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The Cantina Scenario


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An RPG in the Mos Eisley cantina.

You pick a character, state name, race,

occupation, and what they are carring(Up to 5 itmes). No force powers.

Only 1 character per person. I hope someone's the barkeep.

State who you're replying to in brackets. Try to keep in character.


Deac Starkiller. Human. Rebel Agent. Carrying

Blastech E-11 rifle, Key to ship, data reader, 300 credits.


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Rollo Mosari. Duros. Merchant/mechanic. Carrying

Blastech DL-45 MilSpec (concealed under workvest, Comlink, Datapad, Universal Spanner, 600 credits.


*walks over to the bar, and orders a tattoine sunrise*


[to Wheler(sp?)] Thanks... 2 Hyper Drive Coolent flushes, and 1 Engine overhaul makes Rollo have a PooDoo day *hands over 5 creds for the drink*

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[to Deac] sorry, im a bit drunk now.

[to WUHER] Did you do anything differant with this one?

[WUHER] nope, just your normal blend for a sunrise

[to deac]Now, about the Elrood sector... *feels a bit uneasy* um... well i was doing some Free trading in the sector for a while

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Guest Sharkolomew

*Struts in bar*


Tevin "Shark" Modak. Verpin. Carrying Lots of Money-hence the name Shark (Card). New Republic Escort Service Retiree.


*Meets a former High Command Member*


[to Rollo "Gremlin" Mosari] hey bud, long time no see. How are things? Don't lie to the poor man...we weren't "free trading." I was there! Anyways, how's FUBAR, and your Dragon Ship?


[to deac] Sorry about this madened-drunk man. He hasn't been the same in months. Its ok tho. Funny, me and Rollo decided to drop in at the same time. Anyways, where you from?

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Guest emupiett

*Storms into bar escorted by 5 stormtroopers*


Captain Bryd Crevill. Human. Imperial officer in charge of prison. Carrying: standard issue Imperial stormtrooper rifle, comm-link, 1,000 credits, "wanted" sign of Deac Starkiller, binders (hand-cuffs)


[to DEAC] Starkiller! Of course we'd find you in a cantina. You're wanted for consorting with the enemy. *Holds up wanted sign.* You'll regret that you work for the Rebellion!


*Covered by stormtroopers, walks over to Deac and puts binders on him*


[to Comm-link] M'lord, we've found him.


[to the others] *Smirks* I hope none of you OTHERS are one of them.


[This message has been edited by emupiett (edited February 09, 2001).]

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Guest emupiett

[to Head Stormtrooper] Bring him out to the ship. I'll be there in a moment.


[to MOSARI] He's sabotaged just about every piece of equipment we own, stolen prisoners out of our cells, spyed on us, and has done just about every other known crime possible. If YOU would like to ACCOMPANY him out as well. . .

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[to Captain Bryd] What did I do? I am just a concerned citizan of the Empire.

*pulls out blaster and points it at bryds head, Shark, and several Bar patrons including WUHER, are point blasters*

[to byrd]Now, i suggest you tell your goons to leave this place, and join me for a nice drink. You will notice I allready took the safty off this blaster. And am not afraid to use it.

[to shark]Contact Fubar, and detain that trooper so Deac can join us

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Guest emupiett

[to MOSARI] Well, I guess I must comply with you.


[to a Trooper] Bring the prisoner back in here. *Whispering* We'll get him later.


[to Barkeep] Give me the best drink you have.


[to Everyone] Well, I'm bringing your friend back in, and I WILL stay and have a drink. *Regrettingly* I'm sorry to have stirred up trouble.


[This message has been edited by emupiett (edited February 10, 2001).]

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Guest Sharkolomew

[to MOSARI] FUBAR and FireSide are on the way. Stromtroopers detained.


[to Deac] Good job man. Sabotage, Sabotage!


[to Stormtroopers] Haha.

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Walks over to Byrd. Punches him.


[TO EVERYONE] Thanks guys, I was totally day dreaming till that slug head showed up.

[To Byrd]

Nobody EVER CATHCES STARKILLER. Ever. You can take that wanted notice and shove it down your throat!

[Points gun at Byrd] I hope you don't ever meet my Wookie friend, Myrrrr. He loves pulling arms out of sockets. I that him coming now?

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Guest emupiett

[to Everyone pointing blasters] Well, if you want me to stay and have a drink it would help if you put those blasters away!


*Puts his own blaster away*


[to Stormtroopers] Put your blasters away.


[to WUHER] Well, how much is that "owner's special", anyway? You know what, never mind, Give one to everybody, on me! smile.gif

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Guest emupiett

[to Stormtroopers] Wait for me on my ship. I'll be there once I'm finished here.


[stormtrooper to the CAPT.] Yes, captain Crevill.


[to EVERYONE] Now, about that "owner's special. . .?"

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Guest emupiett

[to MOSARI] Of course I do. Everyone knows WUHER!


[to EVERYONE] Well, pick a table and have a seat while I get everyone a drink!


[to WUHER] Owner's specials all around!

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Guest emupiett

[to MOSARI] Well, I didn't realize that Wuher wasn't the owner. The only bartender I've ever seen here is Wuher. No matter. They DO have good drinks, though.


[to WUHER] How about those drinks?

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