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Vehicle stuff

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Hi there razor, i just wanted to ask if it'd be possible to add the possibility of changing the rider animation, right now when you go to the .veh file you find this line:

riderAnim		BOTH_VS_IDLE

But if you change it to another animation nothing happens, could it be possible to make the game being able to change it?

Also in another point, it'd be possible to add the possibility of vehicle-melee-attack? for example, you are on a tauntaun and you could have the possibility to make it beat the oponent (supposing it had a melee attack animation, i put the example of a tauntaun but it'd be for custom vehicles).

In SP when you make the "helpusobi 1" cheat and you mind trick a wampa or a rancor, you can move and attack as if you were a wampa or a rancor, could this be exported to MP?


This stuff could contribute to make MP maps more fun and interactive than how they are, i'll wait for your answer, thx for your time ;).

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I'm not really into modding the vehicle code. It's not a part of the mod that's been supported a lot and I personally feel that my time is better spent on other features.


Maybe if there was a good reason to expect more support from the vehicle modding community. :)

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I'm not really into modding the vehicle code. It's not a part of the mod that's been supported a lot and I personally feel that my time is better spent on other features.


Maybe if there was a good reason to expect more support from the vehicle modding community. :)


Maybe after some classes are created or something.

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