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Rebel Starfleet


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"Tay!" he shouted into the comlink and switched full throttle on.

"Forget about the shields, B3 and locate Red Seven's wreck" he said before heading towards the planet swiftly. The squad leader shouted at him throught the comlink but Lada switched the comlink off. He didn't care of the consequences, as Tay had risked her life trying to cover him and now could just as well be dead. A couple of interceptors took interest in the A-Wing that departed the battle and went after it, only to get shot at by the quad lasers. The other TIE was heavily damaged by the shots and the other was destroyed.


he A-Wing flew over the burning wreckage and the other quad laser cleared a small opening for him to land in the woods. The cockpit popped open and he jumped out after taking his helmet off and unstrapping himself from the pilot's seat. His hand drew his other blaster ready and headed for the wreck, leaving his A-Wing and the astrodroid behind. A whistle came from behind and a series of denying beeps but he was too far for the astrodroid to try an reason with him.

"Where is she...?" he mumbled as he reached the burning ruins of an A-Wing.

"Tay? You around here?" he called out and looked around at all the pieces of the A-Wing lying around and some sticking from the ground like knife

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"I'm rather sore, but I'm alright," Tay told Lada, coming toward him from the other side of the wreck. She gestured upward. "I think they'll need you more than I do."


She smiled slightly. "Go ahead and rejoin them. Don't let them leave without me."

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Lada shook his head and holstered his blaster.

"No way. I'm getting you to the Rebel transports. They can manage without one Mandalorian stuffed into an A-Wing. Besides, I'm better on ground than in space... It's in my blood" he said and looked at her with a smile.


"Thank you" he said right after his first sentence, pointing out what she did up in space. Defending him and all.

"I owe you and us Mandalorians don't forget to repay our depts" the man added before starting to lead her towards his A-Wing. It wasn't a two-seated fighter, but if they went slow enought, the other one could hold onto the head of B3 or something

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"Think of it this way," Tay said thoughtfully. "If I hadn't done what I did, you'd definitely be dead. As it is, I'm just a bit stiff. I'll be back to normal by tomorrow at the latest."


Then, thinking herself rather insensitive by offering this explanation instead of responding to him directly, she said, "You're welcome, though." And she boldly added, "I'd do it again, too."


That left her feeling slightly embarrassed and she decided the best course of action for the moment would be to shut her mouth. With a quick smile to Lada, she did.

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Kentaru saw the A-wing crash, he checked it out on his scope, the driver was alright, another was helping her.

"Sir, two pilots jsut crash landed, location 45.56.03"

"We'll get medics to them, thanks, now get back to your job, try and get those AA guns down."

"But they are too far away."

"I've seen you in the range, you can do it."

"I've never fired at something that far!"

"Just do it soldier!"

"Sir yes sir." Kentaru switched his comm off, he breathed slowly, for 5 minutes he lined up his shot, he concentrated, and then again on an exhale he fired. He fired straight and true, a hit. The guns stopped firing immidieatly.

"Great shot Hontak!"

"Thank you sir, moving position." And he moved again.

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The Mandalorian man gave a short laught before looking at her.

"And don't put that on the whole squadmate crap we hear all the time from the commanders. I'm a handsome man and I know it" he said and grinned at her before turning away and walking silently. A short, sudden breath left his mouth as he blinked and then took his eyepatch off. He rubbed the surroundings of his other eye and tried to get the pain from the pressure of the eyepatch away from his face. Lada blinked a few times and if you would see him from up front, his other eye would have a much paler iris and the surrounding colour would be of way more lighter colour than it should. The mandalorian let out a sigh and blinked again a few times before placing the eyepatch back. Still he hadn't gotten used to the eyepatch and he had worn it for almost 7 years

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"The Empire" he responded, a sudden cold tone in his voice appearing as he said it, remembering the incident quite well. If it wasn't for the mandalorian community he was training with while in the Empire, his eye would be blind. However, the mandalorians saved the eye as well as they could and later one of Lada's friends built him the beta eyepatch Lada eventually upgraded many times after the Empire.

The two arrived at tha man's A-Wing and he sat on the wing while the astrodroid beeped and whistled happily that he came back so soon and in one piece.

"If the Rebels saw you, which I would guess they did, there would be a medical hovercraft here in about three or four minutes from now"

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Tay nodded. "We did send ground forces, too, didn't we?" She looked around and her eyes caught a speck on the horizon. "That's probably it. To be safe, why don't you get in your fighter. If they're enemies, you can shoot them down."


She squinted. "Scratch that. It's our med hovercraft."

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Lada looked at the hovercraft as it landed next to them and two medics came out. You could see the pilot and the co-pilot throught the glass infront of the hovercraft.

"Evening boys" Lada said as the medics approached the two. The mandalorian slipped back into the cockpit and placed his helmet back on.

"I'll follow you with the A-Wing, you go with the medics" he said to Tay before smiling and preparing the fighter for takeoff again. He closed the cockpit and the cockpit was sealed with a short, high-pitched hiss

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Scur shot down many of the fighters chasing the A-wing heading after the wrecked A-wing. He then seen some of the TIE's starting to chase after them. He quickly faded from battle and started firing at the TIEs, hitting a few that started spinning out of control and headed exactly for the plaet surface where the A-wing crashed.


Scur then shot the last one down making it explode and then tunred back towards the battle. He quickly searched for Red two. "Red two where are you?" Scur announced on the com-link.

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- "Up here, trying not to get shot down! I have one thruster out and the other one is about to be toast!" - Rory said to through the commlink. Her A-Wing was starting to slow down in the middle of a field with interceptors flying all around.


- "Oh no, not good...come on!" - Rory said as she tried to get the right thruster working again. Sudenly in just a split second her ship was shot two more times. The cockpit was foging and the controls were shuting down and exploading.


- "Blast it!" - Rory said, the thruster started working again and she called through the comm.


- "My ship is burning up, the capital ship is too far from my position, I...I can't make it..." - Rory said, her options were scarce and her lifesupport system was shutting down.

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"Freeze rebel!" Kentaru heard from behind him. He swore silently as he realized he was too absorbed in his amazing shot to hear him being approached.

"Stand up slowly." Kentaru did as asked, He turned and saw there was only one trooper. "C'mon." The trooper said as he apporoached Kent. Then bang! the trooper fell down.

"Gotta have somone watching your back Hontak."

"Thanks K'italo, now get back down there."

"Heh, sure." He said as he hopped off the roof onto the balcony then down through the building.

"Time to move again." Kent muttered as he moved once again, this time into a tree.

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"You're the pilot of the crashed fighter?" one of the medics asked Tay. She nodded and was asked, "Are you alright?"


"Sore, but fine," she answered. "I'll be stiff for a day or so, but should be fine other than that."


She boarded the hovercraft and the medics followed her. Only a few seconds later, they took off, flying low over the ground toward the temporary Rebel base on Naboo.

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Lada follwed the hovercraft with his A-Wing, flying above them and trying to be as unseen as he possibly could. he sped up a bit when they neared the base and landed on the first spot he could find. The cckpit popped open and the mandalorian stepped out. He closed the cockpit before walking towards where the medical hovercraft had landed but not before getting someone recharging his shields

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"Can't make it what next?" he thought. Then he decided to take his shield energy and give it to her life support system. "Red two! I'm going to give you some energy from my shields for the life support system. Maybe then you can make it to the Capital ship, or to the planet. Stand by."

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"Private Hontak reporting sir."

"Good, you'll be going with Master Corperal Sloan and his squad for an inflitration mission, Your job, cover them from afar and take out tower guards and turrets."

"Sir yes sir."

"Great, get going!" The all left and hopped on a speeder.

"You better be good Soldier." Sloan said.

"Sir I am sir."

"Good, when we get there, you will take out the patrolling guards on my mark, then meet up with us at the marked location. Then you will cover us and find the power generator and blow it up."

"With all due respect sir, I'm not a demo expert."

"Don't have to be, just put charge on generator, start timer, run like hell." The other troops laughed.

"Sir yes sir."

"Good, ready boys." Slaon said as they arrived at thier location. "Jump!" they all jumped off the speeder and hit the ground rolling.

"Hontak, get in position."

"Yes sir." Hontak set up and scoped out the guards.

"On my mark remember."

"Yes sir." The squad ran ahead.

"3...2...1...mark!" Hontak fired off 5 consecutive shots, they all hit and killed thier targets.

"Good, now get here." Hontak got up and ran like the dickens.

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Moments later Scur pulls up to Red two's A-wing, "Z2-E2, release the energy cord and guide it to the energy supply on the A-wing."

"Beeep Breeeep" Z2 said as two flaps open below the T-wing with a cord coming out heading towards the A-wing.


Suddenly a TIE Fighter comes out of nowhere and blasts the stationary(unless your moving) T-wing, shaking it visciously, releasing the cord from the A-wing, after a few seconds of repowering. "Losing power fast!"

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The ground team snuk up behind the small patroll and kille dthem very fast and very silently. Kentaru moved up.

"Hontak, see those guards down the lane there?" shoot 'em."

"Yes sir." Kenataru took aim, and shot. Head shot, he quickly went to the second guard and shot him too. "All clear."

"Good, cover us."

"Yes sir." They ran up the lane, Kentaru scoping out the enitre time, looking for possible enemies.

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Rory had been left with only the last alternative. She had to do a complete burnout of the thruster to get enough speed to get to the capital ship. Her power would only give her that much but she could also blow to pieces. She knew Scur needed help now and she would have to return for to help him as he went out of his way to help her.


There was no other way. Rory pushed the throttle to max and managed to blast away to the capital ship. The A-wing spun several times and entered the capital ship's hangar sliding on the hangar floor and hit the wall. Rory got out of it with the help of several marines, she then spotted her X-Wing, it was time to go help Scur. She took a power unit and went to her ship, she gave the unit to her astrodroid and told him to get it to Scur once she was beside him. A Captain came running to her.


- "You can not go out there pilot, let our units go and help Scur" - the Captain said.


- "They're all out there and too far from him, I'm closest, I'll get this power unit to him, he helped me, and now I'll help him" - Rory said closing her X-Wing's cockpit with a hissing sound. The X-Wing speed out of the hangar bay and went fast to Scur's ship, her onboard readings said that Scur's ship had low power, his power module was broken, only her astrodroid could repair the damage. She went beside him. Her astrodroid went to Scur's T-Wing riding on the X-Wing and then with it's side thrusters he lept to Scur's fighter.


The small astrodroid opened the power module's panel and sealed it, he then plugged the power unit and returned to Rory's X-Wing. Several Ties were close to hitting the small astrodroid but they missed.


- "Good thing your small R5" - Rory said and the astrodroid beeped in reply.


- "You're all set Scur, thanks a lot for your help, get some Techs on your ship and I'll see you back here, there's still a lot to do" - Rory said.

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