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Metal Gear - Ghosts of the Fox - IC Thread


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Luca watched everyone leave and stood there for a while finishing his cigarette. After a few minutes he quietly left Lianne to her digsuise practice and went to the weapons facility. He saw the giant man go into another room, it appeared to be a hand-to-hand practice area, and decided to try the shooting range. He removed his custom 1911's and noticed that one of the targets had holes in it already, so he decided to test his sight.

He turned so that he had his back to the targets and took a deep breath. He spun around, guns raised with his eyes down the sights, and when he completed the half-circle, fired off three quick shots from each gun in succession. He sighed when he noticed that the rounds in his gun were bigger than the holes in the quarters. The bullets simply tore through the quarters and out the other side. He holstered his guns and removed another cigarette from its carton. He lit it while walking into the hand-to-hand dojo that Leon and George were in. He opened the door to find them in a conversation, he wasnt surprised because he heard them talking from outside.


-"Hope im not interrupting anything." He said as he took another long drag from his cigarette.


-"I did not properly introduce myself. *Bows* I am Luca Bronsville, also known as "Lucky Strike" by my comrades."

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Kerry looked at Lianne a second and then smiled.


- "Don't worry, if you think that makes me think you're weird, then you should see me when I sleep, I get horrible nightmares and then a feeling of persecution, it's like I go berserk...I start thinking everyone's out to get me" - Kerry said looking out the window.

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Leon shrugged, he had quite a build, not a steroid build, but an average build, and was most definitely formidable. He looked at George, "It's true, with martial arts, strength doesn't necessarily come, but it does teach you agility in your moves and, shows you the good places to hit your enemies if you aren't strong. I work out though, and it's proven to put a little extra teeth in what you do. Now, I'm nowhere on the same level as you in power, but any techniques in dealing more damage in a single blow would be more than welcome, as since i specialize in infiltration, taking a guy out in the first shot is ideally important. If you need any tips in increasing speed, or..." he paused, noting his size, "hiding, even, which is possible still for your height and build, I can lend a few tips," he said.

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Lianne nodded wordlessly, a slight trace of fear spreading over her face and her twitching stopped. "Like you're being watched... but you've been trained to look for watchers and there are none." She shuddered. "Every one of the five senses screams at you that something's wrong... but nothing is..."

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Kerry suddenly felt a cold shiver as she heard Lianne say this things and she herself twitched.


- "Yeah, I keep getting this images...I can't...explain them...they just..." - Kerry said and a soldier entered.


- "It's time ladies" - the soldier said.


- "Yeah...we're coming...we'll talk again later" - Kerry said to Lianne and grabbed her gear following the soldier out to the medical transport waiting outside.


- "As you ladies and your other male team mates go to your final transportation to the facility, a gene therapist will inject you with nanobots to give you your codec and health implants" - the soldier said and then ran to where the others were.


He went inside the building where Leon, George and Luca were.


- "Gentlemen, your transport awaits" - the soldier said and walked out to the medical transport.

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Lianne's eyes widened slightly. "Inject?" Quietly, to herself, she muttered, "Crap."


Then, she addressed the soldier. "Everything I need for this will be with us, right?"


She eyed the eight suitcases compiled for her. "And I don't mean all of that... I'll probably need at least two of them for this, I think... no, maybe three. The three that contain..." and she listed several things from hair to clothing, to what she called 'body changers', the things that helped her take on different heights and physical builds.

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The soldier nodded.


- "Yes, all your equipment goes with you, this medical transport will take you to the sub waiting for you out in the sea" - the soldier said.


- "We're going on a sub?" - Kerry asked.


- "Yes Ma'am, you'll be launched from the sub in a movile infiltration capsule" - the soldier replied.


- "Those explode sometimes you know?" - Kerry said.


- "Not these Ma'am...please the nurse here will inject you with the liquid containing the nanobots" - the soldier said.


Kerry stepped forward, she wasn't fond of needdles but she was olbigated to endure it. The nurse injected them to her. Then moved to Lianne.


- "Ready miss Payton?" - the nurse asked.

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Lianne's eyes opened, looking strangely grayish. Memories began to pound through her brain, but she could make no sense of them, until...


"Lianne Payton?"


Lianne blinked awkwardly up into the blinding light above her. Slowly, she sat up, looking around as best she could. All she could tell was that her visitor was a man.


"What do you want?" she asked hoarsely.


"Are you alright?" he asked. Lianne did a mental checkup on herself and decided that, she was fine.


But, "I-I don't know," she stammered. Memories would not come. She remembered her third birthday party in astonishing detail. She remembered a fight in second grade. But after elementary school, there was nothing.


"Where are my memories?" she asked quietly.


"Oh, dear," the man said, trying to sound sad, but Lianne's ears surprised her by detecting... nervousness? The man was nervous at being caught in his lie and his nervousness had caught him.


"Liar," she spat. In an instant, she was up and attacked him. Unprepared for her outburst, he fell backward. The five-foot, two-inch fury that was Lianne Payton came down on top of him. Her hands wrapped around his neck. Slowly, deliberately, she lifted his head and slammed it down against the floor.


Her strength surprised her. The man was carried away in a coma and Lianne was locked up.



Color slowly returned to Lianne's face and her eyes took on a more natural color. She shuddered and put a hand over the spot where the injection had been.


"I'm fine," she gasped. "I... I just don't like shots, that's all." She shuddered again and attempted a smile. "Really, I'm fine."

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Luca followed the soldier out of the weapons facility, throwing his cigarette out and stepping on it on the way. He made his way towards the medical transport, unbuttoning his trenchcoat along the way and placing his hands in his pockets as he walked. He didn't say much, just kept to himself as the soldier opened the door to the transport and motioned for him to go inside. Luca stepped in and noticed that there was a small table set up with three unused syringes. Luca cringed, he hated getting shots.

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The Nurse walked up to Luca and gave him his injection. She was just waiting for Leon and George.


Kerry was still worried about Lianne, she had gone blank for a second there.


- "You don't look fine Lianne, maybe you should sit down and try to relax for a while" - Kerry said.

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Kerry walked inside a room where she lay down. She closed her eyes. She hadn't slept in a month. At Gitmo she was usually keeping a look out for cubans trying to cross the minefield to the base. Soon she fell asleep.


Now there was a sudden flash of images. A girl in the forest with a man. She had a rifle in her hands. Soon it changed, now there was a teenage girl with a rifle on her hands. A man in green uniform walked to her.


- "Great shot Wolf" - the man said.


Once again flashes...bright lights...a bed...voices all around...masked men in white coats...


- "You think it worked this time?" - one of them said.


- "Looks like it" - another one said.


- "She looks just like her" - another one said.


- "Put her on the program with the only survivor of the MASK project" - One of them said.


Waking up. Kerry felt pain all over her body, it was like needles, it couldn't be the nanobots this was something she was familiar with, the thing that happened to her every night. Kerry started to scream and break everything she found on her way. She had gone berserk once more.


A doctor walked in with several nurses. He carried an injection gun. Kerry saw it and ran to a corner of the room. She sat down and started to cry.


- "It's okay miss Lane...It's okay" - the doctor said.


- "No...please don't touch me...please keep away" - Kerry said still crying.


- "You'll feel better...calm down" - the doctor said and injected her with the liquid. They soon after put her on the bed, she was calm now...she wasn't asleep but she was lying there awake. She had made quite a noise, it wouldn't have been a surprise if the others saw her or heard her.

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"I haven't slept in at least two months," Lianne answered. "But it doesn't happen quite like that for me..." She paused thoughtfully. "I... I had nightmares... when I did sleep." She shuddered. "Something to do with needles and surgeic knives and..."


She twitched and shook her head. "But I need to sleep sometime... should probably be before this mission." Another twitch. "But I don't want to... to... I don't want to... well, go crazy, you know?"


"I don't smash everything within reach, but..." her words trailed off and for the first time since she could remember, she made full eye contact and held it. Her eyes were wide with fear. "I... I remember... sending a man into a coma with a severe concussion after waking up." She twitched and looked away.

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Luca stood with his ear pressed against the door, though it was hardly neccessary, the woman had made quite a commotion. He was listening to the girl's conversation and when the words "nightmares," and "surgical," he cringed for the second time that day.


-"Apparently these women don't sleep..." He thought,


Luca quickly took his ear away from the door, snooping on his teammates wasnt going to help in the mission. No matter, it was time for a nap anyways. He stripped down to his wifebeater and boxers, and climbed into the uncomfortable bed. He didn't quite drift off to sleep the way most people did, his senses would wake him up and he would never get any recuperation. He would rest on the fringe of sleep and alert, his body still re-energizing itself but his senses would not automatically wake up, he could ignore them. It had taken months upon months to master the sleep-technique. He made sure one of his guns was in his hands under the covers with the silencer attached, and he checked again to make sure that the safety was on, it was. He took a deep breath and drifted off into reverie.

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Kerry looked at Lianne.


- "I've...killed people...like this...when I go crazy....I just want it to stop, but it doesn't....this time my memory was different...I saw me as a girl with a rifle and man calling me Wolf...but I don't know that man...and then I saw a bunch of doctors...one of them told the other to put me on the program with the survivor of the MASK project" - Kerry said.

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Kerry frowned. She knew she was begining to piece together what little she knew of her past but she wasn't sure she wanted to know everything. A marine officer entered the room.


- "We're here ladies...it's time" - the marine said.


The transport had landed with all of the team inside. They all went inside the submarine and met up with Colonel Campbell.


- "Good to see you all again. Now, go to the next room, change into your uniforms and diving equipment and then go to the missile bay...you will be launched inside a capsule to the facility's sewer system and then you will all together infiltrate the building and start the mission from the location you were given" - Campbell said.

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