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why send all jedi to geonosis


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Yes, early in the movie the jedi (Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi) talk with Palpatine and then with Padmé about Dooku. He´s known as the leader of the separatists.


Even if the war has not started yet, they are involved in negociations with the separatist confederacy. What Obi Wan sees in Geonosis it´s just the final stablishment of the CIS.

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Originally they were only going to rescue Obi-Wan, since Anakin had obeyed their orders to stay put... so all those Jedi were there to save Obi-Wan. And if Yoda's use of the clones to attack the Seperatist forces was a spur of the moment thing (as the movie leads us to believe) then the surviving Jedi going in to help them out was also an improvisation... or maybe there's some more background I'm missing from the supplementary materials.

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This isn't Tolkien y'know. I mean, there isn't going to be at least 15 books produced that explain the exact details of Geonosian diplomacy and cultural society and what the Kaminoans thought of Yoda's appearance and the deployment of the Clone Army, or how exactly Kuat was being compensated for dragging the Hardware half way around the universe for one mission....


There'll be a few EUs that say "Yoda magically teleported to Kamino and said "fight right away we will" and that's it.

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Yeah but Tolkien is dead and most fans would consider making new works in his "universe" to be blasphemous. Lucas freely supports the publishing of new works in his empire, and the amount of material shows little sign of slowing down just because the movies are over. All it takes is somebody to think "this could sell" and it'll get made. ;)

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And that's how we end up with the Emperor returning, Luke joining the dark side, a super DUPER star destroyer with a Death Star Cannon mounted on the underside oh, and X-wings getting owned by a flying rock with wings.


Oh well, Chewie getting squished by the moon was "worthy", I guess.


Just that sometimes, it is just "made up as it goes along". Lucas doesn't plan in so much depth that there's much space to set up the rules. Which means, anything goes. I do agree that "is" a good thing. But consistancy lacks as a result.


I mean, I've found your argument on mass produced sabres pretty amusing, but heck, since Lucas never laid any rules besides 'plot devices' it goes either way.

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