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Some Balance Issues


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hey, I've been reading what you guys are saying about bombing runs and artillary, and I thik Petrogliph did an exelent job with those... It simply makes you send fake armies to make the enemy use p bombing run, and then you land your other forces. Also, for the artillary, I always scout ther area first with fast-oving units, which are capable of avoiding artillary, and then use a bombing run to take out the artillary... I think that just adds some good strategy to the game.

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Hey dede what fake forces are you talking about ?


You have limited pop cap. Which is often 5. How are you supposed to have a fake army when you are dam limited. The mess with the rebel arty is that thinkg is capable of destroying everything in the imperial arsenal. We have M-2 repulsors tanks but the rebel arty has proton torpedos which will pass through the shieleds and destroy them pretty easily even before you can get them into the range.

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