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Auto Map Cycle doesnt work allways


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Need help with g_automapcycle

When i have the configuration like this

seta g_automapcycle "1"

seta bot_enable "0"

after duel_fraglimit, it wont load other map.

If i change the seta bot_enable "1".

so it looks like this

seta g_automapcycle "1"

seta bot_enable "1"

It works then.

How can i solv this problem, so Auto Map Cycle works while bot_enable is disabled



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I don't see why bot_enable would even be causing problems. bot_enable has nothing to do with g_autoMapCycle. Another thing I should mention is that I have found many people who tend to lean to using JA+ seem to thing seta is the best way to set stuff, its not. using set is technically the best option as it doesn't throw all your junk into jampconfig.cfg or jampserver.cfg.

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Try to add seta bot_enable "0" in server.cfg

and seta g_automapcycle "1" also in server.cfg

open jampconfig.cfg and delete everything there

and start the dedicated server, not by the jampwinded.exe, but throught jamp.exe without joining the game.

Remember its a none mode server, which means it has no extra files, not even the jampwinded.exe

If you do it my way, you see what i mean, if you do something wrong, then you havnt understod what i said.

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suz but why would i clear my config?


what is the point of disabling bot_enable for anyway? just dont set bot_minplayers and you wont get any bots.


and here's your answer because it was meant to only be used with bot_enable i guess:


follow this because it seems it was designed this way on purpose:



	if ( trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "bot_enable" ) ) {
	BotAISetup( restart );
	BotAILoadMap( restart );
	G_InitBots( restart );


void G_InitBots( qboolean restart ) {

trap_Cvar_Register( &bot_minplayers, "bot_minplayers", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO );

//rww - new bot route stuff
//end rww


static void G_LoadArenas( void ) {
int			numdirs;
char		filename[128];
char		dirlist[1024];
char*		dirptr;
int			i, n;
int			dirlen;

g_numArenas = 0;

// get all arenas from .arena files
numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".arena", dirlist, 1024 );
dirptr  = dirlist;
for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen+1) {
	dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
	strcpy(filename, "scripts/");
	strcat(filename, dirptr);
//	trap_Printf( va( "%i arenas parsed\n", g_numArenas ) );

for( n = 0; n < g_numArenas; n++ ) {
	Info_SetValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[n], "num", va2( "%i", n ) );

G_RefreshNextMap(g_gametype.integer, qfalse);


extern siegePers_t g_siegePersistant; //g_saga.c
//rww - auto-obtain nextmap. I could've sworn Q3 had something like this, but I guess not.
const char *G_RefreshNextMap(int gametype, qboolean forced)
int			typeBits = 0;
int			thisLevel = 0;
int			desiredMap = 0;
int			n = 0;
char		*type = NULL;
qboolean	loopingUp = qfalse;
vmCvar_t	mapname;

if (!g_autoMapCycle.integer && !forced)
	return NULL;

if (!g_arenaInfos[0])
	return NULL;

trap_Cvar_Register( &mapname, "mapname", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ROM );
for( n = 0; n < g_numArenas; n++ )
	type = Info_ValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[n], "map" );

	if (Q_stricmp(mapname.string, type) == 0)
		thisLevel = n;

desiredMap = thisLevel;

n = thisLevel+1;
while (n != thisLevel)
{ //now cycle through the arena list and find the next map that matches the gametype we're in
	if (!g_arenaInfos[n] || n >= g_numArenas)
		if (loopingUp)
		{ //this shouldn't happen, but if it does we have a null entry break in the arena file
		  //if this is the case just break out of the loop instead of sticking in an infinite loop
		n = 0;
		loopingUp = qtrue;

	type = Info_ValueForKey(g_arenaInfos[n], "type");

	typeBits = G_GetMapTypeBits(type);
	if (typeBits & (1 << gametype))
		desiredMap = n;


if (desiredMap == thisLevel)
{ //If this is the only level for this game mode or we just can't find a map for this game mode, then nextmap
  //will always restart.
	trap_Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "map_restart 0");
{ //otherwise we have a valid nextmap to cycle to, so use it.
	type = Info_ValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[desiredMap], "map" );
	trap_Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va2("map %s", type));

return Info_ValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[desiredMap], "map" );


It is required because autoMapCycle needs to be able to read the arenas which it cannot do without bot_enable activated because the arena files are not loaded on the server otherwise.

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Its not about the needs or no needs of the Bot_enable command.

Its about getting the things the rightway to work, since there can be too many bugs as there can be too many misunderstanding talk between dedicated administrators.

Thats the way it is, and thats the way its gonna be. :p

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Ensiform, you seem to know more about this than I do. Does seta automatically force that cvar setting into the currently being used .cfg?


Also, what does "sets" do? I've seen that used a few times.


Seta = Set + Archive in jampconfig.cfg (if using jamp.exe in win) or jampserver.cfg (if using jampDed) This can cause problems and has been known to in the engine since Q3 1.16. for one, MAX_CVARS is 1024, this includes any scripts for vstrs.


Set = just adds the cvar to current and wont store it in another config.


Sets = same as set but append CVAR_SERVERINFO.


There is setu also for userinfo but you can only call this from client/ui modules.

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