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More $$$ for Lucas

Guest Hans The Great

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Guest Hans The Great

From MSN News Service:

"Not that money's any problem for Lucas. Last week's video release of The Phantom Menace sold a record-clobbering 5 million copies in its first two days. And the explosion generated another $100 million for the film, bringing its total take beyond $1 billion."




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Guest wedge_antil3

probobly becuse he will have 3 new movies to make games on and the x-wing series is geting old so less people are buying the x-wing series games so they make a new games to make money



which i think is good that they have more variety but i still wish theyd make more x-wing series and x-wing series will always be the classic the game that started it all


[This message has been edited by wedge_antil3 (edited April 14, 2000).]

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Guest Baltar

How 'bout they continue SW space flight sims, but take it back to the times of the new trilogy? (This wouldn't occur until all three are out, mind you)

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Guest Hans The Great

I think that GL is more interested in making money on games like "Pit Droids" than any serious space flight sim.

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