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Request for TSL Sith master robes


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Can someone make a Robe mod for TSL to give the sith Master robes from the temple battle those robes are pretty cool, also if anyone knows the model name so I can pick it from the KSE editor that would be great too please drop me a mail thanks =)

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Can someone make a Robe mod for TSL to give the sith Master robes from the temple battle those robes are pretty cool, also if anyone knows the model name so I can pick it from the KSE editor that would be great too please drop me a mail thanks =)

Hey there, JoleeOnasi!


I am just starting out with learning to MOD, so I can't make the MOD for you. However, I can tell you the appearance for this is Dark_Jedi_Mid_Male_03. This appearance will cause your game to crash if you don't remove ANY armor/robe before switching to this appearance via KSE - and you CAN'T put any on afterwards as well. This is the big bummer about that appearance (I applied this appearance to Atton in my game). If you have an extremely high dexterity bonus, it will give you a natural AC boost (no restrictions to the AC modifier since you can't wear armor). The cool thing is that you CAN equip this appearance with masks/head gear - I like using the dark Jedi master hood (by AVOL) - it kinda gives that "Dr.Doom" look.


Hope this helped.


- DM.005 :maul5:

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