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Jedi Knights: Masters of the Force


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Strider lept forward and delivered a swift kick to Nihilus' chest, knocking him back, then ignited his lightsaber blade and drew his sword, putting Nihilus on the defensive by striking with quick blows from different directions with his two blades, not at all drawing on the Force to fight Nihilus.

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Nihilus's hunger was starting to show, he was loosing balance. But then he saw some of the men Plagueis had created and syphoned their life to power up his own. Nihilus was now fully recharged and more powerful, Juhn-Kai saw how Strider was attacking Nihilus, he had to calculate where he would hit Nihilus as to not hit Strider in the process. He then ran back and took Nihilus by the neck and then kicked him to the wall using his physical strength not powering his strikes with the force in anyway. Nihilus recovered and took out another saber, he was ready to engage Strider and Juhn-Kai as a pair now.

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Strider moved closer to Juhn-Kai, and muttered so only he could hear, "Let's attack as one, at the same time, but not necessarily in the same place, if you get my drift" he said, sheathing his sword and holding his lightsaber ready with both hands. He waited for Juhn-Kai to be ready, and dashed forward towards Nihilus, attacking swiftly with his lightsaber.

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Juhn-Kai moved at the same pace as Strider, continuously striking at Nihilus making it hard for him to concentrate on blocking either one of the Jedi. It was not long before Nihilus dropped his guard and lost both his hands to each Jedi. He was left there kneeling on the floor, looking at his hands but not saying anything or making no sound. He only stared.

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Strider looked at Nihilus. For a minute, a part of him wanted to give him the same pain that Nihilus had given him in their last encounter, however he knew better. He turned away, telling Juhn-Kai to finish him. Just as he did so, however, he felt memories resurfacing from his past. He clenched his fist, wanting to turn and kill Nihilus himself, but held his ground.


"Juhn-Kai, please...finish him. If I draw my blade to do it now it'll be against everything I stand for," he said, his voice weak.

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Strider nodded his head, releasing his fist when Nihilus was dead. "I'll be fine...he caused some painful memories to resurface, and I had to prevent myself from striking him down in anger. There are some parts of my past I wished to remain behind me, the last thing I needed is him bringing them to the front of my mind," he said.

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- "We all have memories we would like to keep buried, but we know evil will always try to resurface them to bring us close to the dark...I have my own memories to haunt me...but for now let's go and check on the others" - Juhn-Kai said.




Plagueis sensed Nihilus was dead and smiled.


- "Well it seems Juhn-Kai and Strider killed Nihilus, it was a good thing I did when I sent the others to feed Nihilus, just in case he couldn't get anything from the two, now the strength of the True sith will be increased...there will be no stopping what's to come...the only sacrifice needed is..." - Plagueis said and charged at Luke and Lyla.


Luke parried his strike leaving him open against Lyla, she kicked him in the chest and then thrust her saber through his chest.


- "M-Mine" - Plagueis said and smiling briefly he fell dead.


- "What did he mean by that?" - Lyla asked.


- "I don't know Lyla" - Luke said and Plagueis's body evaporated and a red light cmae from it's resting place and left the room.




Juhn-Kai and Strider saw how the body of Nihilus transformed as well into a red big light orb and fused with Plagueis' life force and sped out of the window into space.


- "I have a pretty good idea where that's going" - Juhn-Kai said looking at Strider.

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Strider looked at Juhn-Kai. "When in the Unknown Regions...I learned it was impossible to beat the True Sith head on...and they're too clever to be tricked by an ambush or a surprise attack...And if you or me fair off against more than three at most each, we'd probably lose...The only option we really have is to fight them together, I mean, after all, we're one of a kind, we can't take on an army..." he said, then froze.


He turned away, thinking for a minute, then whirled back around to face Juhn-Kai, "It'll take quite a bit of time, days at the least, maybe weeks if we're lucky, for a whole Sith fleet to get into position to attack us. You, Luke, Mara, and myself could teach the Jedi as much as we can in that time that would help them against the True Sith. Sure it's not possible to get them to be as strong as us, but to have a whole army that know certain techniques of ours that would come in handy to help them, I think we'd stand quite a potent chance. Chances are we'll engage in several space battles, and Luke and I can help around there as well. I can look into getting some old Jedi Interceptors manufactured and then modify them, after all they are quite more potent than some of the Alliance fighters, we could enlist the help of the Alliance's forces..." he paused, "I apologize, I'm rambling, but I think that's the only shot we've got. I can go into more detail if we can hold a quick council with Luke and the rest of the Jedi."

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Strider nodded, and drew his pistols, proceeding back the way they came. He fired upon any Sith that were in his path, taking them down easily with standard bullets.


((Cmon, how many Jedis do you know that are fast enough (save Strider and probably Juhn-Kai) who can swing a blade fast enough to block a barrage of bullets? lol))

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((Well none that I know of lol :D ))


Juhn-Kai followed closely, Strider seemed to handdle every sith on the way, until they had reached Skywalker and Lyla, Kyle and Mara joined them a moment later.


- "Strider, Juhn-Kai...good, now Sawyer and the twins are left...they'll join us soon" - Luke said.

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Strider grinned when he got there, holstering his pistols, and saw Luke. "Don't give me that look Skywalker, you used blasters yourself on occasion when you were a Jedi," he said jokingly, "Alright, well, while we wait, Skywalker, the True Sith are on their way, we don't have alot of time time to waste. I think we have a plan, I'll go into detail when we return to Yavin," he said in a much more serious tone.

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Sawyer was thrown against the wall for the fifth time. He grunted in pain, but didn't let go of his saber. He fell to the floor, and found himself unable to move. Contrary to his hopes, Sidious had been revived as he was in his prime. Sidious laughed and began stepping closer.


"Come on, boy. You're smarter than that. Accept your fate. You are meant to fall to the dark side. It is your fate."


Sawyer waited until Sirious was closer, then threw his saber at him with the force. Sirious ducked, the saber went over him, and cackled again.


"The hard way it is then?"


"What can I say? I've always been a stubborn guy."


Sidious raised his saber, cackled, and suddenly stopped. His eyes widened in surprise and he fell to the floor, dropping his own saber besides him. Sawyer was able to move almost immediately. He bent down, and removed his saber from Sidious' back. He looked down at Sidious and shook his head.


"He really shouldn't talk so much."


Slowly, he limped back to the others.

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After another few minutes, Gavin and Briana approached the others.


"Ragnos is dead," Gavin said.


"Again," Briana added. Gavin nodded.


"And we successfully took over his ship and gave it to the New Republic for examination," he went on. "100 soldiers that were on that ship are now New Republic prisoners as well. If any of them knows anything, the New Republic will find it."

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Luke sighed with relief to see all his students safe.


- "Very good, I must say you all handdled yourselves exceptionally well, but we must return to Yavin and discuss a plan to defeat the True Sith who come to threaten the Republic and us" - Luke said.


They all boarded their ships and went to Yavin were they gathered at the great room.


- "Skywalker, I must say that what Strider said is correct, they will take perhaps weeks to get here after they assemble their army, in the meantime I suggest we formulate a plan...these Sith are far more lethal and powerful than any force known to this galaxy... if we fail all will be lost" - Junh-Kai said.


- "Yes, well in this matter I must ask the opinion of all the participants of this conflict, Master Flamehart and Master Juhn-Kai have fought these True Sith in the past, is there anything you would like to share with us about them Strider" - Luke asked.

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"Master Skywalker?" Briana interrupted. "I think it might be a good idea to contact Riebe and Alyssa. A Sith Hunter and her former apprentice would be a great help to us in the conflict to come. And perhaps we can contact the other Sith Hunter, Jokemaster, as well."

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- "Yes, I had forgotten about them... this conflict has kept my mind busy all this time. It has left me no space for other things. Please Briana, contact Riebe, Alyssa and Jokemaster, and send word to Anakin, Jacen and Jaina. Ben and Jaden are on their way" - Luke said.

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((Um, I wrote this under the assumption that they had assembled all the other jedi as well. If not, then, um, well, my bad lol))


Strider nodded, "I have much to share," he said at first, then continued.


"First and foremost," he started, "they are exceedingly strong in the Force and their use with a lightsaber. Even I wouldn't be able to handle much more than somewhere three to five of them at a time, and even then, I'd emerge with some serious injuries. Likelihood is that a majority of you will face off against at least one, and at most two. I propose that training efforts in lightsaber combat be doubled, Juhn-Kai and I can teach them in proper technique to combat them. They're exceedingly powerful in force abilities, as I stated before. I suggest that students be trained in more advanced defensive techniques to avoid being choked, electrocuted, or drained of their energy. They also need to be taught the common techniques that us Masters have learned to use against such moves, such as catching the drainage or lightning rays in their lightsaber, or in their own hands and absorbing the energy or reflecting it upon their enemy," he explained.


He then proceeded with a second point, "From what I've learned, the True Sith are masters of torturing the mind, whether you are captive or in combat. You must learn to shield your mind from them, to impede them from being able to find a thought, memory, or fear to exploit and use against you. They're also particularly talented at provoking anger from their opponent, causing them to attack in anger and confusion. The True Sith can feed off of this exerted anger, similar to how Nihilus could feed off the Force. There's two ways to guard yourself. We can teach you to make a barrier around your mind using the Force, giving you a shield against their attempts to invade your mind. Then there's the second way, which is much more simple, and doesn't require you to draw on the Force to use it. The second way is to keep your mind occupied, think about something else, keep things on your mind. This doesn't exactly completely prevent them from getting in, but it does slow them down and catch them off guard when they read your mind and see you playing cards in your head or reciting hyperspace routes, or any other random thing you can think about. I'll warn you now, the three things you don't want to allow yourself to think about is, one: the opposite of what you want them to find out about you, two: do not make up an event you did in the day or think about an event you did, three: in fact, just don't think of anything personal, period, even if it is fake. They'll figure out how to use it against you," he instructed.


"That's about all I can offer off the top of my head this moment. If more comes back to me, I'll be sure to let you know," he finished.

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((Well I've been really busy, besides it is going too fast and I want it to end in a blast so I'm working on it, haven't forgotten about it :) ))


- "Strider, I have made preparations to make the training room suitable for your teachings, you will find everything you need there, also Leia has gathered all the students, it would be best if you tell them what you've told us" - Luke said.

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((Ah alright, just wondering))


Strider nodded, and proceeded to the training room, where the rest of the students were waiting. He repeated his earlier speech to them, making sure they understood just what they needed to know and making sure they had an idea how serious the situation was going to be.

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