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Your CD key is not Authorized to play this Game

Spawnof theSith

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  • 1 year later...

i know why you are experiencing this. It means that you are banned from that particular server. Its the message you get when you have been banned. It may not be you that got banned, Bans arent perfect. THey sometimes ban innocents too, by accident. THat is probably what happend to you. A side effect of someone elses banning. Try playing on a different server.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Do you have SW:BF:II installed on any other computer on your home network?

I have a similar problem, with the same result. I have battlefront 2 installed on 2 computer's in my house... I have 2 discs for it, a DVD and CD version.

Even though both keys are legit, it doesn't let both computers join the same game, unless one of them hosts.

Try contacting LA?

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I have a similar problem, with the same result. I have battlefront 2 installed on 2 computer's in my house... I have 2 discs for it, a DVD and CD version.

Even though both keys are legit, it doesn't let both computers join the same game, unless one of them hosts.


That's not right. Both computers should be able to connect just fine. Are both disks the same version? If one of the games is v1.0 and the other is v1.1, then both versions will give you a different server list. Update from 1.0 to fix the problem.

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