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Clone pilots are aiming impaired?


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There you go. Pfft, these guys don't know the first rule of air-air combat. If they can't see you, then they can't tell where you're shooting from.


As for the violence, well, I suppose it is to make the film "Kiddy" although the argument that "adults don't buy Star Wars" falls a bit flat, I mean, I bet more adults buy Star Wars toys then kids! Unless the next generation are 100% dweebs..oh well, less threat of being beat up in my old age then.

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They were basically swarmed with fighters. Plus it appears that the ARC-170 isn't as agile as the droid fighters, or even the Jedi starfighters so it may have been difficult for them to do evasive maneuvers against the droid fighters. Not much they can do if they are swarmed with fighters, the one clone pilot made it pretty obvious they were overwhelmed "They're all over me...get them off m...*static*".


Even though I like the ARC-170, it is a bulky fighter - would make an easy target.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why does this bother people so much? It makes perfect sense.


Who are the clone troopers the predecessors of?


Stormtroopers. And we all know Stormtroopers couldn't hit the broad side of a bantha to save their life.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There is an explanation for the clone's lack of space combat proficiency. And although never really explained in the movies, the recent Starwars game, Battlefront II, in its cut scenes, explains that the republic clones didn't have enough pilots, so many of the pilots where actually ground combat troops that where pressed into filling pilot roles and given crash courses in space combat. Their clone training didn't really cover space combat or was glazed over in favor of the ground combat. When we see the clone trainging/growing facility on Kamino in AOTC I don't remember seeing any of the clones doing space fighter simulations, which I thought was kind of odd. But there you have it, most of the pilots wheren't really pilots at all. Its like taking a marine that has been trained to hold his own with a squad and saying hey we don't have enough pilots, here read this manual on how to fly an F-16 and get up there and take out some MIGs.

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well, actually its the weaponary design's fault.


If droid fighters are always cramped together, then weaponary with AoE effect would work on them more efficiently. So it would only be reasonable if they have some "time bomb" like weapon dropping out from the tail of those arc 170s

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the reason they died is probably that they really couldn't hit every fighter in the swarm of droid fighters.


The Jango Fett clones were extremely...elite and well trained. The Imperial Stormtrooper ranks are filled from new recruits or their clones. The clone pool got diluted. They are not as good.


- Majin Revan

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  • 1 month later...

This is how I see it. Lucas made it so that clones were only good sometimes, he made it so Stormtroopers stink at shooting and die way to fast, He never showed any blood or gore during any battles (which ticks me off). The way I see it he messed up 1,2,3, and 6. I love the movies but I have to admit that he should have considerd more things when making the movies.

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