go ahead. Play with his mind."

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"Well, like I said before. I'm not sure I want to be a Jedi yet. But knowing how to fight is always good."




The man turned to Jack. "Do your worst. You don't know what you're dealing with."


"Don't worry. I will."


Jokemaster probed into the man's mind, finding his deepest fears, regrets, and ghosts from his past.


Suddenly the man began seeing all the people he had betrayed, all those whose deaths he had caused, and those he had hurt appear in front of him. There were so many that they, in fact, filled the room. The man's breathing quickened and his eyes began flickering around.


"What is this?" He demanded. "What are you doing to me!?"


Jack turned to Riebe, and nodded, giving her the signal to begin asking.

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"I can't tell you ab-"


Jokemaster made the first person the man had betrayed step forward. He was killed in the exact same manner it was in real life (blaster shot to the chest), except he looked straight into the man's eyes as he died. The man yelled.


"Please! I'm just the middleman.....Even if I told you you wouldn't belive me...."

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"Two reasons," Alyssa answered. "First, my parents were Jedi. I almost felt like I'd be failing them if I didn't stay here." She paused. "But the other reason is harder to explain. It just... felt right... I don't know... like somehow, being a Jedi was what I was made for... why I exist." She shrugged. "Does that make any sense?"




"Not if we don't let him."

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Cuth shrugged. "Not really. But I'm new at this whole force thing."


The man hesitated.


"Look, you've seen what we can do. We can protect you. Either that or you'll be in jail for the rest of your life."


"All right. I want guarantees of protection, immunity from the government......and enough credits to start over again."


"Done" Said Jack. During his long lifetime he had enough credits for cases like these.


"All right......it was Berg Soz."


Jack's eyes widened in shock. He sensed no deception from the man, but what he was saying was impossible.


Berg Soz was a legend. It had sprung up a century after the Sith Hunters did, about an uncatchable crime lord. But soon his reputation spread to other things, including politics. The legend had persisted, and every time a crime was left unsolved, or the government did something that raised eyebrows, he was said to be responsible.


"Are you sure?"


"I've....never seen him in person, but yes, I'm sure."

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Riebe did not seem to be terribly surprised. "Do you know why Soz wanted Tysyacha dead?"


She glanced at Jack and her look told him they'd be talking about Berg Soz later.




"You may be new," Alyssa said, "but with how quickly you're progressing, it should be a Sith Hunter that continues your training, if you decide to join the Jedi or not."

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"He doesn't want her dead." Said the man. "She's got charisma built into her. You know, because of who she is. That's why he wants her. I don't know what for, I swear."


Cuth nodded, silent. He was beginning to doubt wether he should stay there with the jedi, or go with the crew.

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