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Most Effective Unit

Which Unit is Most Effective?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Unit is Most Effective?

    • Infiltrators
    • T4-B's
    • MPTL's
    • T2-B's
    • Airspeeders
    • AT-AT's
    • AT-ST's
    • TIE Maulers
    • SPMA-T's
    • AT-AA's

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I agree. A pair of those can kill your forces with 1 volley, and you can't charge them b/c the torpedoes are homing. And their robots can sensor ping your base/power gen. for a bombing run. The empire can't counter with air units either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In your opinion, which unit is the most effective in its respective category and why? eg. Anti-Air, Anti-Infantry, Artillery.


well it also depends on what you're trying to defeat with them, like if you want to blow up a bunch of light vehicles all crammed together in one spot then send TIE maulers there to self-destruct.


so I have a N/A vote

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  • 3 weeks later...

at-at hands down, artillery is effective, but when used right, 1 at-at can destroy an army of artillery for it's dominant power and heavy armor, and the troopers can kill infantry or distract infiltraters so the at-at can squeeze the rebel SCUM out of him :)

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I think it's a tie between the MPTL and AT-AT.


MPTL's are powerful with those torpedoes and there's no way to defeat them if they are defended by turrets and a repair station unless you use a bombing run.


AT-AT's are very good because of the endless reserve of stormtroopers it has in its' hull and can wipe out most vehicle support with the heavy laser cannons. Not to mention they have the most health of any ground unit.

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