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Alpha Squad formed up in hostile defensive formation. They walked through the dark passageway. It was damp and there was some sort of liquid dripping down the walls. Niner couldn't tell exactly what it was, for his visor was in low-light mode.


They continued to walk. There were no hostiles, but there were many potential ambush areas. For this reason, Alpha Squad stayed in formation. They had walked about five klicks now. There was light at the end of the passageway.


Then something blocked the light. Then it was gone. Alpha Squad broke and pressed themselves to the wall. They snapped on thier sniper attatchments and zoomed in on the end of the passageway. Niner could see macinery.


Then the light was blocked again. This time, Niner had a clear view of an Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid, looking down the tunnel. "This had better be the facility," Niner commented.

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((niner, did you get the message from Scur?))


Suddenly as he sent the message the building the alpha squad entered started sinking.

"Niner. Come in. Do you read me? The building is sinking. Is this of your doing?" Scur yelled into the comlink to Niner the leader of Alpha squad.

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Niner and his Squad were casually discussing what the optimal approach to taking out the ADSD over their short range comlink, when an ugent message came over thier long range comlink. It was mostly static, but Niner could tell something was wrong. Who ever sent it needed to tell them something.


Suddenly, a blast form the spider droid's main cannon hit the ground about ten feet away from them. "The frequency must have alerted the droid," Niner thought. He'd have to deal with that momentarily. He had to find out what that message was about.


Niner played it over. Something about a clone not being a clone. He turned and faced the darkness behind him...

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(Viper used to be a volunteer and fought with the republic but then he changed sides, so no he's not apart of them. And his armour resembles Jango Fetts)


Viper felt the building move and saw someone free fall.

"Mad" he muttered

He stayed close to the ground as the building sunk. When he was sure Alpha sqaud had made a move he followed. He entered the tunnels leading to the facility. He started walking casually. He had no need to cautious until he got within firing range of Alpha squadron. He continued. He could hear the sounds of droids. He sank into the shadows and watched as a spider droid moved towards Alpha squad....

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Icik was sweating. He turned off his music, knowing this wasn't a game of pick-off-the-dummie. He followed someone in mandalorian style armour out of sensor range. He loaded an extra power pack into his DC-17 and set his scope on the back of the figure, theirs nothing wrong with being cautious.

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Niner was as quiet as he could be. He stared into the darkness and saw a lump on the wall. It was barely visible through his night vision visor. He pulled up his rifle and peered down the scope. He still couldn't tell what it was.


Niner snapped a silencer on his DC-17 and squeezed the trigger. He would soon find out what the lump was, for the bolt was headed straight for it...

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Viper ducked as a shot was about to hit right where his head was a few seconds ago. He rolled over and saw a figure behind him. He was trapped. He didn't know who the person behind him was so he took out his pistol and shot at Alpha squadron. He Pulled out his other one and kept it by his side just incase the person behind him was a enemy...

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