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[FIC] The Second Coming Of Evil

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Hullo again peoples, Got another chapter and i hope, for those who read, enjoy it :D




Bastilla ran ahead, and the rest panted along behind her. Nom, not used to such techniques yet, was not able to slow down his breathing enough to keep running; he started to slow down.

Carth, noticing Nom, yelled out to Bastilla “Hey, Bastilla!” she stopped and turned around, looking at all the sweaty faces and hearing all the sharp intakes of breath, of her fellow companions, she lowered her head and said “Yep,”


“We won’t be able to keep this up much longer,” said Carth, breathing hard himself. “We need to stop,”


“We can’t!” said Bastilla, looking back up “Every second we waste is another second to Revan’s death unless we get there!”


“You don’t know that for sure,” said Carth


“Oh?” said Bastilla, getting irritated “And what do you think what will happen, Carth? Revan will be sitting along side Sith having a few Juma’s playing a nice game of Pazaak?”


“I could definitely go for that right now,” muttered Atton


“Shut it!” hissed Mira


Bastilla didn’t take any notice to the second conversation what was taking place and continued eyeing Carth, mutinously.


“Bastilla! Looks what’s happening to you. No wonder the Jedi said love should be forbidden. Your risking nine other lives, including your own! Just to save another – “


Carth was cut off, by the sound of Bastilla igniting her lightsaber “If you don’t care about saving Revan. Then leave!” she said, her voice barely a whisper, her eyes bright with fury.


Nom let out a cry of frustration “Enough already!” he yelled, “Look at you two, fighting against each other. Bastilla! Carth wants to save Revan, as much as you do, you should now that and not be blinded by obsession. Because that’s what’s happening, think of what you have taught me, whilst on the Hawk. Was all that for nothing?”


Bastilla shook her head and eyed Carth, after a small while; the small glint in her eyes had started to fade. “I’m sorry Carth” she said “Your right,” she looked down at the ground and deactivated her lightsaber as she did so.


“No worries,” replied Carth “But as I said before, we can’t go on like this. We not need worry about Sith catching us, because at this rate, we’re going to just die of exhaustion,”

Bastilla nodded, “As much as we want to rest, time is slipping through our fingers, we cannot rest for long”


“Five minutes is all I ask,” said Carth, and Bastilla nodded once more “Five minutes” she agreed


* * *


The five minutes passed and they were once again, running along the dirt path, surrounded by thick foliage, covering all what lay behind. Suddenly they came out to a small clearing, which beheld an amazing sight.


A large castle-built structure towering above the high clouds and out of sight. Hundreds of towers expanded from within the temple, and sprouted outwards, in all sorts of directions Nom didn’t think possible for such a building.


“This is it,” said Bastilla “He’s here” she stopped and looked intently, as if listening for something. “And there is someone else here. Someone extremely powerful”


“The Exile!” whispered Visas


“Let’s go!” said Bastilla, drawing her lightsaber, but Carth stopped her. “What?” she asked


“We can’t just go barging in there” he said, “We don’t know how many Sith could be inside. We need a plan,”


“I don’t think that’s going to matter, very much” said Atton


“And why is that?” retorted Carth


“Well, look,” replied Atton, pointing to something behind Carth

“Oh, great,”


Several Sith battle droids were surrounding them on all sides, blasters held up high. Two Acolytes came to the front and sneered.


“Well, well, well,” one of them said “The great Bastilla and Carth, of the Republic. Not so great now, are we?”


“Come!” said the other, drawing out a red saber-staff. “Our master would like a word with you”


“Better do what they say, otherwise we won’t even be getting inside to save Revan” said Nom bitterly, as they were all disarmed of their possessions; his own newly built lightsaber included.


“Hmmph,” exclaimed Jolee “This is turning out to be some rescue mission, indeed!”


* * *


Led by the two Acolytes, and the squad of battle-droids bringing up the rear, the companions strolled into and over the threshold and the entered the Sith stronghold. As big of a place it was, surprisingly, it seemed empty.


“Underestimating us a bit, aren’t they,” said Atton


“Silence!” spat one the Acolytes

Bastilla shook her head in irritation.


“We don’t have time for this!” she hissed to Carth.


“Got a plan?” he replied


“I was hoping you had one,” she said


“You’re a Jedi! Use your bloody wits woman,” whispered Carth

Bastilla smiled and she started to look around, taking in her surroundings.

Large stone-carved columns, reached from the floor base, and into the ceiling high above. She couldn’t even see the roof with her eyes; darkness was spread overhead. But as far as Bastilla could see, she counted that there were another six stories before the dark engulfed how many others there must be. Huge statues of Ancient lords were spread throughout the large entrance chamber they were in, holding swords gracefully in front of their face; saluting their would be enemies, before the fight. Bastilla noticed small-carved hilts pinned to their sides.

‘They must be the early rulers of this planet’ she thought to herself.

They walked on for another five minutes, Bastilla forming a plan inside her head as they did so.


“Alright,” she whispered back to Carth “Follow my lead”


“Whatever you say,” was the reply


“So,” she said loudly, so they Acolytes turned to look at her as they walked “Where is your master?”


“You’ll find out soon enough” sneered one of the acolytes “I wonder if Jonas has got the same thing planned for you, as he has for Revan,”


“And, what would that be?” Bastilla inquired


“Oh, just a little surprise” the other replied; he signalled the other to a corridor not to far ahead in which they would be turning into.


As they walked, Bastilla spoke to all her companions who could wield it, through the Force. ‘When I give the signal, stun those blasted droids into submission!’ she said to each of them, getting positive replies back from all.


They turned into the corridor and they noticed that it was rather small, so they could only walk in single file; this complicated things.


‘Great, that’s stuffs up what I was thinking about doing’ said Bastilla. They were coming up to the end of the corridor, and sounds of marching footsteps started to echo much more loudly in the passage what they were in; more sith were up ahead.


‘Well, its now or never’ … she channelled everybody once more, ‘Now!’


Loud sounds of explosions started to occur as each battle droid was either stunned then beaten to submission, or just brutally ripped apart, wire by wire (on account of Zaalbar).


Bastilla summoned the Force to her aid, and pulled her lightsaber towards her. Nom, Atton, Mira, Visas and Jolee doing the same. The others, taking care of the rest of the droids, Nom and Bastilla headed towards the two Sith in front of them, wide-eyed, as they were still in surprise about the sudden downfall of their droids.


“It seems to me that you are in a bad way at the moment” said Bastilla to both of them. Nom just smiled.


Quickly getting over their current state, the Acolytes ignited their Lightsabers.


“We should have killed you, before!” said the double-bladed wielding acolyte.


“I’ve got him,” said Bastilla said to Nom, nodding towards the Sith. He nodded and they switched sides.


“Oh, I get the little one,” said the other Sith, swirling his own lightsaber in a circling motion. A sudden spurt of anger rose up in Nom’s chest ‘Little one?’


“Just remember your training,” said Bastilla, looking towards Nom.


* * *


Both Acolytes ran towards Nom and Bastilla. They held their ground as both Lightsabers came crashing down upon their own blades. Nom pushed the sith back and lunged his lightsaber forwards, aiming for his enemies gut.

The Sith blocked the oncoming attack and swirled down, bringing his saber across to slash at Noms legs; Nom jumped and using the Force, he was able to flip over his opponent and bring his blade down, creating a long slash down the Siths back. Grunting in anger, the acolyte rolled forwards, ignoring his own pain, and jumped up.


“Lucky shot,” he said, straining a smile “But it will not happen again, no mere Jedi can defeat me!”


* * *


Meanwhile, Bastilla was having her own problems. It had been a while since she had an intense fight such as this. Barely being able to block her enemies attacks in time, the Sith was unleashing all he had on Bastilla.


“Hmm, I thought being the great warrior that you are, this might have been a battle worth waiting for” sneered the Acolyte “I guess I was wrong. Who knows what Revan sees in a pathetic excuse for a warrior like you”


Anger coursed through Bastilla’s body at the sign of Revan’s name, and she gathered all her strength and leaped forward. Catching the sith on surprise, she got a few flurries of hits on him; catching him on the arm, slashing down the side of his leg and across the chest.

The sith fell onto his knees and looked upon Bastilla’s face.


“Finally,” he said, spitting out blood, “You have remembered … what it was,” he spluttered the rest of his words, but Bastilla caught the last few, which shook the inside of her like a sudden explosion from he heart … “To be, Sith”


“No!” screamed Bastilla, swinging her lightsaber across, she cleaved the head of the Acolyte straight off. Switching off her saber, she looked across at Nom fighting as she also, fell to her knees, before exhaustion took her into darkness.


* * *


Nom heard Bastilla’s scream and turned his head; he watched her fall to the ground.


“Master!” he yelled


“Ahh, I see,” said the Acolyte panting, “You were her student,” a slight smile of satisfaction had spread across his face “But, no more”


Nom bowed his head “You said no mere padawan can defeat a Sith. But I am no mere padawan I am Nom Kavar! And I will succeed in killing every sith that stands in my path; including you,”


“How noble!” mocked the Sith, “Now, prepare for death, little one,”


Nom laughed “Little one? Prepare to die? Tell me, sith, during this fight have you laid any hits on me whatsoever?”


The sith’s eyes widened in anger.


“That’s what I thought,” said Nom


Nom started towards the sith and brought his saber down, but the Acolyte parried the attack and brought his own lightsaber across, in line with Nom’s side. Nom blocked the attack and swirled around in a circle, and as he was doing so, bring his saber along with him. He stopped for a fraction of a second then lunged the purple blade into the sith’s chest. Pulling the blade back out, he let the body fall limp to the ground.


Momentarily shocked, Nom had realised that this was the first time he had killed a person. He was brought back to his senses however when he heard the yell, which was issued from Carth.




With that, remembering what had happened, Nom turned and sprinted towards Bastilla’s unmoving body.

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Thanks, to all of you.


@Pottsie:To be honest, i dont even know how many chapters are left. I would like to write as many as i can before the end of it, because i dont want to have anything rushed, and stuff.


But not to worry, lol. I doubt that it will be a 50 chapter story ... Even though, that would be pretty damn cool, lol

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Turning off his lightsaber, Nom knelt down by Bastilla. He placed his hand on her forehead; it burnt with extreme heat.


“What’s happened to her?” he asked, looking up at Carth.


“I don’t know,” said Carth, “Did you see the sith do anything to her?”




“We’ve got company!” yelled Atton, igniting the orange glow of his lightsaber.


Nom and Carth looked up towards the end of the corridor, where more sith had started to pour in.


“Don’t they ever give up?” yelled Carth, pulling out his blaster as he got up


“Apparently not,” replied Nom, activating his lightsaber but then he stopped, “Wait, I’ve got an idea,”


“Please, discuss,” said Carth


Nom pointed to Atton, Mira, Visas and Jolee. “Come here and form a line across the corridor. Quick!”

They issued a line across the passageway, blocking the way.


“I think I know what you’ve got in mind, kid,” said Atton, smiling.


“On three,” nodded Nom, at Atton. Apparently the rest of them got the idea also, because they were preparing themselves already. The sith in front of the stopped just an easy twenty paces away, and looked at them curiously with sneering faces.



The sith looked at each other uncomfortably, slowly their sneers failing.



Two-dozen red blades were issued, emanating the entire corridor in a reddish light.


Nom, gathered as much of the Force to him as he possibly could. Feeling that amount of power, nearly brought him to his knees, but he kept his feet.


“THREE!” roared Nom.

There was a deafening noise as: Nom, Atton, Mira, Visas and Jolee all let loose simultaneously a Force Wave so powerful, it could fling a Krayt Dragon, halfway across the Tattooine desert. As the wave travelled across the air, chunks of thick stone broke off from the walls as the ground beneath them shook, nearly bringing them all down. But the Jedi, amazingly, kept upright. The warriors of light. Powering down the coming darkness, shattering the barrier between which separated the two.


There were feared shouts issued from all the Acolytes standing in front of them as each one flew backwards hundreds of feet. Their bones crushing in their bodies as the wave passed through them. Accompanied with several blaster shots from Carth and Mission’s blasters, and several bolts from Zaalbar’s crossbow.

Drained of most of his strength, Nom fell to the ground.



* * *


“Get up, kid!” yelled Atton, “You don’t want to be crushed do you?”


“Huh?” said Nom, faintly.


Apparently, because of the Force Wave, the whole corridor was about to collapse on top of them if they didn’t get out of there now.


Atton helped him to his feet, and with his arm slung over Atton’s shoulder, Bastilla being carried by Carth, the company was able to get out just as the last chuck of ceiling fell, and the whole corridor dropped to the ground in a pile of rubble.


“Ahh,” came a grunt of pain “This damn leg!”


Nom looked around tired and noticed Jolee sitting with his back against the wall, holding his injured leg in his hands. A large gash had his robes covered in blood.


“Let me help you, old man,” said Mira, walking over to Jolee. Putting her hand over the wound, she dove into the Force. Discovering the damaged tendons, and strained muscles, she was able to bring back the tiny cells together, and she relaxed the muscles back to normal.


“I’m not a doctor or anything,” she said, standing back up, “But I think that will do, until you can get some professional medical attention,”


“Stupid,” muttered Jolee, getting back up “I could have done that myself you know. Just because im an old man, doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself,”


“Some people,” said Mira, shaking her head.


A small moan from Bastilla drew all their attention, back to the ground. Her body, in a fragile state as it was, seemed to have been completely overcome by extreme exhaustion.


“She needs some of our strength if she is to survive,” said Visas


Atton sighed, ”We don’t have that much left, and don’t know what is coming up next,”


“Never the less, she is right.” Said Mira, “Stop being a child and come over here,”


They formed a circle around her, each placing a hand on her shoulders and forehead.


“I want to help,” said Carth. A roar from Zaalbar, notified them that he agreed. Same with a “Don’t even think you’re leaving me out of this!” from Mission


“Fine,” said Atton, “Well come here then, already,”


Zaalbar and Mission joined hands and walked to Nom.

“Place your hand in mine,” Nom said. She took his hand, and he was actually surprised to feel some strength and warmth come back to him. But he quickly pushed that all the way to the back of his mind. Zaalbar placed his on Bastilla’s shoulder.


“Mind if I sit here?” asked Carth, as he sat next to Mira


“Uhh … not at all,” she replied, giving him a weird look, as they took hands, and Carth placed his hand on the top of Bastilla’s head.


“Now, clear your minds of all thoughts, and only concentrate on lending your strength to Bastilla,” said Visas


They all closed their eyes, and felt small pieces fall away from each of them to form a sort of cocoon around Bastilla, before falling onto her body, and into her spirit below. Nom looked deep beneath and he could feel Bastilla’s faint presence their and he pushed towards it. But it was reluctant to let him go any further.


‘It’s me master. Let me in, we are all giving you some of our strength, to heal you’


“Come on, Bas!” whispered Carth


Slowly the wall retreated back and Nom was able to pour his strength in.

They each heard the slow beats of her heart, regain soft momentum, and gradually become faster and more potent.

There was a small intake of breath and their eyes snapped open all at once. They saw Bastilla’s own eyes, flicking to all of them, with deep gratitude, but they were also sad.


“Thank you,” she said. They all took the hands away and stood up. Carth giving her a helping hand, Bastilla was able to stand, but it took her a few seconds to remain steady.


“Im alright,” she assured them, “Because of all you,”


“Here,” said Nom, handing Bastilla back her lightsaber.

She took it smiling; she said, “You have grown already. Revan was right about you. I can feel the power just emanating from you, it’s overwhelming,”


“You should have seen the Force Wave he produced not to long ago. I bet even Coruscant would be suffering the aftershock from that.” Said Carth, admiringly


Nom felt his face go red and he looked away. Then he felt it, something terrible was going to happen.


“Revan!” he hissed


“I felt it too,” said Bastilla suddenly.

“Gather your strength, because now, most of all, haste is what we need,” said Nom, “The bottom levels is where Revan is situated, we need to get there fast, otherwise … “ he stopped to listen to what The Force, was telling him … he gasped “Otherwise, Revan will be without Force. They are going to strip it from him! Let’s go!”



* * *



Nom sped down a set of stairs, jumped down another set, gliding himself with the Force; he landed softly at the bottom of the staircase. “Go, Nom!” yelled Bastilla.


He did not need telling twice; leaving the others behind him, he sped down a long hall to his left. To where, he knew that Revan was held. As he ran further, the hall became darker. Switching on his lightsaber, he followed the now purple-lit corridor down to the very end to a turbo-lift.


“How deep does this bloody thing go!” cursed Nom, as he entered, pressed the button to take him down to the lowest level, and waited.


What he saw when the turbo-lift doors open, was enough to drain his lungs out of all air, which left him out of breath, at the horrific scene at what he was witnessing.

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lol, yeah i only did the one chapter for Talk About A Vacation, and i didn't even like it.

And yeah he was annoying, but havent seen him since, so it's been good! lol.


As i said, i might do some Shorties, but not sure. I wouldn't mind in doing a spin-off starring Nom Kavar. What he does after all this. Depends on how this story ends as well :D.


Thanks for your comments aswell people. And remember, any mistakes in: Spelling, Grammer, Puncuation, anything like that. Let me know :D:D

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Atrox bathed himself in the atrocious sunlight as he stepped out of his ship, walking down the small loading ramp. He sniffed the clean air as he caressed the hilt of his lightsaber. And he stared around taking in his surroundings.

The foliage spreading throughout the plains covered ancient relics of the kings of old. But what took Atrox’s notice was a large statue, which had been erected.

It looked proud and powerful, but also menacing. The eyes pierce the flesh of all those who look upon it, with a deep and dark passion.

With a sneer, Atrox unhitched his lightsaber from his belt, and ignited it. Lighting up his face with a look of pure evil. Walking towards the statue, Atrox raised the beam of energy and lunged in an upward motion, brought it across and striking through the solid rock, the head fell with a loud thud to the ground.


“You there!” came a raspy sort of voice, “How dare you desecrate the statue of our master,”


Turning around, Atrox seen a pair of Sith Lords walking towards, both had their Lightsabers already activated.


“Let me guess,” said Atrox in his deep, crackly voice, “You guys, are my welcoming committee?”


“No!” spat the Sith on the right, “We are, your death!”


They lunged through the air, but Atrox was already prepared for them. He brought his own saber up and blocked the oncoming attacks, bringing his other hand up, he constricted the chords within one of the Sith’s throat, whilst throwing the other one against the beheaded statue with an almost lazy flick of his hand; making him crash down onto the ground.


“Well, well,” said Atrox, “You were no one but your own deaths, so it seems, doesn’t it?”


“You may be able to kill us,” choked the Sith, “But our master will not be so easy,”


“We shall see,” Atrox said fiercely, “Now, say good-bye to your pathetic life,”

With that, he strengthened his grip on the Sith’s throat, and he felt the life force draining away. Once all was gone, he threw the body aside, and noticing movement to his right, he saw the other Sith, barely alive, but trying with all his might to raise to his feet.


“Not so fast,” Atrox mocked, “Your master would like a word with you,” he flicked his hand once more, and the large head made out of stone, flew across the ground crashed onto the top of the sith’s head, dropping him to the ground, killing him instantly.

Smiling, Atrox turned to face the large spec in the distance, which was the temple.


“Now, we shall have some fun. Her i come -,” but he was interrupted by a voice in his head.


‘No,” said a voice


“What?” said Atrox


“I said, no,” came the reply, “You are to stay here, until it is done. They will come to you, then you will bring them before me,”


“I have not travelled halfway across the galaxy, just to sit in the dark and wait for this moment!” snapped Atrox


Suddenly an immense pain erupted in his head, creating and explosion of anguish yells from Atrox, as he frantically tried to diminish the pain, dropping his lightsaber to the ground as he doubled over, pulling at his hair.


‘Go to the Ebon Hawk and wait there. In time, you will see, my young apprentice," The pain ceased in his head, and breathing heavily, Atrox stood back up to his full height.


“Fine,” is all he said. He hitched his lightsaber back to his belt and walked steadily, through the surrounding foliage and through the forest of old trees and ghosts that still tread there, on his way to the Ebon Hawk.


* * *


Nom stared in wonder and disbelief. Revan was trapped in the Force Cage, which was situated in the far corner of the room. While three Sith stood on the left and right of him, as the third one stood in front of him.

He could feel the pain emanating from Revan, as if it were his own.

Revan was kneeling in agony, as the three Sith sapped the will of the Force from him. The orangey substance emitting a bright light as it travelled from within the body of Revan, and out into the palm of the fellow Sith.

At the noise of the Turbo-lift doors opening, the three Sith lowered their palms, Revan looked up at Nom with a grim feature which was spread on his face; Nom not knowing whether it was a faint smile of relief or regret. The Sith turned fully around and faced Nom. Nom’s eyes flicking to each in turn.


“Did I come at a bad time?” said Nom, reaching for his lightsaber.


The middle sith raised his hand and the lightsaber shot out of Nom’s hand flew towards the Sith, but Nom raised his own hand and tried calling the lightsaber back to him; but that did was stop the saber in mid air, halfway between Nom and his enemy.


“Smart little one aren’t you,” sneered the Sith


“When will you idiots, stop calling me little one?” Nom replied agitated, “Your buddy said that to me before, and look at him now. Dead,”


“Enough,” said the Sith on the right, stepping forward. Hurry up and take care of him, while I continue with Revan,”


None, of you will be continue this little escapade of yours anyway. Because im not going to let you,” said Nom


“So naive,”


“No,” replied Nom, “Your just too stupid to realise something,”

Revan smiled in Nom’s direction and nodded.


“Oh? And what might that be?” asked the Sith


“That I am a Jedi, and you’re Sith,” said Nom simply.


“What?” snapped the Sith, confused, “What the hell, does that mean?”


“It means,” said Nom, replied, pulling back as hard as he could, as his lightsaber flew back towards his hand, and he ignited it, “The time of the Sith has ended. Now, prepare to pay for all the deaths you have caused,”


“I do not think so,” said the Sith, as he and the other two ignited their own Lightsabers.


“OK, you can do this,” Nom said to himself, “Let them come to you, the Force is my ally it will help me. Keep calm’


All three warriors surrounded Nom, bringing their Lightsabers above their head. The all attacked at once.


Nom ducked, parried one attack and brought his saber slashing across at the Sith’s side. Making him jump backwards, to avoid the parry. Nom seen through the Force, another attack directed at his back, he quickly tipped his hand downwards and he brought his lightsaber down to protect his back. He swiped his leg across hard and fast; he brought the sith to his knees. The next thing the sith knew was seeing a beam of light flash in front of him and proceeding through his chest, as his eyes closed and he saw no more.


The sith that were left yelled in anguish and rushed forward towards Nom. Using the Force to aide him, Nom leapt off his feet and produced a flip high enough so his feet brushed the ceiling, and he landed behind his enemies. Slashing one across the back of the knee’s and the other, a long cut down his back.


One sith fell, but the other, overcome with rage, went into a fury and started to swipe at Nom with everything he had. Lightsaber, along with his fists and feet.


Blocking most of the oncoming attacks, Nom was able to slice downwards, just before a red glow reached his stomach, and cutting across, he took the Sith’s fingers off, along with slicing the hilt in half; diminishing the red light.




As the Sith screamed in agony, Nom pierced him through the heart, silencing the undistinguishing babble. But to Nom’s notice, the other Sith was gone, and it was too late before he realised that the Sith did not run, but he had in fact moved along side the fight, and stalked behind Nom in the shadows. Nom quickly brought his lightsaber across, but he could not block the whole attack, as he felt considerable pain in the side of his gut; the acrid smell of burnt flesh filled his nostrils.


He gasped and fell to his knees as pain consumed all other thoughts. The Sith limped to in front of Nom, with gasps as he took every step. The backs of his knee making him cringe in pain, as the wound stretched.


“You have fought well, little one,” said the Sith admiringly, “I will give you that much honour,”


Nom fuelled himself with the Force as anger raged through his body; “How many times,” he whispered, “Have I told you, not to call me ‘little one’,”


He got to his feet, grabbing at his side; he noticed that all down his Robe was soaked with blood.


“And not only will I destroy you for annoying me with the continuous idiocy of you Sith, and slashing at my side,” Nom blinked, and said, “This was my only robe, and you’ve ruined it. That’s not very nice”


Nom quickly brought his palm up, facing towards the Sith and sneered, his eye’s glinting.


“Nom, no!” yelled Revan.


As Nom felt the rush of pure energy rush from all his body to the very edge of his fingertips, he produced the electricity, directing it at the surprised Sith. The room was filled with the piercing screams of the Sith as he rolled around in absolute pain and agony, the echoes of his screams bouncing from wall to wall. As soon as the screams stopped, Nom lowered his palm. He turned to Revan.


“Sorry, Revan,” he said weakly “I'm some Jedi, aren’t I?”


With that, he felt his eyelids close and he fell to the ground, as darkness took him. The last thing he saw was the door of the turbo-lift opening once more, and several figures running in. Some running to him as the others ran to Revan, before all consciousness left from his body.

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@Pottise: Thanks, and i hope your enjoying the story, thus far.

@Akuma: Thanks for the correction. I think i remember you saying something about that before, and i went alright for a while, but then i just started to have the double 'L' in there again, lol. Anyway, thanks for the comment. Most appreciated.


Anyways, here's the next chapter. :D




As Nom felt his consciousness return to him, he did not open his eyes. He did however; hear voices, concerned and angry voices.


“What do you mean, Revan?” came Bastila’s voice


“I mean,” said Revan, clearly extremely annoyed, “That he murdered that Sith. He used power, which was of the Dark Side. A power I only saw Malak use,”


“He used a Dark Side power!” said Mission, “But surely, he didn’t mean it, did he? I mean, why would he use the Dark Side when he is a Jedi?”


“Im not very sure anymore if I made the right choice in deciding to train him,” came Revan’s reply. Nom had had enough.


“I am a Jedi,” he said forcefully, opening his eyes. They were still in the prison chamber? How long had he been out for, and why haven’t they left yet? But he pushed those questions back for later and continued: “It was just a slip, and it will never happen again,”


“It was more than just a slip from what Revan has been telling us Nom. Even a slip can lead you to the Dark Side,” said Bastila, frowning at Nom


“Sure, and you would definitely know, wouldn’t you?” said Nom defiantly, “Did you tell him of your little slip? Even before we got into the temple?”


“What happened?” said Revan, concerned, looking towards Bastila.


“It can wait,” replied Bastila harshly, staring at Nom, “First we need to get out of the temple,”


Nom let out a small laugh “Yeah, that would be right wouldn’t it?” he said.


“Nom!” hissed Mission, “Why are you speaking like this?”


Nom blinked and looked at Mission. Suddenly, the anger swept from his body, causing him to fall to his knees and gasp.


“What is it?” asked Revan, rushing to his side and lifting him up.


“I – I’m not sure,” replied Nom. He turned to Bastila “I’m sorry for the things what I said. I don’t know why I said them; it was as if like … something had taken over me. It won’t happen again,” Looking around, he suddenly realised that not all of the company were present. “Where’s Jolee?” he asked


“We need to get out of here,” said Revan suddenly before Bastila could reply, “He’s coming”


“Jonas?” asked Bastila


“I feel him too,” whispered Visas


“Come! We are not yet strong enough to fight him,” said Revan, as he ran to the turbo lift doors.


“Wait,” said Nom, “That’s the way he’ll be coming from. We need to find some other way, to get out of here,”


“And how do you propose we do that?” said Atton, “In case you haven’t noticed, there are no other doors, or windows in the room,”


“We have Lightsabers,” Nom pointed out


“Yes,” agreed Atton, “But we’re also underground,”


“Ahh, well … this could be a problem,” said Nom.


The rest silently agreed with him, as they waited for the Turbo-lift doors to open.


* * *

Well, we’ve stalled long enough,” said Revan, “This is the only way to go, if we are to escape,” He ran to the turbo-lift, just as the doors opened.


With a gasp he stepped back; the rest ignited their Lightsabers, as the doors slid to the side.


“Jolee!” exclaimed Revan, “About bloody time you showed up old man!”


“Now, sonny. Don’t thank me yet, we’re still yet to get out of this hell hole,”


“Right,” said Revan, turning around to the others, he said: “Well, are you coming or not?”


They all rushed forwards and piled into the turbo-lift. It was a tight fit, but they all made it.


“Zaalbar, that better be your crossbow!” warned Carth


The rest laughed softly. The first real laugh they had shared for quite some time.


“Get ready,” said Revan, “We don’t know what will be on the other sides of these doors when they open,”


“I see you’ve got your lightsaber back,” said Nom


“Yeah, the fools left it in one of the security lockers, which mind you, was as easy as shooting a Krayt dragon at close range for Mission,” replied Revan


“Nice job,” said Nom, turning to Mission


“Thanks,” she said brightly


“Be on your guard, we’re almost there,” said Revan


They felt the turbo-lift shudder to a stop, and the doors slid open. Ready switch on his lightsaber, Nom quickly jumped out, followed by everyone else.

“Hmm … well this is weird,” he said, deactivating his lightsaber.


The hallway was empty. Only the echoes of their footsteps occupied the ends of the corridor.


“Indeed,” said Revan


“Well, let’s not waste time for people to actually come down here, lets go already!” said Atton


“Always on the move,” said Revan grimly, as they started to proceed down the corridor at a quickened pace.


* * *


They made it back up the stairs all right, but they came to a halt as they stopped in front of the blocked tunnel, which resulted from the powerful Force Wave they had induced earlier before.


“Looks like I missed out on something good,” said Revan as he stared around at the dead Sith that littered the flor around them.


“We’ll have enough time for jokes later Rev,” said Carth “For now, can we just concentrate on getting through this alive, please?”


They looked to the side, and noticed a flight of stairs led to a floor above. “This way,”

They ran up the stair and proceeded down the corridor. Noticing on the wall and floor that bricks had also fallen off from this side.


‘Wow, was the Force Wave really that powerful?’ Nom thought to himself.


They got to the end of the hallway and noticed another flight of steps, which led down to the floor they needed to be on. They bounded down the stair as fast as they could, and headed toward the open door.


Mission, Carth, Zaalbar, Jolee, Atton, Mira, and Visas all managed to get through the door, before somehow, it got slammed shut. Nom slammed against the door, and fell to the ground. Bastila stopped and nearly fell backwards, but Revan caught her, just before she hit the ground.

Suddenly there was a harsh laugh.


“You honestly didn’t think it would be that easy did you?” said Jonas, as he leapt from the second floor and landed in front of Revan, Bastila and Nom.


Jonas looked to Revan, Bastila and then his eyes settled on Nom.

“You, im most interested in. You managed to kill, my three most trusted, and powerful servants. Single-handedly,”

He nodded, “Impressive … Very impressive,”


“Let them go,” said Revan, “They have no part in this, it’s you and me. It’s always been between us. Even in during the Wars, you were always so cocky, and trying to surpass me, in both strength and intelligence,” he smiled, “And I should add, that you have failed miserably,”


“Fine,” said Jonas. He flicked his hand, and the doors opened back up, revealing a seriously concerned group of people.


“Jonas!” yelled Mira


Jonas looked behind Revan, to the group behind him and said:

“Ahh, yes. I see that you have brought some of my old servants. Yes, they were most useful,”


“You arrogant, son of a –,” but Mira was cut off, as Bastila, screamed furiously and lunged towards Jonas, both ends of her sabre-staff ignited.


“Bastila, no!” yelled Revan, but it was too late. Jonas was ready for the attack and laughed as she tried to hit him, but all attempts useless.


“Revan, take Nom and go!” she yelled, “He is the only way for us to save the Republic, I know it!”


“Bastila, I won’t leave you!” he yelled back.


She looked back towards him, as Jonas did a back flip and landed on top of the huge pile of rubble which poured out from the collapsed tunnel.


“You must,” is all she said. With that she gathered the Force, and used it to push both Revan and Nom through the giant doors, and close them again, before Revan could get back in,


The last thing Nom saw before the doors fully closed, was his master jump up and went to strike down at the Jedi Exile.


He looked down to the ground in disbelief, whilst Carth and Atton raced towards them, trying to get them up standing, as flashes of laser shots came raining down on top of them from the towers above.

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@Pottsie: yeah, i liked Exile more than Revan. (I liked TSL btter than KotOR)

Thanks to you as well, Darth Randus. All comments are most welcome and appreciated :D .


Anyway, here's another chapter (Man, im on a roll!). Ive also put in a little twist as well. I've did some research and im pretty sure it wont contradict with anything. So hope you all enjoy it.




“C’mon!” yelled Carth as the laser bolts continued to spew down from the turrets, “Revan, we can save her later. Do you want to die here?”


That question awoke Revan’s dormant mind back to life, and he realised the situation he was in.

He jumped up and with a last glance at the temple; he turned and sprinted off with the rest of the group. Dodging shots here and there as they continued to rain down upon their heads, until finally they entered the trees and were a safe distance from the oncoming volleys.


“Do you think they will come after us?” panted Carth, when they finally stopped


Revan looked as if he took no notice of what Carth said; he was staring back in the direction from whence they came. Pondering in his head at what might be happening to Bastilla as they just stood there. Doing nothing.


“No,” he replied, vaguely, “At least, not yet anyway. They will wait until nightfall, when they have the element of surprise. That’s when we must fight them. Spring the trap on them. They wont know what hit ‘em, until it’s too late,”


“Listen, Revan,” said Nom; “I know you want to get Bastila back. We all do, it’s just the same for when we were going in there to get you we have to think about this. Come up with a proper formalized plan, then just going in there, slicing and dicing as we see fit!”


Revan looked at Nom, “What did you mean earlier?”


“What do you mean?” asked Nom, confused


“I mean, why did you say those things earlier, when we were in the holding room,”


“I told you Revan, I don’t know what came over me, I just -,”


“Not that,” said Revan, waving his hand impatiently, “I’m talking about Bastila’s ‘slip’. What did you mean by it?”


“Well,” started Nom. He wanted to make sure he put this into the right words, and not to make Revan angry, “It’s just, you should have seen her, Revan. It was as if, all thought of rationalization had diminished completely within Bastila’s eyes. The glint in her eyes was enough to make even a group of Terentaks think twice about trying to argue with her,”

“It was scary to think that something such as love could do that to a person. She activated her lightsaber when Carth tried to argue with her. I thought something was going to happen,”


“But thanks to you, Nom,” piped up Carth, “Nothing did happen, you and you alone were able to talk some sense into her,”


“I just,” Revan let out a yell, “Why did she do that? Why did she make us run? I could have stopped this there and then! What foolish thought, did she have!”


“I can tell you Revan,” said Carth. He looked down at Nom, “It’s you. She has a feeling. We all do. Your somethin’ special kid. She wants to keep you alive because you are the only hope for the Republic to survive,” he turned back to Revan laughed, “Sorry Rev, but it looks like you’ve got some competition in the ‘Saving the Galaxy’ department,”


Nom tried to suppress a smile, but it was too hard. He ached all over, his side had been healed by Revan when he was unconscious, but that didn’t stop it from hurting considerably.

Carth looked back at Nom, and seen that he was almost asleep where he was sitting.


“Rev, we need rest. Lets head back to the ship, have an hour or two rest. Then we will discuss on how to rescue Bastilla, OK?”


“Fine,” replied Revan, “I don’t need any rest, ive had enough for the past week. So I will scout around, see if there’s any Sith who need dealing with,”


“Please don’t do anything foolish,” said Carth, looking at Revan.


“Hey, it’s me!” said Revan, smiling mockingly.


“That’s what im afraid of,” muttered Carth



* * *



“The Hawk is just past this thick foliage here,” said Carth, “Its considerable hidden for the size and of which where it is,”


“What do you mean?” asked Revan


“You’ll see,” replied Carth


As they past through the thick trees, getting pricked and their robes getting torn in some places by large sharp nettles, they came to the Ebon Hawks ‘docking port’.


“OK, now I see what you mean,” said Revan, walking towards the edge of the large cliff, “This place really is hidden isn’t it?”


“Sure is,” said Carth, walking over to stand next to him.


“Wait,” said Revan, “its not that well hidden as you first may think,”


“What is it?” asked Carth


“Don’t move,” Revan warned, “There’s a presence to the left through the trees. Hiding its power considerably well, but still not enough,”


“Can you make it out, who it might be?”


Revan closed his eyes and tried to focus on the identity of the mysterious presence. But he opened his eyes back up.


“No,” he said grimly, “I’ve never felt such a thing before. Such a powerful wave of energy pulsates from it. It’s overwhelming,”


“We need to get rid of him, or her, whoever it is quickly. Before they get rid of us,” said Carth


“Don’t worry Carth, my old friend,” replied Revan, looking up at Carth, “I’m here, remember?”

“Tell me why that does not comfort me,” said Carth smiling


“Let’s go back to the Hawk,” said Revan, “I’ll take care of our visitor,”


“Fair enough,” replied Carth


They walked back to the ship and told the rest of the group of the onlooker.


“That funny, I didn’t even sense him,” said Nom, quietly


“He’s hiding his power considerably well,” said Revan, “And he has intentions. Serious one’s,”


“Well, what are we going to do?” asked Mira


“I’ll take care of it,” assured Revan, unhitching his lightsaber.


“We’re over here if you need help,” said Nom, smiling, “In case you get … too tired. You know, because of your age and all,’


“Oh, you’re a funny one aren’t you?” Revan replied, pretending to be insulted. He wasn’t that old.


Walking over to the space between the Ebon Hawk and the cliff, Revan pretended to go over to the cliff, but he stopped and said: “You can come out now, whoever you are,”


Hearing the rustles of leaves and breaking twigs, Revan looked to the side to see the newcomer. And what he saw, made he’s his insides squirm in disgust.


The persons face as mangled. Half of his nose had been sliced off, there were large scars across his cheeks, and the whites of ones of his eyes were not white at all, but yellow.

The person, if it could be called that, smiled, revealing several jagged teeth.


“Jeeze, what happened to you?” asked Revan


“Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in order to achieve the things what you want.”


“And let me guess,” said Revan, “That would be power?”


“Cant have too much power, “ replied the stranger.


“So, let me get this going then,” started Revan, “Are you here to kill us, or not?”

A sneer started to ripple itself across the strangers face.


“Why, yes. Yes, I am,” he said


“Hmm … Thought so, “ said Revan.

He ignited his lightsaber, gathered the Force underneath his feet and lunged himself through the air to land in front of the stranger. Bringing his lightsaber down in a slashing movement, but the stranger parried it and jumped to the side, bringing his own so it would slash at Revan’s head.

Revan ducked, and pushed a power Force Wave into the strangers gut, throwing him backwards ten feet.


“I never got the pleasure of knowing your name,” said Revan


“My name, is Darth Atrox.” He replied, before lunging towards Revan, lightsaber heading straight towards his chest.

Spinning, Revan evaded the attack, kicked Atrox’s legs out from under him, so it made him crash to the ground with a grunt.


“Enough?” asked Revan.


“Hmph,” is all the stranger said, as he leant back, kicked Revan in the chest with the bottom of his feet, then he kicked himself back up from the ground, back into a fighting stance.


“Impressive,” said Revan


“You’ll’ find I’m full of surprises,” Atrox said.

Revan raised an eyebrow, “Can’t wait,” he said sarcastically.


Atrox yelled in anger and sprinted towards Revan, pulling out a quarter length saber as he went.


Surprised by the sudden appearance of the new weapon, Revan missed blocking the second stab to his leg, and fell to the ground in pain. Victorious, Atrox lowered his lightsaber to Revan’s throat.


“It’s funny,” he whispered, “You were just as I expected Revan. Weak, withering … Dieing.”


A sudden surge of power streamed throughout Revan’s body and exploded. Creating an avalanche of air proceeding from his body, pushing Atrox away just enough for Revan to get the opportunity to get himself back up.


“And, now you can see, ‘Darth’ Atrox … I am full of surprises.”


“Excellent.” Said Atrox.



* * *



“Do you think he needs help?” asked Atton


“No,” said Nom. Carth agreed.


“When we all we fighting, all those years back. We had certain energy, an energy that could sustain us even for the longest for battles. Enough to keep us going, until our opponents wore out, but not we just kept on going, no matter what.

“But I’m afraid, even if most of us don’t want to admit it (I certainly don’t) but we have all lost some of the energetic selves we used to be. But ... I think Revan has found that again, and whatever he may think, or what we may think. Nothing can take that away from him, now,”


The others looked on as Carth concentrated on Revan. After all these years, he has finally been able to talk to him again. He felt, in himself that everybody who had been on the Ebon Hawk on its voyage to find the Star Forge, had created a certain bond between them all. And without Revan, that bond was just not complete.

But now that Revan was with them again, he still did not feel that that bond had resurfaced at all yet. Whether it being too long since any of them had seen Revan to even remember him as the saviour of the galaxy, or whether it was because of Revan himself; separating himself from the group and cutting the bond into threads of uncertainty.


“You alright, Carth?” asked Nom


“Yeah, im fine,” he replied, not taking his eyes away from the battle, “Im fine,”


Nom didn’t look away from Carth straight away, wanting to know what he was thinking, but he did not even want to know the results of what would happen if he were to probe Carth’s mind.

So he withdrew that thought immediately and he himself, looked towards the fight that was commencing.


* * *


“I don’t think Revan can keep this up much longer,” said Atton, leaning over to talk to Mira, so no one else would hear.


“Didn’t you hear what Carth said, laser brain?” said Mira irritably, unable to tear her eyes away from Revan. “Just look at him fight! It’s more like a dance if you ask me, the way he gracefully swings his lightsaber to block ever oncoming attack from this Darth Atrox, it’s compelling,”


“Your weird, you know that?” said Atton, turning away looking out towards the trees of the forest.



* * *



“So, Revan. You power has grown since the last time we met,” said Atrox.


“I don’t remember ever being acquainted with you,” said Revan.


“I thought you wouldn’t, it’s been a long time ago since we first met,” Atrox replied with a sneer.


“Well, enlighten me.” Said Revan, “Who are you exactly?”


“I was in the Mandalorian Wars, under your command. At that last battle at Malachor V, when you sent us to our deaths. But you failed with me, Revan. I saw through your intentions and retreated back to my ship and took off. I saw and felt all the deaths that you had caused from the sky,”


“I took off into space and went to return to my home. But when I got there, did you know what I found?” when Revan shook his head, Atrox continued,


“Nothing. Nothing at all, as my home was destroyed. And did you know that I found out who destroyed my home? It was you. You destroyed my home, my life, and my family. My mother and father are gone, my wife is lost and I cannot find my son. As far as I looked upon that planet, I could not find him. That was seventeen years ago, however I have never stopped searching. And nor will I stop searching until I find him.”


“I’m sorry for your loss-,” started Revan, but was cut off by a shriek of laughter from Atrox.


“No your not! I know you are not, don’t lie to me.” He said, as his eyes filled with hate and disgust. “You are the reason I have lost everything in my life, and the one reason that I will gain enough satisfaction to fill my life again. For when I kill you.”


“Your words are full of hatred and pain,” replied Revan, “But don’t live like this.”


“Ready to die, Revan?” asked Atrox, getting adjusting himself in a fighting stance.


Revan sighed and re-ignited his saber, “I was born ready.” is all he said, as they lunged at each other at the same time. Aiming to kill.

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Thanks once again Pottsie, here's just a question though.


Do you think i should go along with a storyline as Atrox as Revan's brother, or just continue to write a more informative storyline with rescuing Bastila and defeating the Unknown threat?


I'm asking because, i would like to write to the readers satisfactions and just to my own. So what do you think?

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