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[Fic] The crystal of life.

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Chapter VIII



5 months passed by as quickly as a swoop bike on Taris. Jor-el and Linduu had trained hard and vigorously with open minds and willing hearts. The wisdom they gained was invaluable. The power they gained was nearly unstoppable. And the bond they forged was untouchable. Quite fond of each other they had grown, much closer than either of them had thought possible. Through all the joking, training, and mutual goals they found that they had very much in common. In fact, Jor-el was beginning to think that he was falling in love with her. He struggled with the fact that the Jedi code forbade any such attachments. But more often than not he just kept telling himself that he was the last Jedi, that there was no more council to tell him what to, and what not to do. Much to his surprise Linduu had often shown signs of feeling the same way throughout the 5 month period. What road this would lead them down, and to what end it would bring them, Jor-el did not know. All he knew was that he felt more than ready for the task that lay before them. Linduu had proven to be a quick study of the force, but perhaps that was because the force itself was teaching her. The art of the lightsaber she picked up very easily as well, in fact she more than rivaled Jor-el’s skill level with the powerful tool.


“The time of your training nears an end. Soon you must depart and confront your fears, your enemies.”


“And it’s a good thing too. We are almost out of food. If it wasn’t for the fact that you had helped to sustain us so that we didn’t have to eat as much, then we would have run out 2 months ago.” Jor-el stated.


“Yeah, I have to admit though, I can’t wait to get to a cantina and indulge myself to a full meal.” Linduu replied.


“Yeah you could use it.”


“Hey what are you trying to say?”


“Just that you have been pretty cranky lately” Jor-el said with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.


“Very funny, I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe.” Linduu quipped sarcastically.


“Then the time has come. One more duel with your lightsabers, and one more demonstration of a new power of your choosing. After that your training will be complete.”


Before Jor-el had gone into hiding and began his endless drifting from planet to planet, he had stocked up on all the necessary parts needed for constructing a lightsaber. He had quite the surplus. He never wanted to be caught without a part, in the event that something on his own saber broke. He had carefully taught Linduu how to construct her own. He told her that it had to match her personality. It had to reflect her perfectly. With that advice Linduu chose a pink focusing crystal from the cave. She constructed a double-bladed saber, that when ignited, reminded you of the sunsets on Tatooine. The inner part of the blade was pink, and the outer part seemed to glow with a golden lining. Jor-el also had decided that his saber no longer reflected his own personality. So he chose a silver crystal from the cave. Once the change was completed he ignited it, and what followed was a blade of radiant light. It was so beautiful and so powerful in nature, it shimmered like the waters of Naboo, and radiated like the moon of Kashyyyk.


“Are you ready to begin your duel?”


“Yes we are”


Linduu glanced over at Jor-el. “Yes he is ready to get his butt kicked again.”


“Very well then begin.”


With that Jor-el ignited his lightsaber, his style being more of a defensive approach, he waited for Linduu to make the first move. She activated one end of her saber and force jumped straight at Jor-el. He easily knocked her attempt to the side and countered with a lunge of his own. Linduu blocked his attempt and they would continue to duel for 20 minutes straight. Jor-el was beginning to show signs that he was out of breath, and with that Linduu used the force to jump onto a ledge above him.


“What are you doing up there my friend?”


“Are you ready to lose now?” Linduu asked.


“Come on now, you can’t be serious can you?”


With that she ignited the 2nd blade on her weapon.


“Alright I guess maybe you are that serious.”


Linduu leaped off of the ledge with one end of her saberstaff pointed down at Jor-el’s head. He blocked it only to have the other end of her weapon come flying at him with even more speed. Sidestepping the attack he slashed for her throat, she ducked it and began a flurry of attacks. Spinning her blades in a vertical circular motion, it looked like a giant wheel of laser fire was coming straight at Jor-el. He chose his moment carefully, “wait, wait, now!” he thrust his blade into her frenzied attack and stopped the spinning blades. They stepped apart, then back towards one another again. Their blades met high above their heads, then again at their knees. Linduu decided it was time to use one of her new force techniques, she deactivated her saber, and with that she cloaked herself using the Midichlorians. Jor-el no longer able to see her focused his thoughts and stretched out with his feelings. Moment after moment passed, and she still had not made her move. Suddenly Jor-el sensed her right behind him and with blinding speed used the force to jump up and back flip behind where he sensed her. He lunged forward with his blade and then brought it back towards himself, stopping it exactly 13 inches in front of his own chest. Linduu made her self visible again, Jor-el’s blade was resting right up against her throat, only centimeters away from touching it.


“You still have a little more to learn my friend”


“Alright, alright, I surrender. You win…… this time.” Linduu said as she hung her head in defeat.


“Very well done, you both displayed amazing technique and stamina. Now, are you ready to exercise some of your new powers?”


“She already used one of her new ones.”


“What are you talking about cutie? I have always known how to do that.” She said with a wink.


“You will choose one power to exercise Jor-el, and Linduu shall pick another one, a different one. Now, shall we begin?”


“Yes, I will go first.” Jor-el stated with confidence.


“Which one are you going to use?” Linduu asked.


“You are about to find out.” Jor-el said laughing.


“No, no, no! Not that one please!”


With that Jor-el stretched out his thoughts, and entered her mind. The Midichlorians had taught him how to control the actions of others through his mind, and what followed was complete hysteria.


He forced her to run into a rock and in the process knock her backwards and into a sitting position on the ground. Then he moved her hand down to the dirt, swiping her fingers along the ground. The hand came up to her upper lip and she began rubbing her fingers across it forming a dirt mustache. Then he forced her to stick her hand inside of her mouth. Jor-el released her, he began to laugh so hard his side started to hurt. He grabbed it and sat down on the ground to catch his breath. Linduu regained her consciousness and immediately began choking on her own hand. She pulled it out,


“That’s just not funny!! Why am I sitting on the ground? What else did you do to me? I hate you!”


“Ah come on now, you don’t really hate me do you?” Jor-el asked with a smirk on his face.


“No I don’t, but at the moment I am not very happy with you.”


“It is your turn now Linduu, what is your choice?” The Midichlorians asked.


“I am going to sense the future. But not just the near future, I am going to look far, far ahead.”


The crystals glowed. “Very well then, begin.”


Linduu stayed in her sitting position, and began to calm her mind. She did as the Midichlorians had taught her and soon began to see something.


“What is it you see?” The crystals asked.


“I see a Jedi knight. He is in a fierce battle with a droid. Oh my! The droid is wielding 4 lightsabers. He is flailing carelessly at the Jedi! The Jedi just cut off one of the droid’s hands! Jor-el the Jedi, he looks like, he looks a lot like you!”


With that she ended her meditation.


“Like me? What do you mean? Midichlorians what do you know of this?” Jor-el asked.


“It is true. He looked like you, because he was your descendant. Know this Jor-el Kenobi that in a time of great evil, and great need, a Jedi knight shall arise and be the last beacon of a dying hope. He shall bear the name of Kenobi, he will be of your bloodline, and will be the last one to bear your name as well.”


“Wait, that means I am going to have children?”


“If you follow you heart, and not your mind, and are able to defeat the Sith, then this vision shall come to pass.”


With that Jor-el was overcome by emotion, he now knew it was love he was feeling for Linduu. And he now knew that good would come of him following his heart, and not the Jedi code. He looked up and locked his eyes into a gaze with hers, she returned the gaze and her eyes were shouting love, joy, passion, yet uncertainty. The emotions that began to flood over Jor-el were uncontrollable, he felt like the engine of a swoop bike was buzzing around in his stomach. And for the first time since his master had died, he felt like he wasn't alone.

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Chapter IX

Part I


Jor-el and Linduu gazed into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. And they probably would have done so if the Midichlorians hadn’t interrupted.


“Ah, such a beautiful thing it is when two beings fall in love.”


“What? Oh no you must be mistaken Linduu and I were simply umm…. We were umm….. paying each other respect for completing the training, right Lin?”


Linduu did not reply, she simply looked down at her feet, trying to cover up the emotion she had just so freely displayed.


“Love is not something to run from young one, or to be taken lightly. Love has conquered many things throughout the ages of time once thought impossible to overcome. Do not let love bring you down. Rather, use it to lift you up. Love will be a light in the darkest of places, and a comfort in the hardest of times. Never fear to lose it, but rather, enjoy it while it is with you.” The Midichlorians had spoken wisely, and their words cut to the heart of both the Jedi.


With tears welling up in her eyes, Linduu bowed in respect before the Crystal. “Thank you for all your training, I promise it will be put to good use.” And with that she turned and ran out of the cave.


“It’s a good thing I taught her how to use the force to light her path in the darkness. Do you think that I upset her? Did I say something wrong?” Jor-el asked. His voice a little shaky.


“Did you not just deny the emotion that both of you were feeling for each other?”


“Yes, I suppose I did, but that’s not what I meant to do. What do you think I should do now?”


“It is hard to tell young one, the female gender of your species is quite unpredictable. Perhaps you should tell her the truth about how you feel.”


“Yeah I guess so it’s just that I don’t know how to approach her about it.”


“We are confident that you will find the right words, and the right time. Now, your training is completed, are you ready to depart? Are you ready for what the future is about to bring to you?”


“I’m as ready as I ever will be. Thank you for everything my masters, if we should prove victorious then I would like to return here and talk with you again.”


“We would like that very much Jor-el Kenobi. Now, be on your way. And what is it you say? Ah yes, may the force be with you.”


“And may the force be with y……..” Jor-el stopped to think about what he was saying, was he really going to tell the force to be with itself? “And may you be successful in all that you do. Goodbye my masters”


Jor-el left the cave and began his walk back to the ship, he struggle with what he would say to Linduu.


“Hey there Lin, I just wanted you to know that I find you perfectly satisfying. No you idiot! You can’t say that to her. Hmm…. Linduu I just want you to know that you mean so much to me that I would eat a raw gizka just to have you by my side. No, no I can’t say that either. Well I guess I am just going to have to wing it.”


Jor-el entered the ship and closed the loading ramp behind him. He just stood there by the loading bay, not knowing what to do next. Feelings of nervousness, heaviness, uncertainty and sensations he had never experience before began to flow through him.


“Beep beep boop”


“Yes T-4 we will be leaving soon. Go ahead and run a takeoff diagnostic on the ship, I’ll let you know when to fire up the engines.”


“Beep twoo”


Jor-el made his way to Linduu’s compartment, and standing just outside the door, he heard her crying. He looked around the corner and there she was lying on her bed, sobbing into her pillow and muttering something under her breath. Seeing her cry like this tore Jor-el apart, but he didn’t know what to say or do.


“I know your there, I can sense your presence, are you going to say something or just stand there?”


“Lin, why are you crying? Is it my fault? Was it what I said back in the cave?”


“You just don’t understand do you? Why do you think I am crying?” Linduu sobbed, she stopped to catch her breath and continued. “All these months, all the time we have spent together. Surely you must know how much I admire you? Surely you must have felt like we were growing closer together each day. Then again perhaps I was just being a silly little girl, with hopes and dreams not meant to be.”


“No, maybe you’re right, maybe I don’t understand” With that Jor-el entered her room, he knelt down by her bed, and grabbing her hand he said, “But there is one thing I do know. I know that when you enter into a room the whole world seems to light up. I know that when I look at you, I feel things that I have never felt before, things so wonderful, I never could have imagined they existed. When we talk I can’t help but get caught up into the warmth that the sound of your voice brings to my heart. I know that when I look into your eyes, your beautiful blue eyes, I feel like I am walking on the calm waters of Mannan in the midst of a moonlit night." Jor-el began to cry as well. "And right now, now that I am holding your hand I know that I never want to be alone again, that I want you by my side for the rest of my life, and that I want to love you and be loved by you in return.”


Linduu’s tears of sorrow quickly turned into tears of hope, and joy. “Do you mean that? Do you really mean everything that you just said?”


“I mean it with all my being Lin. You have touched places of my heart that I never knew existed, and I want you there, I want you there to stay.”


“Jor-el I don’t know what to say”


“Say that you love me Linduu Onasi. Because I love you, I love you more than life itself.”


“I do, I do love you”


Linduu sat up on the edge of her bed facing Jor-el. He wiped the tears from her eyes, and leaning in closer to her lips, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. They embraced for a long while until both of them stopped sobbing.


“There is so much I have to tell you Jor-el, so much that we have to talk about.”


“I know, I know, there is much that I have to tell you as well my love.”

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Chapter IX

Part II



“T-4 fire up the engines and take us into orbit.”


“Twoo beep”


“No I don’t know where we are going. All I know is that the Midichlorians said they would open another wormhole thingy back to where we came from.”




“Yes I know it’s a rough ride, but we have to go through it anyway.”


“Beep beep”


The Ethon star’s engines came to life with a mighty blast. T-4 lifted the ship off the ground and retracted the landing gear. Within minutes the ship was orbiting the dark planet. Without having to wait so much as 20 seconds a wormhole opened for the ship to travel through once again.


“Beep twoo beep beep”


“What did he say Jor-el?”


“He said hold on to something!”


The Ethon star entered the vortex and once again the crew found themselves plastered against the nearest wall of the ship. The journey was just as violent as the first one, and just when it seemed like the vessel could take no more punishment they exited hyper-space, once again just in the nick of time.


“I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to make a habit of doing that” Jor-el exclaimed.


“I don’t know, I kind of like it, it gives me a rush!” quipped Linduu.


“Alright T-4 set a course for Tatooine once again, we need to restock our supplies, but this time land on the opposite side of the planet.” And looking at Linduu he said “Because I don’t want your ex-slaver to be getting any ideas. It’s best he doesn’t know you are back.”


“I agree, but I guarantee you that if he tried anything I would have no problem resolving the situation.”


“Yes I know you wouldn’t, that’s why we aren’t going anywhere near Mos Dreeska. It’s best if we don’t attract attention to ourselves for awhile. We need a little rest before we make our next move.”




“T-4 let us know when we are getting close, I will take over from there.”


“Beep boop”


“Lin, since we have such a long journey ahead of us I was wondering if you would answer me something that I have been meaning to ask you?”


“Sure, anything, what do you want to know?”


“I have just been curious, what has it been like to bear the last name of Onasi all these years?”


“Oh wow, tougher than you can imagine. It has been a hard road so far.”


“Do you mind talking about it? Or is it a touchy subject?”


“It is hard to talk about, but I will do it for you.” She said with a smile.


“When I was a little girl all that my father used to talk about was how great it is to be an Onasi. How Carth Onasi was one of the greatest men to ever roam the universe. He always told me that I had a name of greatness and that I couldn’t run from it no matter what.”


“Wow sounds like a bit of a nightmare.”


“Yeah, but it wasn’t all that bad. My father and mother loved me very much. They always tried to make sure that I had the best of everything. My Dad was a strong man, and not just physically, but in his beliefs and his love for my mother and myself. Pretty much in just about everything. He was the perfect role model. In fact I think in part, that I love you for many of those same reasons. When I look inside of you I see a lot of my father, and I loved him very much. So I guess you could say he was not all that different from you, with the exception of being a Jedi, wielding the force and what not.” She said with a chuckle.


“Sounds like a great guy” Jor-el quipped.


“Yeah, but it was my mother who I was closest with. She was so beautiful, so sweet and loving. Everybody always said that I looked like her.”


“Well I am sure she was the 2nd most beautiful woman in the world then, next to you of course”


Linduu was blushing, “Yeah but when the war came all that ended. When we got word that the ship carrying my father in battle above Yavin II had been destroyed, my mother and I didn’t know what to do. She was so heart broken, all she did was cry for weeks on end. I have to admit that being only 10 years old I wanted to cry as well, and I did for a little while. But mostly I just wanted to be strong for her, be there for her.”


“That must have been terribly hard for you to go through. I’m so sorry.”


“It was horrible. But then the next worst thing happened. The Sith attacked our planet, they broke through our defenses in a matter of an hour. We had nowhere to run or hide, they captured us and kept us in a holding cell for the better part of a month. I tell you, the screams, the blast, the people running everywhere in fear of the attack scarred me in such a way that I fear I will never fully heal from it. The day finally came when they started to torture her for any information she might have regarding the Republic fleet. Of course she didn’t know anything, but that didn’t stop them from having their fun anyway. They used mostly vibroblades as their instruments of pain. No matter where I go, or what I do, I will never forget her screaming out in pain, such agony! They would cut off a finger here, a toe there, even one of her ears, as she was held down to the ground right next to me. She tried to stay strong for me, but the pain was too much for her to bear. Finally after she no longer had the will or the blood to live, she died in my arms. I sobbed myself to sleep holding her dead body.”


“That has to be one of the most horrible things I have ever heard in my life Lin.”


“It was, and I was only 10. It was on that day that I vowed never to love anyone ever again. I didn’t want to have to go through the feeling of losing someone close to me like that ever again. But then you came along, you made me feel things that I had never thought possible. You reopened the depths of my heart. The things that the Midichlorians said to us about love, I knew they were right. It’s just that I had never expected to open myself up like that again. That is why I took off running, that and the fact that you had just shot me down when I had opened up to you.”


“Wow Lin, I am so sorry, I never had any Idea. Can you ever forgive me?”


“I already have my love. I could never hold anything against you.”


“Thank you, that’s always nice to hear” Jor-el said smiling. “So didn’t you have any friends when you were younger?”


“The only friend I had was a droid, his name was RC 1162. He was a quirky little droid. Sometimes I think that he had a loose circuit or two. But for the most part he was someone I could talk to. Other than that I never really had any friends.”


“What happened to your droid?”


“As far as I know the Sith sold him to slavers as well, I guess they figured they might as well make some profit off the two of us.”


“Thank you Lin, for sharing all of that with me, I know it must have been hard for you.”


“It is hard to talk about, but I would do anything for you Jor-el, anything.”


“Alright then, I think that's enough talk for the night, it’s probably best we head off to bed, we have a long journey ahead of us and we need to be rested when we get to Tatooine.”


Jor-el and Linduu fell asleep and for the first time in years they slept for a whole night without waking up. The next morning T-4 woke them up with a frantic message!


“Beep twoo beep beep!”


“What! What’s going on Jor-el?”


“T-4 says we are near Tatooine, but that there is a Sith Battle cruiser in orbit!”


“What are we going to do?”


“I don’t know, hang on though, things might get a little bit choppy from here on out.”

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yes, i did. im a quirky droid eh? :D no matter. im just honoured that others even consider including me in their fics


What do you mean, you're there in my fic! Sure, you were busy busting the separatists at Kashyyyk and it had nothing to do with Capt. Wefive and Seliqa, but still, you're in my fic. :):p:D


Great going on the fic, BTW!

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RB this is a great fic a matter of fact I think this is the first fic i posted in.



Thanks Master_Tyvokka :) It's nice to get rewarded somewhat for all my hard work so far. Would you belive me if I told you that I have written everything on the fly so far? I don't have an outline or anything. :twogun:

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Chapter X



“I don’t think they have seen us yet, but it’s only a matter of seconds.”


“It’s too late! I am picking up multiple ships on an intercept course heading straight for us!”


“T-4 set the turrets to auto target now! Linduu, you know that power that the Midichlorians taught you?”


“Which power are you talking about?”


“You know the one where you can make yourself invisible through the force.”


“Oh right that one, what about it?”


“Do you think that you could do that to the entire ship? Could you make us invisible? They might see us on their sensors, but they wouldn’t be able to see us visibly. It would at least give us a small chance to get to the surface.”


Linduu wrinkled her eyebrows with a frown coming upon her face. “I don’t know. I can give it a try.”


“Alright then, it’s now or never!”


Jor-el was clutching the flight controls with white knuckled fist as Linduu sat down and began to focus her thoughts. With each passing second the palms of his hands began to pour more and more sweat.


“Here they come I sure hope you have been able to do it.”


The Ethon star and her crew passed right through the midst of the fighters.


“I think it worked Lin, they don’t seem to be able to see us! Wait, they’re coming back around now. They can still see us on their sensors, but not with their eyes, this is great.”


Suddenly the fighters began to fire blind, random shots at them.


“Okay maybe I spoke too soon. We are taking some hits but I still don’t think they can see us. We aren’t going to be able to take this for much longer, bah, flying is for droids! I’ve got an Idea, T-4 on my mark I want you to shut down every system we have, and only run the life support at minimal levels.”


“Beep beep twoo”


“Okay ready, ready, wait for it…. Now T-4, now!”


T-4 instantly shut down every thing on the ship, the engines, the shields, the sensors, everything! Their attackers passed over them and continued to fire blindly ahead.


“Well, looks like it worked, great job T-4, looks like we are invisible to their sensors. Linduu I know you are concentrating and can’t talk, just keep it up for a bit longer. Those fighters are going to have to return to the ship soon. If we can wait them out then we will make our way to the far side of the planet and then we will be able to land unnoticed.”


10 minutes passed without their attackers detecting them.


“Okay their gone now Lin, you can uncloak the ship.”


Linduu stood up but had to brace herself against the cockpit doorway. “It’s a good thing it didn’t take any longer Jor-el, I don’t know if I could have kept the ship cloaked anymore. The amount of focus and energy it was taking me to do that was indescribable.”


“None the less Lin, that was amazing! The fact that you were able to do that at just a moments notice shows me how strong you are becoming in the force.”


“Yes well let’s not test my abilities like that for awhile ok? I think that was a big enough challenge for the day. I’m weak Jor-el, I need some food and some rest.”


“Alright then I think that it’s safe for us to start the ship back up and land on Tatooine now. T-4 fire up the systems, let’s get out of here.”


The Ethon star roared to life as it glided towards the planet’s desert surface below.


“We need to find a place to store the ship for awhile. Perhaps we can find some space in one of the ports below. Hmm, looks like Mos Eisly is the closest, Linduu see if you can hail the port control center.”


“Mos Eisly this is the Ethon star, requesting directions to an empty docking station.”


“Ethon star this is the Mos eisly control center. Docking station 126 is open and waiting, coordinates are being transferred to your navicomputer.”


“Hopefully we don’t encounter any problems in the spaceport, we need to find out what that Sith battle cruiser is doing here at Tatooine and it would make it a lot easier if we didn’t draw any attention to ourselves.”


Linduu placed her hands over her stomach, “Agreed love, but first thing we are doing is finding a cantina and getting some food!”


Jor-el smiled, “Ok, ok love we are almost there, patience.”


They landed the ship in the docking bay and prepared to depart.


“Okay T-4, we are going to be gone for a few days if all goes as planned. I want you to run routine maintenance on the ship and make sure no one steals our baby here, got it?”


“Doot deet”


Linduu tugged at Jor-el’s sleeve, “Come on slow poke I am starving!”


“Okay fine, if you aren’t the most impatient woman I have ever known.”


Linduu pursed her lips, “Hey! That’s not nice you take that back right now!”


“Or else you’ll do what?”


“Or else I will make myself invisible and take my own vacation for a few days without you.”


“Okay, okay, you win. I’m sorry, I take it back.” Jor-el said with his hands in the air.


They made there way out of the docking area and onto one of the main streets.


“Look love, down there, there is a cantina just a few blocks ahead.”


Linduu jumped up and down like a little girl. “Yay, food!”


As they headed towards the cantina a cold, menacing shiver went up Jor-el’s spine.


“Ah it’s just the wind” he thought.


Behind them standing in the shadows stood a dark figure wearing a hooded cloak, it was watching their every movement. “Yes my lord, he has arrived, but he is not alone. A female travels with him and seems to know the ways of the force.”




“It will be done my lord.”

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Chapter XI



Jor-el and Linduu made their way towards the cantina.


“Ah, only 10 more minutes and we should be enjoying some nice hot food.” Linduu said as she rubbed her hands together in anticipation.


Jor-el laughed, “Yes, it has been quite awhile since we had something besides Zorgang nuts and water”


Once inside they found a table in the west corner of the room and took a seat. A Twilek waitress approached them.


“Do you two already know what you want? Or would you like some more time to decide?”


“Well,” said Linduu, “What is the house special today?”


“Our special today is liver of Bantha, with brain of Gizka soup.”


Linduu grimaced at the thought of eating any part of such disgusting creatures. “I’ll just have a racer’s sandwich, wait make that two racer’s sandwiches and a Juma juice please.”


“And you sir?”


Jor-el thought for a moment, “I will have your biggest steak and the stiffest drink you can bring me”


“Will that be everything for you two?”


Jor-el smiled with gratitude, “Yes that will be all, thank you.”


After the waitress left, Linduu looked at Jor-el with curiosity in her eyes. “Their biggest steak and the stiffest drink they can bring you? That doesn’t sound like the healthy food a Jedi is supposed to be eating.”


Jor-el sat back in his chair with a grin on his face, “Well my love, there is one thing you must learn right now.”


“And just what is that?” Linduu said with a raised eyebrow.


“That we are the only Jedi left, therefore no one can tell me what I can or can’t eat” Jor-el replied with a noble yet joking look on his face.


“You know love, that attitude is going to get you in trouble one day.” Linduu said with quite an amount of concern in her voice.


“Hey lighten up, I was only joking”


“Yes Jor-el I know you were, and that is one thing I admire about you, the ability to joke about anything. But I’m just saying, one day it’s going to get you into trouble. Just be careful ok?”


“Alright Lin, you made your point, I’ll be more careful about serious matters in the future. But I have to ask, it’s only a steak, why are you so uptight?”


Linduu felt a shiver go up her back, “I don’t know, every since we left the hangar bay I have felt uneasy.”


Jor-el took a deep breath, “I was hoping it was just the wind, but I felt the darkness as well. It felt very similar to when we saw the vision of Vandar.”


“I agree, we should be careful love, I sense something is not right in this place.”


Jor-el thought for a moment. “Alright then Lin, let’s eat our food when it arrives and then we shall look for a place to stay, but we should keep our wits about us. I want you to be prepared, it is very likely we will have to confront some of the Sith very soon. Real combat is much faster than our training together. Make sure to be in tune with the Force, it will not fail you.”


With that their food arrived and they ate it with very much haste as they felt like something was closing in on them from all around. Just as they were finishing up a dark, menacing presence seemed to fill the Cantina. Shrieks began to break out among the crowd and people started kicking and clawing their way to the exits. Within a few seconds Jor-el and Linduu were sitting at their table, the only two people left in the building.


“Well whatever just happened, it wasn’t good.” Jor-el said as he stood up from the table “Ready your self Linduu. I sense that whatever it was that we felt by the hangar bay is now approaching.”


Just as Linduu stood up from her seat, a wave of gripping emotion washed over her, it was painful, full of fear, and it caused her to fall face first to the ground! Jor-el knelt down beside her, his back to the front entrance.


“Lin! Are you ok? What’s wrong? What’s happening?”


From behind Jor-el came a cold, dark and emotionless voice. “Apparently your apprentice has been shaken by my presence, Master Jedi.”


Jor-el stood to his feet and whirled about to see who the voice belonged to. Before him stood a dark figure wearing a black hooded robe so that you couldn’t see its face.


“Who are you? And what do you want? Answer me now!” Jor-el blurted out, obvious anger in his voice.


“Who I am is of no importance to you Jedi.” The dark figure quipped with hatred in its voice. “All that matters right now is that I have been sent here by Lord Vandar to kill you.”


Jor-el ignited his lightsaber. “You will not be killing today, or ever again for that matter. You are nothing but a puppet of evil, and you shall not taste victory in this battle.”


The menacing figure ignited a dark red saber. “No my friend, it is you who will not be victorious, I am going to make quick work of the both of you.”


Jor-el, angry from the fact that the love of his life was laying on the floor clutching her midsection in pain, made the first move. He used the Force to lift a nearby chair and hurl it at the Sith. The dark figure raised its hand and froze the chair in mid air, then closed its hand into a fist making the chair explode into nothing but splinters. Jor-el leaped forward and swung for the Sith’s head. Blocking the attempt the Sith countered with a slash at the feet. Jor-el’s silver blade blocked the attack and swung in an upward motion towards the Sith’s head, it was blocked and now the duel was on!


Linduu was beginning to adjust to the pain she was feeling. She knew that Jor-el needed her help so she got up to her feet and used the force to cloak herself. As the duel continued she crept up behind the Sith and ignited her pink lightsaber. The figure whirled around and hissed like a snake at her. Caught off guard she stumbled backward and onto the ground. Ducking just as Jor-el’s blade came flying over its head, the Sith's hood fell off revealing its face in the process. It turned and used the force to push Jor-el and sent him crashing into a table a few feet away. The Sith turned back around to attack Linduu, revealing its identity to her.


A look of unimaginable horror and disbelief made its way onto Linduu’s face and great tears began to well up in her eyes as the Sith moved closer to attack her. The only words she could seem to utter were…..



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