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New Editor... Maybe

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Well, after reading the news on the mdlops patch... I'm almost ashamed

to post this.

Been working on a editor (glorified notepad) for scripting kotor and

eventually kotor II.

I've tried my hand at modelling and scripting. And there are just so many

custom hilts out there (great ones too) that it's hard to be original. And

ideas for scripts, well.... nothing is coming to mind for me right now

so I decided to do this. My contribution (I hope)







The text highlights as you go, and higlights when you open a .nss file.

I've added as much info as I could to change the color of as many

function, object and items.. but not finished yet.

It's pretty simple, my first attempt at C#. I mostly do php/vb

I plan to add the compile/decompile options, and some custom user settings

by the end of this week.

If scripters out there would find this usefull, or would like to try it out...

is it crap... isn't crap.. let me know I'll put it up on pcgm for download.

I really don't want to continue with some support.. LOL

Knowing me, I'll finish it anyway...

The help menu opens up NWNLexiconmNovember2004...

Don't know if I need permission, if I do tell me. I don't want to p#$% anybody


I would also like to add "ready made scripts" to use as examples etc.

The scripts on the sticky would be nice, need permission for those too..

So I'm asking. :D


Thank, hope for some comments.

**readme file contain more detailed information**



EDIT: Dec.3rd.2005

Well, I've been trying to make this as complete as possible. Since I'm not

really a Kotor scripter, that will be nearly impossible. So I'm trying to add

features to this application to help others. So now, when a function is typed,

and it's in the list of highlights (which is growing btw), it will retreive informaiton

from the nwnlexicon website and display the info. Internet connection needed.

There's also a field to send search the web site directly, or there's always the

help section that will display the lexicon... :)

The custom list has changed, and in my opinion better.


EDIT: Dec.2nd.2005

Added some tooltips for certain functions, like in this example: CreateObject.

It's still needs some work, so I'll post the update later in the week.



EDIT Dec.1st.2005:

Sorted out some items by categories, armor,weapon...

Also added a custom item list, kind of a frequently used items.

And should also compile for kotor1&2.. keyword being should. :)

Added characters to the keywords highlighting list.

As always, check out the readme for more details.



EDIT Nov.26.2005:

If you download this, please be kind and send me some feedback.

It's the only way to make it better... Thx

Fixed a few bugs, added some colors and more keywords, read the

readme file for more info.

download here:


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If you haven't gotten ahold of the source for nwnnsscomp from Torlack's site yet I would highly recomend it. I've been working on the same thing in my freetime and have already released a beta in the tools section. My big factor is integrating torlacks nwnnsscomp and making the proper changes for Kotor 1 & 2 right now. I've also got source for DeNCS for converting to C++ so that I can have a working decompile feature. Hopefully some of this will be of help. Maybe we can team up some as one of the features I have been working on is a Virtual Machine to test run the NCS scripts on after compiling. I could just polish that off and you could integrate it if you want.

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nwnnsscomp source code... was wondering where to get that... thanks.

For the decompiling part, I wasn't planning on doing it anytime soon, after breif reflexion but....

Sure maybe we can team up... see what we can do, no problem. Got to warn you tho.

Besides last nite, I haven't written a line of code in a while. For the most part of this past year I've been doing php at work. So I kinda lost many of the good programming practices and theorie etc.

BTW, what language du you code in ?



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C++ is my current language that I've been cramming into my head since May again. I'm using the VC++.NET compiler however I recently got ahold of DEV C++ and have found that to be a good compiler as well. Untill May my programming skills have become so inert over the last 10 years that it makes me cry when I see how much I've forgotten. I've been pushing my mental limits beyond breaking too develop a full fledged 3D Game Engine that uses it's own scripting language with a lot of thanks to the book listed in my Sig. I've been thinking of picking up C# so I can further broaden my knowledge base.


Back to subject though I was going to be revamping the sourcecode to use the Allegro Game Library for my NSSEditor that way Mac & Linux users would simply need to recompile it to use on there machines that way it is not dependant upon .NET or windows.

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Something tells me your programming knowledge surpasses mine. LOL

If I stop coding for more then 2 weeks, I can't remember jacks#$% ...


I forget even the simplest of things.. create odjects, classes... etc. even whole

languages... :(


As for making an editor that can work on most OS, why not make it in JAVA?

That should (in theorie) work on linux,mac and windows.. not sure for the windows part

tho... ROFL

This may sound strange but.. what is this Allegro Game Library?




Going to install Visual Studio 2005 and watch my laptop crash...

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Allegro is an open source Game Library, One of it's many uses is as a wrapper library for game programming so that you can write a program on any platform and have it recompiled on any other platform without having to change the program to handle the different OS. I know for certain it is written in C/C++ but it may also have versions for BASIC & C#(I'm unsure of this). I avoid JAVA like the plague for any true programming as it is too memory intensive on a Windows platform. That and C/C++ are low level languages which are tried and true on all platforms.


My knowledge has been hard learned over the last 6 months through self training. However I'm realizing that this discussion really should be in the tools thread.


Maybe if a nice Moderator could move this thread there we can be Good Modders. :Ddone -stingerhs

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Your editor looks like it is coming along nicely!


Not to hijack your thread, but here's a link to screen-captured movie (with player) showing off some of the new features of Kotor Tool's Text editor, which now has added support for script editing:




The Text editor now has:


  • A list of functions available in NWScript file specific to each game with function name filtering
  • Click to show function definition
  • Double-click to paste function name
  • A context menu to show definition for a selected NWScript-defined function.
  • Compilation of scripts with error reporting


I am also looking into producing an editor based on the SharpDevelop core, which has >95% of the code already written for nice text editing. I was able to get NSS syntax highlighting working in it in about 15 minutes.

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thx for the comments everyone....


Not to hijack your thread, but

Well you DID! ROFL ;)

You didn't hijack anything dude... :)

(nice work btw on everything you've done for the modding community)


I was allready aware (well, not really, but this is the internet, what are the odds that something does not allready exists...right?) that something probably allready existed with the neverwinter nights/kotor syntax highlighting and other functions.

My next goal was (is) to get popus giving function explinations, the same way that visual studio,zend studios,macromedia.... does, as you type. I don't know how difficult this will be, since I've never done this before, but it's a challenge.


Anyway, I'm really happy to get feedback.

That's probably the only reason why I'll continue on working on this project.

That, and the fact that Darkkender and I may join forces ( LOL, I like saying that.. LOL ) and do something about this...


Looks like a cool program, should help out those who aren't very good at scripting. (Like.... Me.)

hehehe, and me... scripting help is always welcome...


Stuff like that is always good to hear.

I'll keep working on this as long as I can. It's a nice little project, and if it can

help someone... well it's worth it in my book.

Well, if anyone can give me ideas of add-ons to this little app. Please feel

free to do so. That's why I'm doing this.


Again, thank you



'You saw a creature? What kind of creature? The kind we eat? Or the kind that eats us?'



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I guess I'm done with this little project. Kinda happy with

how it turned out. Didn't get to do everything I intended, but nobody is perfect.

Either I could'n do it, or sometimes adding a feature would've meant

removing another... Have to admit I programmed myself into a corner.

Didn't expect to go so far with this, so I hasn't planning the structure as

well as I should've.

But the main goal was to have fun, and perhaps come up with something

that I would use.

Anyway, I'll keep working on it, fixing stuff, adding stuff making it better,

in my spare time "we have the technology...", (6 million dollar man)

and maybe,just maybe,someday when may baby grows

up, he'll be in the list of Kotor Scripting tools. ;)


Thank you for all the help (direct or otherwise)



The play's the thing

"The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King."

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hello all, been out of the loop for a while... lot's of work.

I remember from the forum rules that I'm not suppose to post "Hello I'm back!" messages, but I am since I also have a question.

Figured I'd start working on the application it again, but wanted some feedback from people so as to make it better. Ideas on usefull features and stuff like that.

I'm planning on making the function list easier to use, a kind a auto-complete/search option, and maybe more colours [yes colours, not colors...from Canada :) ] for different keywords. Since I'm not much of a KOTOR scripter, it be fun to get suggestions from people that script a lot so I can work on add-ons.

Since it's been almost a year since I first wrote this, and my C# abilities have greatly improved since then [this app was my first try at this language], I'll probably re-do most of the code.


Anyway, gimme a shout!



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Well for some suggestions there had been a resource posted a long time back of a color coded nwnscript.nss file. This was done in an HTML format. Now what would be nice is a inclusion of something to the same nature in a help menu. One nwnscript.nss for K1 and another for K2. If you are using the same external link text file for the color coding I can lend you a hand by looking over it before you release the updated version and see if you missed any functions for color coding.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...
download here


Figured I'd update a download link... LOL

Just remembered after all this time, this thing was still available LOL


I suggest you put that link in the 1st post by editing it and replace the old one.


I'm saying this, 'cause I had entered this thread before, pressed the pcgamemods link, saw it was no good, and gave up. And suddenly, I find this link. So I suggest the above to avoid that...


Anyway, it's a great tool, which I have already downloaded. Good work.

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I suggest you put that link in the 1st post by editing it and replace the old one.


I'm saying this, 'cause I had entered this thread before, pressed the pcgamemods link, saw it was no good, and gave up. And suddenly, I find this link. So I suggest the above to avoid that...


Anyway, it's a great tool, which I have already downloaded. Good work.



Wow it's been awhile.. but yeah fixed the link at the top.

Thanks for the nice comment :)

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