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Why is jk2 better than jk3?


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Because JA added a bunch of flashy lightsaber moves and other acrobatic moves but also nerfed the other things like the movements and the guns. It was a lot more slower, rolling didn't do anything, no more strafe-jumping. Guns were useless now, the Tenloss was nerfed among other things, and saber fighting was dull.


Plus the storyline wasn't as good. Jaden isn't as interesting a character as Kyle. Kyle actually had a backstory and depth to him. What was Jaden's story? He built a saber and wasn't even a Jedi. OMG.


those were just some of the things that i didn't like about it. Other people might add more reasons, but those are all I could think of right now.

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JO has a MUCH better storyline, and other elements work smoothly in JK2 (like rolling) whereas they do not in JA. The hit detection is questionable at best in JA. A lot of people who left JO to play JA came back and some others (like me :D) kept JO then got JA and now play both.

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I agree that Jo is better than Ja. We should all know that the game was rushed which is why the game was so poor(story). I gotta admit they did make some great new addons ok only 1 in my veiw(Multiple sabers) Weapons are like useless in ja compared to Jo where in the story you had to use weapons for a change which was neat. The battle system should be faster not slower which what they did to Ja(aka Lightsaber Battles) Like in the movies ( new movies you didnt c Slow saber action did you?) I hope with A new Jk game whenever that will be and i hope there will be a new 1 that they would take good things from both games and get rid of the bad things which both games have had.

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