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Campaign at Kamino


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Once I got to the objective to destroy the things inside the cloning facility, I spawned as boba fett and ran to the front door which was guarded by two auto-turrets and 1023034903494994594 jet troopers, so I turned and went to the side entrance where I fought Rail Arc Trooper after Rail Arc Trooper after Rail Arc Trooper and they kept re-spawning. Well after fighting 409895896895 of them I made it to the door which wouldn't even open! So any strategies for this level?

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You need to stop trying to fight off the bots and go for the objective. Use sprints, rolls, jetpacks, whatever. You have to get to the room and do serious damage. Use rockets, then detpacks, then blasters. Explosives work best, so TDs are good as well. Just blow the stuff up instead of your enemies.

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If you can fight off "409895896895" Rail Arc Troopers, why can't you beat "1023034903494994594 jet troopers"? I find those rail troopers to be much harder to destroy: they fire much faster.


Good point.


I finished the level as Boba Fett, I jetpacked up and landed on the Gunship and destroyed it while standing on it as it hovered around.

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If you can fight off "409895896895" Rail Arc Troopers, why can't you beat "1023034903494994594 jet troopers"? I find those rail troopers to be much harder to destroy: they fire much faster.


Cause I'm good :D


Anyways; Of the three entrances to the cloning facility. (left, center, and right) Which is best? Keep in mind rail arc troopers are on both side entrances and turrets in the center.

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I found Kamino as one of the easiest levels in the campaign. Though I did something stupid so I decide to restart the level. I jumped over the edgw with Boba Fett thinking that my Jetpack was useable, when it wasn't.


You can use the jetpack, just tap jump twice, its usually a little laggy though.

I found that out when I over shoot the rail with Boba! Not really a pleasent experiance....

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  • 1 year later...
You can use the jetpack, just tap jump twice, its usually a little laggy though.

I found that out when I over shoot the rail with Boba! Not really a pleasent experiance....




You cannot use your jet pack at all when you have a flag.



And of course he was exagerating, Even the FBI's computers would never be able to handle that much troopers.

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