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Rise of the Sith Dominion

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Kin was closely attuned to the Force, and he sensed Darth Tepe's violent intentions. The Jedi were rapidly losing control of the situation. Kin was sweating profusely and his right hand was wrapped tightly around his lightsaber's cold hilt, giving him a small degree of comfort. Something was about to go very wrong.

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As Darth Tepe left the room, Kaoin said, "Bring it on. No one can stand up to me."


He immediately left the room and headed for the underground bay where his shuttle was located.


Boarding the shuttle, he put his hand on the pilots shoulder and said, "Make it quick. I do not have TIME for this!" Kaoin remarked viciously. Moments later they were out of the hangar and into space, heading for his flagship, the Garm.


The moment they were in space, Kaoin sent an encoded message to captain Katrina Mandaal, ordering her to ready his fleet.


"Acknowledged," the Captain said from the Destroyer, "Mandaal, out." and the screen shut off.


((Garm is the Keeper of Hell in Celtic mythology. Kinda fitting, don'tcha think?))

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Tepe withrdrew into the command bunker to see the situation.

"Sire, the Republic Fleet has taken in the shuttle. Our explosives have been set on it and our spy on Coruscant will contact us as soon as the shuttle lands. However, sie, we should take to concideration that the jedi would want to go to Ossus to organize a defence" a General said as he walked to his lord and then followed him in the bunker until the Dark Lord would leave.

"Yes, indeed... My apprentice is ready to assault Ossus as soon as it becomes a problem, but I don't think he is going to fight for our cause for much longer. As soon as the Sith Space has been conquered and any resistance has vanished, I think he's going to try and kill me for my spot as the leader of the Dominion" he said and walked to the holotable where the space around Tibrin was shown with the planet itself in the middle. The Republic Fleet had not yet jumped to hyperspace, but most of the ships on Tibrin left the planet and/or it's orbit and jumping to hyperspace. On the Sith's other planets, this procedure also happened, so if the size of the fleets leaving Tibrin amazed the Republic, they should triple that amount and then add battle meditation to the effectiveness of the soldiers onboard. However, the Battle Sphere was still being heavily defended as the Republic was still present in the system

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As the ship neared hyperspace, Kin's senses were screaming at the base of his skull. Was he the only one who felt this? The danger he felt seemed to be following them. He looked at Strider and Riebe in turn, to see if they sensed anything. He had let go of his lightsaber now, because he sensed it would do him no good with the current situation.

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Almost as if in response to Kin's glance, Riebe turned to Strider. "Did you also sense the veiled feelings of pleasure one of our escorts failed to hide? Something's not right here and I don't think we can wait 'till we land to find the problem. Once we enter hyperspace, we're going to search the ship, top to bottom."


((No, Tepe, we're not going to be able to disable your bombs... I've got something in mind that's a lot more dramatic :D ))

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((The bombs won't go off until the spy has sent a message to the bunker to blow the bombs. Also, the bombs won't be nothing more than meant to frighten the Republic with minimal casualties, which basically means the crew that doesn't leave the shuttle. also, don't forget that part of the massive Sith Dominion fleet is just flying up from the planet and entering hyperspace, so some interst should be given to it. The Republic would like to know some numbers if possible in any way))

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Strider had made his way to the cockpit. His eyes darted about out into space, counting as many ships as he could jumping past them into Hyperspace. There were many, that even Strider couldn't find words to speak. He informed them to continue counting, heading back to speak with the other Jedi. "Yes...I sense it now. Previously my thoughts had been clouded by my own anger towards the Sith Lord, regrettably. We'll scan the ship.." he paused and turned to Danni, "And no worries..we'll make it alive," he added, as if making a promise to personally watch out for the others.

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Once the Republic has jumped to hyperspace, the Sith Lord leaned on the table, as if slumped. The general came to help him but the man pushed him away.

"It takes too much strenght to hide the relics. Send a message to Captain Anida and tell her to hurry with the shipment of Ysalamiri. Oh, and prepare my fleet. I want it ready if it is neded anywhere. If you need me, I will be in my meditation chamber" the Sith said and left for the door of the bunker while the general bowed and took his commands into action. The man then left for his private quarters, entering the meditation chamber for relaxing and concentrating

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Kaoin stepped to the main viewport at the front of the bridge and stared out onto his large fleet. It was comprised of over 20 ships, 2 Carrack class light-cruisers, 2 MC40c light cruisers, 8 Sith escort gunships, 2 Nebula-class Star Destroyers, 2 Defender-class assault carriers, and 1 Interdictor, his flagship. He had a sizeable and deadly fleet, and was prepared to use it.

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((People, please respond... :p ))


((Well, I'm a little confused. Are we going to find the bomb while in flight? Are we going to blow up? Or are we going to land before it blows up, kind of like Episode 2?


Wildjedi had something in mind, but he/she hasn't posted for some time now...where are you, WJ? :())

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((We're going to search the ship... Danni's going to find the bomb and we'll all gather... Riebe will observe that the bomb can't be deactivated due to how twisted into the wiring of the ship it is. Once we get to Coruscant, we'll all jump out and the autopilot, which someone will have already set, will take the shuttle up and away into space. After that, it's up to BKK.))



"Alright," Riebe said, addressing the other Jedi. "More than one of us has sensed something not quite right about this whole situation. We're going to search the ship. Report what you find."


The Jedi scattered to search the ship. Only a few moments later, Danni called, "Hey! I found something."


Riebe was there almost immediately and swore under her breath.


"Well, it's a bomb," Danni observed. "But I didn't think it'd be just cause for such emotions..."


"Oh, it is," Riebe answered. She ripped a piece of the internal paneling away. "Don't you see how intertwined that is with the wiring of the ship? We try to do anything with it, we set it off."


Danni paled and echoed Riebe's earlier sentiment. Riebe smiled slightly, amused.


"Glad to hear we agree," she said quietly.

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((While that comment was helpful, you could try posting something that continues the plot. :p))


The pilot was informed immediately, and the Jedi set out collaborating a plan. They would land as soon as possible, then send the ship into space on autopilot. The pilot began to program the navigation computer.


"We can only hope we manage to get off in time," Kin murmured.

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Strider just waved his hands dismissively. "You will, don't worry," he reassured. He was unnaturally calm all of a sudden about the situation. His gaze was focused, but there was something odd hidden behind his sharp blue eyes, which for once didn't look as penetrating and mind-piercing as they usually did. Something was different in his mind.

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The fleets composed of hundreds of ships, maybe even thousands, jumped out of hyperspace. They approached swiftly the many planets that the Sith Lord had chosen to be conquered first. Fighters, Bombers, Transports and Dropships were launched from the thousands of hangars, launching the Third Sith Wars. The soldiers, clad in red and black uniforms with helmets in the colours of their ranks, poured out of the dropships with weapons unique to the Sith Dominion and exotic to the rest of the galaxy. Aided by small-scale bombardments, artillery and battle droids aimed at military targets of every kind they could find while civilian targets were merely secured by groups of two or three squads with weapons on stun.


The Sith Lord gave a laught as he reached out to his Dark Jedi generals who gave how well the conquests were going. However, as the reports were sent to the Republic HQ on Coruscant, no report was sent from Ossus regarding an attack. Tepe indeed was a man of his word and he wouldn't attack Ossus. He only wanted the Sith Space claimed by him before and even if he would start a conquest, all the jedi temples and academies would be safe as long as he was on the throne

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The messages that were sent to the republic were also relayed to the ship filled with Jedi and senators. As Strider heard the reports, his fists clenched firmly. The others could see his growing discontent...no..discontent was not the word... hate for the Sith attacks. He quietly and slowly turned away from the rest of the group. His expression remained calm and solemn as he headed to sit down.

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The Sith Lord contacted suddenly his apprentice. He smirked and looked at him.

"Disguise yourself and leave to Coruscant. I have some assassinations for you to do there. Leave on one of the stolen freighters and take some cargo with you. Take one of your most trusted men with you as a co-pilot and an experienced dark jedi. I have an ysalamir for you to cover your force trail without loss of energy. I will give you your first target when you arrive" he said and closed the comm immdeiately as he didn't want to hear a word back from his apprentice, even if it would've been positive




As the shuttle jumped out of hyperspace, the qhole army of the Republic was in code red. Fleets were gathering and posters were placed on the walls on the lower sections of Coruscant, advertising drafts for the army. Once the shuttle reached the landing pad, it kept hovering as the people inside evacuated and the autopilot was set to on-position and continued up to upper orbit where a ship was to secure it and then make sure the bombs wouldn't go off.


((Sorry for the time jump, but you need something to do. WJ, you can do the rest as planned))

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"Jsrai, Hawkins. Come with me. Hawkins you're my co-pilot. Get some cargo from the bay and put it into a stole cargo ship." He said to Hawkins as they walked at a brisk pace to the cargo bay.


"Yes, sir." Hawkins replied, setting of to a jog.


"You," Kaoin said to the dark jedi, slowing down his pace. "We have some assassinations to do on Courscant. My master is supplying us with a ysalmari, so go to the ship and meditate." He said in haste, wanting to be alone.











"All right then. Jsrai, you strapped in?" Kaoin said as the dark jedi entered the cockpit.


"I am now, sir." He replied quietly.


They lifted off the ground and out of the docking bay and headed out into space.


"All right. Setting the coordinates for a Courscant hyperdrive drop-out point."


The space turned into blue streakes, and then, vanished, as they went into hyperspace.

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Strider stood quietly, his hand resting casually over his lightsaber hilt. He disliked the situation entirely. Riebe could sense his boiling frustration, despite his attempts to hide it from the others. His eyes seemed faded as they did on the shuttle. Something in him seemed to be dying, but it was unknown what.

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Riebe touched Strider's shoulder and gently pulled him around to face her.


"As you so cleverly worded it a little while ago, this is going to be an all-out war," she said quietly. "In light of that, there's something I need from you..."


To Strider's mind alone, her voice said, I need to know that, no matter what happens, I have you at my side... every piece of you.


Staring up into his eyes, she asked aloud, "Can you promise me that?"

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