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Claim: Terrorists have put explosives in Lego pieces that will self-destruct on October 31.

Status: False.



[Collected on the Internet, 2006]


HOLY JESUS!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER READ THIS!!!!!!!11!!111one



I was talking to a friend who has a friend who knows a guy from Lebanon, and he told me to throw out all our Lego sets THERE ARE TINY BOMBS PLANTED IN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM they say it's because of those Danish cartoons, and because Danes are paganous blasfemers they're going to go off on Halloween!!!! SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW **** we're all dead





uncyclopedia is connected to wikipedia, no?

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you can translate the binary one! firt section reads:

Jesus Loves This ArticleThe Jee Man Himself has shown, in His infinite wisdom, that He is the ultimate purveyor of all things nifty, spiffy, shiny, and generally interesting. He has personally reviewed this article and given His blessing. The submitter may be forgiven three venial sins or one mortal sin.
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