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"Demolition Award under 2 Hours"


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YES, you read it right... A simplified version is in my Enhanced Award thingy. But I think this deserves a separate thread, since Demolition Award is a PitA.




1) ALWAYS turn FF OFF, turn it OFF. Yes, Friendly Fire = OFF. Shooting your guys kinda reduce chance of award.


Reguarding Demolition Awards.


1) Play Elite. Playing normal will ruin your chances, as the computer try to "aid" your aim, displacing your rockets from the sweet spot.

2) DO NOT LOCK ON YOUR TARGET. Reason same as above, its seems your aim will go off cause of it.

3) It helps if you can shoot at the sweet spot POINT BLANK.


OK Here it goes:



CIS (alternate to clones once in a while):


Re Count can be anything, seems to work better on a big number.

Demolition. Walk up to the AT-TE and goes BooM. The sweet spot is this round tube thingy under the chin going under the belly, you can walk up POINT BLANK to do it, use pistols to test the spot if you can't find it. You can chill out for around 40 seconds to chill out your awards, then suicide and respawn. With no random AIs stand in your way you can up Demolition really quick. Oh, once in a while(like once every 3 AE-TE kills or so) you might have to switch to clones to balance the CP up once in a while, on your way(if you like) get another demolition on the Spider Droids. Shoot the Cylinders joining the body to the legs.


I found this out myself after filling mine up to the 50s dancing on Polis Messa, this one is waaaaaay easier.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I understood everything else. What does that mean?????






Oh, well I was doing this little dance playing as CIS in PM...


You stand right next to the vehicle spawn outside the forcefield, wait til a clone comes up with the AAT, slide to launch a point blank crit missile, wait til tank got blown up by a mine, and pick up the supplies!!!


But its not as effective as the ATTE ganking. So ignore it and go Geonosis!!!

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