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Timothy Zhan's: Characters, Novels, etc...

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Thrawn really is an awesome character. Military geniuses are itneresting, kinda like a Sun Tzu in Star Wars.


The Thrawn trilogy was probably the best out of all of Zahn's work. I really enjoyed Outbound Flight, but I really hope some day I see more interaction between Thrawn and Palpatine; both geniuses in their own right. Palpatine is more of a political genius, a masterful chess player in political circles, who always seems to create a win-win situation.

Thrawn is more of a tactical genius.

IMHO it is not so much Darth Sidious's force powers that make him dangerous, but his cunning.


Zahn's writing is great in parts, but sometimes mundane. I think he sometimes over does it with dialouge; the characters will often stand around talking while under attack.


I really enjoy Aaron Allston's writing style though. Easily Zahn's equal, different but just as great.

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