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IMP Camp BUG!!


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Ok am loving the game so far despite the many bugs...


However this one has stopped me in my tracks.


Am on the mission where you have to hunt down the trator moff kautlus or whatever.


Ive found him and bought in my fleet (including the provided interdictor crusier from corscuant) however as soon as my fleet arrives he escapes despite my interdictor which is suppose to stop him from jumping away. I get the annoying message HINT - GET INTERDICTOR FROM CORCUSANT... umm i just did that.... Ive even tried different planets where he is located and the same thing... can any help or provide insite.??

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If you begin and you're in a nebula, it affects your ability to use special powers for ships. You can tell if you're affected because the icon for your ship (the icon in the lower panel, like when you have a bunch of troops selected at once) will be "backlit" looking like a small white explosion is happening just behind the ship's icon. If that is the case, then your special abilities are suspended until you get to clear space.

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i know .. but i wasnt in a nebula

It may take a few seconds to show the button. I did not know I needed to activate the special ability. Then later , I saw it but not in the first few seconds of the game. Maybe it gives the rebs a few seconds to get out. See if it shows up after ~5 seconds or so. It worked for me after the second time. You are not trying to play the same mission over and over until you win are you? If this does not work, try to go on and see if this just was made for you to lose so you could chase him. who knows.

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