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Forum Question


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I hope this is the right place to post this question.


What is the purpose of the buddy list? I tried adding someone to my list, but I don't see any special reaction from the site. I was hoping to find a way to easily locate new posts by someone. (without opening thier profile and showing all posts)


Thank you in advance, and good work on the site. :-)

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Well, it does a few things. For one thing, when ever one of your buddies is online, their name will have a "+" by it. It just makes them stand out a bit more in the big mess of names at the bottom of the page.


Its also good for PMs. all you have to do is click there name to send a PM, rather than having to type it out. (Sinse you have to spell the name exactly, this is quite handy, especially if your buddy has a hard to spell name.) EDIT: No, thats not true. I think it was like that in the old forum, though. At least you have the correct spelling of your buddies name on hand.


I think it can do a few other things, but to be honest, I never really use it. I only have something like 3 or 4 buddies.

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So it's just the little + by the name at the bottom when they're online. Thanks guys, I wouldn't have noticed that right away. Maybe the buddy/block list page should offer an explanation. I don't remember seeing anything.


Another question: Will the block list hide posts and IM's from an individual? There's nobody I wan't to block right now, but you never know. Maybe that should be explained better on the buddy/block page as well.

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Its also good for PMs. all you have to do is click there name to send a PM, rather than having to type it out. (Sinse you have to spell the name exactly, this is quite handy, especially if your buddy has a hard to spell name.) EDIT: No, thats not true. I think it was like that in the old forum, though. At least you have the correct spelling of your buddies name on hand.

You're close :)


When you open your buddy list (via the the Quick Links option at the top of the forum).. you'll see a list of all of your Buddies. You can click the checkboxes next to their name (max of 5 per PM) and then scroll to the bottom of the list and click the PM Users button. :)


Plus, the Buddy List will auto-refresh itself after a minute or so. It's pretty handy in those respects...

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