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What did GUNNER get for Christmas? A must read...


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Since I was in Sunny Arizona for Christmas I really didn't get most of my gifts till I got home and had Christmas with my folks so here is my belated list.


The Tie Advanced Lego model. This baby is sweet ,it is huge and has its own stand and looks great. Now to get the X-Wing. wink.gif


A nice World map. More on this later.


Socks,sweater,book, yada yada yada..


And.......it looks like I'm going to be a Dad again. biggrin.gif Not sure how far along we are but the Wife goes to the Doctor today. So actually this preasent wont come for another 7-8 months.


Back to the Map. I got this really nice big World map and I was going to make a list of everyone here (and other various SW forums I hang out at) and where they lived and then I could see just where everyone was at in the World. smile.gif


So if you wouldn't mind would you please put your name and where you live, if it's a small city also put a town that you are close to that should be on the map. I.E. I live in Auburn so I would also add , 20 miles south of Seattle, as it's a major city. Because if I just put Auburn,Washington You would go, "where in the heck is that". Understand. smile.gif


so start listing if you would.

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Guest chewie's hairbrush

Congrats, the second'll be easier, you've already had some practice.


Reading, England. 40 miles directly west of London.

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Congrats!!! If you keep it up like this, GUNNER, you might end up with like 10 kids! I know it's possible... I know a family with 10 kids... All girls, and all of 'em can sing way better then anything I've ever heard... Oh yeah, they're really hot too... But anyway... I hope it's a girl for ya, that way Lil' GUNNER can beat up the guys who date her, saving your best threatening lines for special occasions... Give us news on the wife's trip to the Dr.!



*Joker, to the helicopter gunner*


"How can you shoot women, and children?"

"Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!!!"

-Full Metal Jacket


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Guest guildenstern

The second I read the title of this topic, I said to myself, "GUNNER's having anoher kid!" And I was right! Women, we just know these things...


Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The province is a little big, so you'll find my city in the south-west corner.

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grats Gunman! that's great news smile.gif i hope it's a girl too, so you can have a little princess to match your prince smile.gif


and nute and i (hahaha nute, i posted first wink.gif ) live in butler, pennsylvania, which is hrmm...20 miles(?) north of pittsburgh. even if it's more than that, it's kind of a little city in its own right anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to find tongue.gif



If you live to be a hundred, i hope i live to be a hundred minus one so i never have to live without you!



Official Forum Chick

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Originally posted by Zargon:

Talk about precision


There's a sign about half a mile from my house biggrin.gif It says "Pittsburgh 26" or 24...now i can't remember redface.gif






The virtues of Pokemon are lost in a sea of animal warfare and Nurse Joy's miniskirt.

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