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Clone Wars Model Pack released!


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Psyko, You have answered my dreams! These are incredible. It appears that we have brought some life back into JKA. Between my clone pack and your anime sets, these are truly good times,eh? I hope everyone sees this for what it is. A fresh start in the game. Marzout

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I actually started reskinning the ARC Trooper, it's aim is to be realistic non cartoony, but still use your cartoon model. Great work, tis a shame to see you leave the community from what I hear :(


Why in hell would you reskin it to be realistic when its not modeled for that purpose? I think marz and his team got the Clone army covered with their model pack ;).


Thanks for the comments everyone, great screens buffy!

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Are those models? It's amazing, but what the hell.


[Edit: It looks as though lighting doesn't effect them?]


The light does affect them a bit, but the shadows are coming from the .tga (with shades of grey). Its some kind of cartoon shader that's been used in some custom quake 3 models, perfect for the style.


Thanks marz!, i'm glad you are enjoying them! :D

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