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Gang Wars


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"Think about the reputation the Green Slickers had before you were knocked down," Meg told him. "You were the 'fair' guys. People in your territory respected you... there was no fear involved except in those who didn't know you... and they would've come around. True, you still initiate illegal activities, but you do it in an acceptable way."


She shrugged. "How do you know we won't burn you? Well, you don't, but we won't. It's more beneficial for us if you're on top. We'll help you get there and then we'll leave you alone for the most part."

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"As much as possible, we can give that to you," Meg told him. "Understand that there will be complaints against you from the general public. When that happens, we'll have to pretend to be big and angry... pretend to knock you down, but it's all for show. Remember that."

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John was meeting with the high ranking officers in his Gang.

"I say we take the Slickers down when we can." One member said.

"No we will not, infact we will plead for forgivness." everyone started yelling."QUIET! I cannot believe what the former Striker leader did, what a coward. But we need not discuss that now, we must discuss what to do with the destroyers."

"Take all our forces and take them down."

"Too many casualties." and there was a buzz of talking.

"SILENCE!" John yelled. "We are the strikers, not the destroyers, we go in do our damager and get out, they have all out warfare, come we must formulate a strike team and a plan." And the concocting started.

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Donnie got on the motorcycle and drove straight to his house. If they were tracking him from there he didn't want to compromise the hideout. Immediately he grabbed one of the many disposable cell phones he kept around and dialed a number.


"Palmer here." Said the voice on the other end.


"Mike, I need you to check out someone. Claims she's an FBI agent, her name's Megan Bryant, ID number 458273188912470, got that?" Donnie had an almost-photographic memory.


"Hold on a bit." A few seconds past. "Well, she's in the system, and she is an FBI agent....but everything else is classified up the wazoo. Does this have to do with your plans?"


"A little. Try to find out more will ya?"


"I'll try, but asking around is going to raise a few eyebrows. "


"I'll call you back tomorrow."


"All right."


They hung up. Donnie headed to the living room, and watched the news.


Mike Palmer hung up and frowned at his screen. The profile had only name, and Badge ID number, nothing else. He'd have to dig in deeper.


"PALMER!" yelled a voice behind him. He turned, surprised. "Polazky wants you in his office, now."


"Tell him I'm coming."


Mike Palmer closed the windows on his computer, and walked across the police station to his boss' office.

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Once at 'home', Meg went downstairs, found the trigger for the well-hidden door, and slipped through the underground tunnel behind it. The tunnel ended in a room with shower and a sink. Through another door, there was a small room and through yet another door was yet another tunnel. Meg approached the sink and turned the water on. When it was warm enough, she bent over and washed her hair, washing the brown coloring out of it, revealing light blonde hair.


When the washing was done, Meg went into the other room and removed the pair of colored contacts she'd been wearing. Her eyes were now a sort of blue-gray color. She changed out of the dark clothes into a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt and strapped a different gun to her belt. Once this was complete, she walked over to a mirror and looked into it.


"Hello, Teri Vincent," she murmured. "How've you been?"


With that, she turned from the mirror and moved into the second tunnel. This led her into a small room where six other women were playing poker.


"Hello, ladies," she said. They stood from their game and approached her.


"Good evening, Teri," one of them said. "You're ready for one of us to be Meg?"


"Who gets it now?" Teri asked with a grin. One of the women stepped forward.


"That would be me," she said, imitating perfectly the 'Meg' voice, as they called it. Teri nodded.


"Good," she said. "Get to it. Let me know if John calls and I'll come as soon as I can."


With that, the stand-in Meg retraced Teri's steps up into the house and Teri passed the room where the 'Megs' had been playing their game. She quickly located the door that led her to a staircase, which brought her up inside the basement of the nearest police station. She rode the elevator up one level and stepped out.


On her way out of the police station, she passed Mike Palmer, who was on his way to his boss' office. She paid him no attention as she ran a hand through her short blonde hair and reached into her pocket to double-check the presence of the 'Teri Vincent' ID.


Then, she left the police station, got in a little car, and drove to report of Meg's success with both John and Donnie.

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"Palmer!" Growled Captain Craig Logan from behind his desk. "I'm sure you've heard about the limo bomings."


"Yes, sir."


"I want you to look into it. The Slickers haven't shown up anywhere else and everything about it smells. Besides, we've got enough **** going on with the Destroyers, the Strikers and these Russians, we don't need anymore gangs on our hands."



Mike paused. "What if the FBI gets involved?"


Logan looked at Palmer. "**** them. This is our case."

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An hour later, Teri returned sporting firey red hair to her shoulders and green eyes. She was dressed in a state police uniform and had a badge identifying her as Lt. Lisa Green. As Green, she approached Capt. Logan with a smile.


"Good evening, Captain," she said pleasantly. "Sorry to bother you, but Captain Dunn wants to know what you've heard about the attack on the Destroyers earlier today."

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'Green' laughed. "Think I could get a transfer here?" she asked. "Dunn's old and boring unless he's screaming at you. You seem like you'd be a more interesting boss."


Then, she shrugged. "I'll tell him what you said, but he'll scream at me and then come to scream at you. Be ready."

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Half an hour later, a rather plump man with thinning gray hair stormed into Logan's office. His face was red before he even had the chance to say anything.


"Gimme info, Logan!" he snapped. "I don't care about jurisdiction... this is my state as much as it is yours and I want that INFO!"

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