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The True Sith!?!


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Darth Secretus is secreting crap on this site, I think. :) Who ever came up with that list of Sith Lords? As for Darth Xio Jade: Listen to this. It is so stupid it is almost comical. Anakin didn't want to save Padme, he wanted Xio Jade instead of Padme!


Xio Jade introduces herself to Anakin and uses a powerful, irresistible dark side mind trick to seduce Anakin. It doesn't hurt that Xio is also one of the most beautiful women in the galaxy. She records their affair on a Sith holocron and sends the holocron to Palpatine.


Palpatine then orders the Jedi Council to send Obi-Wan Kenobi to deliver the holocron to Padme. Padme is devastated after seeing Anakin with Xio Jade.


This is just plain sad. Now check out the powerful Jedi list:

1. Luke Skywalker

2. Yoda

3. Aenon Jurtis (Ancient Jedi Master)

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi

5. Kaja Sinis (The Very First Jedi and Founder of the Jedi Order)

6. Mace Windu

7. Ben Skywalker (Son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade)

8. Plo Koon

9. Anakin Skywalker

10. Ce Ce Denowai (Most Powerful Female Jedi of All Time)

11. Kyle Katarn

12. Ki Adi Mundi

13. Princess Leia Organa Solo

14. Mara Jade Skywalker

15. Kit Fisto

16. Qui-Gon Jinn

17. Shintor Beerus (Ancient Jedi Master)

18. Yendar Platis (Ancient six-armed Jedi Master)

19. Bontu Sitmus (Whill Jedi Master Who Taught Yoda)

20. Anakin Solo (Son of Han Solo and Princess Leia)


Interesting. It also looks like we have a "Most powerful female" Jedi this time, too. And take a look at her Battle Gown. What would she do, dance people to death? :xp:

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When I play through KotOR II, I never see the dialogue that mentions 'True Sith'. If there is anything mentioned, there were conversations about the 'Original Sith'. Now, 'Original' Sith is different from 'True' Sith.


'Original Sith' means that they were the earliest version of the Sith. Not another species all together.


'True Sith' means that the current Sith are not pure Sith.


Please let me know where in the game, the exact dialogue, where the NPC and PC talk about 'True Sith'... Maybe I missed something...

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I really wouldn't bother I expect the True Sith will get nuked by Lucas before K3 goes foward. Why?


It contradicts everything that came before, thats why. We saw the "True" Sith in Tales in the early Nineties. They were exiled Jedi who went to the Sith Homeworld where they interbred and became dark side Force users. Revan and Malak weren't "True" Sith because there wasn't really a direct conection between them and the last Sith, but they follow the Sith ideal. It says all this in the K1 splash screens. The idea that the "Sith" Empire is still out there is just dros, the whole thing got done a thousand years ago and the Republic absorbed the Empire after it was defeated.


Now granted there may well be a more powerful group of Dark Siders but they won't be Sith, they'll be something else.

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I think that part is right. The 'True Sith Fled to the unknown regions.

The First Great Schism, which occurred around 24,500 BBY was the name given to the original break between dark side and light side Force traditions. Xendor, who some call the first Dark Jedi, began to argue that the Jedi's focus on unemotional meditation was concealing the "true power" of the Force from them.

Xendor was i guess pissed off and went to war with the jedi. He lossed and him and his followers went to korribon. Many more schisms followed in the ensuing centuries, but none would have the consequences of the Hundred-Year Darkness in 7,000 BBY, where the Dark Jedi, once again defeated, were banished from known space. They arrived on Korriban, the home of the Sith people, a primitive but Force-sensitive species. The Dark Jedi impressed the Sith with displays of Force power, and became the rulers of the planet. Over time, the Dark Jedi intermarried with the Sith, and the two identities merged. The term ‘Sith’ would later come to refer to the Dark Jedi who followed the codes of these ancient Jedi, although Dark Jedi individuals and organizations outside the Sith tradition continued to exist. And then the hyperspace wars began, then the Great Sith War, The War of the Star Forge,

and then The New Sith Wars, and last of all the over most populer, Revenge of the sith. I'm an sorta star war historian :ears1:

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I think that we are taking Kriea's words to literally. Maybe the "True Sith" are not a physical organization at all. Maybe when she said that Revan went to fight the true sith she meant the Darkness inside himself. Maybe the "True Sith" is what Revan could have become if he had not fallen to Malak, and he went to attempt to destroy the Darkness inside him. That might explain why he couldn't take Bastila and the others with him, why he had to do it alone.

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Revan and Malak weren't "True" Sith because there wasn't really a direct conection between them and the last Sith, but they follow the Sith ideal. It says all this in the K1 splash screens. The idea that the "Sith" Empire is still out there is just dros, the whole thing got done a thousand years ago and the Republic absorbed the Empire after it was defeated.


Now granted there may well be a more powerful group of Dark Siders but they won't be Sith, they'll be something else.


K2 takes all this into account.


In KotOR 1, Canderous says "the sith came to us with an offer" when he discusses why the Mandalorians invaded the republic. This isn't Malak or Revan or Traya.


It's entirely possible that "true sith" are still hanging around the outskirts of the galaxy. We can't know exactly what OE meant: we have to wait for K3. Nitpicking isn't going to do any good, save make people enjoy the game less, and make it less likely that fans will endorse a final game.

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You could look at it both ways. For one, you could say that multiple sources, including one loading screen on K1, say that the True Sith are dead, and "Sith" is just the name of followers of a belief. As for Kreia, you could also say that "True Sith" doesn't necessarily mean the original Sith Empire, and it could be talking just about Sith who are out there in the Unknown Regions manipulating things.


On the other hand, things seem to be hinting that way, that there is a Sith Empire hiding out there Revan and the Exile went looking for. Traya could have actually meant "The True Sith" as a species, too.


But, we will have to wait for K3 really to find out what the devs are going to do with the storyline.

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No they're guys with red faces and these tiny little tentacle things on their chin, I've seen them. I don't recall "The Sith Came to us with an offer." Can you give me the whole quote?


"The Sith came to us with an offer: to fight a worthy enemy in a battle that would be remembered forever." - Taken from Canderous' dialogue file from K1 k_hcan_dialog.dlg.


You have to ask him about the war the first time, and ask "Is that why the Mandalorians attacked the Republic?" the Sith line is the next one he says, and this is the only way to hear this line, a well concealed story point IMHO. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

ANGER! how the hack maul became stronger than revan? WTF! Someone is going to get hurt here Luke stronger than yoda? Oh come on. Ok vader.. I may compare his powers to the rage of the true sith lord (revan, Jeremia Skywalker call him what u want (i am sure that he was a great-great-great uncle of anakin). :lol:

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Just ignore him mate, he's not worth worrying about, he's also still asking his parents for permission to buy BFII.


Back on topic. As I believe I've said before LA hasn't released a game on the original release or after since B-Wing, the X-Wing add on. JO, JA and XWA are the classicly rushed games with XWA being crippled almost as bad as TSL, althouth TG managed to plug most of the gaps so you don't see it unless you dig around in the guts of the game. Obsideon were clearly far too weak to resist the mighty LA. KOTOR got an extension and the XBox release is still a little rough around the edges. At any rate don't blame the dev, its company policy.


BattleDog, flaming will not be tolerated, even if you are talking about who I think you are (SuperShadow). ;) Thanks. -RH


[Edit] Duly noted, FYI *snip* Sorry, flaming is flaming. -RH

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yeah, i'm interested in the First, you know, but, this is the internet; lets be logical. who was the first Jedi and the first Sith?


can you feel it? does it consume you? have you ever tasted this power? its moving: find the way towards the Truth and you find liberation from living a lie...



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