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[Fic] Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III The Second Sith War

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James lunged at his brother and Logan defended. Logan pushed him back, James raised his vibrosword over his head showing his mastery of the Djem So fighting style. Logan twirreled his sword and brought it behind his head, still pointing it forward, he raised his two fingers and pointed them at his brother's eyes, having mastered the Soreseu style. Jean entered the room and sat down. James turned his head in her direction and made a quick wave. Logan attacked and Jean giggled. "Focus on our duel, brother." he told.

"We have an observer." replied James.

"I can see that in the Force. Try it sometime."

"I saw how beautiful she was in the Force. I looked at her to make sure."

Logan didn't make a response, his brother outwitted him, as usuall. Jean overheard their quarrel and laughed. James used the force to push his brother away. He hit the wall hard. When he got up, he found his brother's sword pointed at his face.

"Okay, you win." stated Logan "But I will beat you someday."

"You did good, I'll give you that. Maybe you should consider a different style, such as Ataru, or maybe Bastila's Juyo." suggested James.

"I'm fine, thank you." replied Logan.

Jean started clapping, "Well done." she commented.

"Thank you." James replied.


James saw Jean, the one girl she admired, studying Jedi history. "I hear that Revan's ancestor, Tudo'Val, was the creator, and that his brother created the Sith." he explained.

"You hear correct." replied Jean.

"Hey umm..."

"Yes?" Jean interrupted.



"Hey, since I'm in here, umm..."


"Umm... Can I study with you?"

"Sure, we can study the construction of a lightsaber." suggested Jean.

"Yeah, sure."

James and Jean studied a holocron on lightsaber construction.

"What colour are you going to have your saber as?" asked James.

"Oh I think I'll have it either viridian or violet." answered Jean "What about you?"

"I think I'll either have it cyan or orange." replied James.

"I think that orange will suit you the best." suggested Jean.



"Well I think that viridian will suit you the best." suggested James.

"Why thank you."

"Your welcome."

"I can ask my master for our crystals, I can get you a viridian one." told James.

"You can? Thanks."

"Wait here, I'll be back."


James ran to find either Visas or Jaden. He ran to the council chamber and found Jaden there. "Master Jaden."

"Yes James?"

"I need some saber crystals. For me and Jean."

"Which colours?" asked Jaden.

"Viridian for Jean and orange for me."

"Well there are no crystal caves on Coruscant, so I'll let you have them."

"Thank you master."

"You wish to develop a relationship with her?" asked Jaden.

"...Yes" James answered.

"There is no embarrasment in this, not in this era."

"Were the Jedi allowed to love before the new order?" asked James.

"When Tudo'Val began the order, he allowed it. But then it was forbidden when he died." Jaden explained.

"Revan and Bastila abolished that rule?" James asked.

"Yes, they felt if they should love, then everyone else should be allowed."

"What about you."

"I have an intimate relationship with Visas."

"Oh. Well I should get back to Jean." told James.

"I'll see you later."


James ran back to Jean with his crystals in hand. "One viridian crystal for you, and I have my orange one."

"Thank you, you really are a nice guy."

"You want to do something later?" asked James.

"Yes I'd love that." Jean answered.

"I love you."

Jean blushed "umm... I'll see you later."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Both walked away smiling.

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The next day, James was looking forward to spending more time with Jean. James got his robe on and started searching the temple for Jean. Jean waited in the courtyard for him. James found her there and sat down beside her "You're a hard girl to find." he said.

"Well it shouldn't be too hard for some people like us." Jean replied.

"Tell me about your childhood on Deralia." told James.

"It's a sad story, I really don't think I wanna talk about it."

"Come on, you can tell me."

"Okay." told Jean reluctantly. "I was born into a poor family." she began. "My parents were almost never home, and they could barely keep enough food on the table for the both of us. I had to even starve for a day if there wasn't enough money."

"Wow... No offence but I was born into a rich family and I never knew how bad being... umm..."


"I wanted to put it in more modest terms but we'll go with that. I never knew how bad that could be."

"You can only know if you experience it."

"I always claimed: "Our luck will change, parents, I know it will." I hoped I knew that would happen."

"It didn't, did it not?" asked James.

"No... My father would hit me out of anger. Because he overreacted out of fear."

"That's horrible. I feel awful for you."

"I didn't hate him. I still loved him. I just pityed him."

"What was his line of work?" asked James.

"He volunteered. Hoping he'd get paid." answered Jean.

"Did he?"

"Not all the time."

"Did it get any worse?"

"Yes. When we were bankrupt, he blamed it all on me, for being born. The next day *sniff* he tried to get rid of me."

"I take it that it wasn't the "Get out of here" way."

"It involved a rope and an open window. *sob* I left into streets." whimpered Jean. Jean layed her hean on James and started crying more. All James could do was just... hug her.

"I'm sorry I shouldnt've asked."

"I willl feel better." she whimpered.

"I hope so. It pains me to see you cry." stated James.

"I think now that I've shared it, I can stop hiding it... Thanks."

"For what?" he asked.

"For listening to me, for not treating me like a ragdoll. I wish I can repay you for at least listening to my life."

"You don't need too. Hearing your voice is enough."

"I think I know how." Jean pulled James towards her and pressed her lips against his. "You said you loved me, didn't you?" she asked.

"I did."

"I was speechless to reply the same thing. I finally found someone in my life who can love me without attempting to hang me from a window."

"I can assure you, I won't do that." both laughed. "I'll look after you. I'll make sure that you do not come to harm. Trust me." declared James. Both of them got up and began walking to their rooms.

"I'm glad to have spent this time with you." told Jean.

"Thank you for sharing your life story with me." James replied.

"First tell me. What is it like to be wealthy?" asked Jean.

"After I heard your story. I'd say that I am lucky to have food on my table." James answered. Both walked to their rooms. Damn, she was lucky just to be away from him, James thought to himself.

I'm lucky to be loved by him. Jean though.

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