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Name Change Thread 2 - Read the First Post!

Rogue Nine

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Could I have my name changed to N-5/Prudii please?


lordturgon --> N-5/Prudii on January 15, 2010


(Assuming the name should be N-5/Prudii, and not N-5, prudii please...)


I'd like to request that my name be changed to Jai'galaar Bralor please.


Te Mirdala Mand'alor --> Jai'galaar Bralor on January 15, 2010

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Can you please change my name to Te Dara'suum Mand'alor?


(PS, will Mrcharlton still be my username I type in AT THE LOGIN SCREEN?)


There is a maximum length of 20 characters allowed for new user names (see first post), so that one would be too long.


And your username and login name is the same, so I personally wouldn't pick something that's too hard to remember the spelling of. :)


Can you please change my name to The Betrayer? Thank you! :)


Darth Betrayal --> The Betrayer on February 1, 2010

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Then what about Te Darasuum Mand'alor, exactly 20 characters, it means Mandalore the Everlasting.


Te Darasuum Mand'alor


Computer says No. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Please change mine from bokkenblader56 to BokkenBlader56.


That one is on the house since it's such a minor change. :)


Hey could I have my name changed to Elite Duck please?


MakoKing77 --> Elite Duck on March 1, 2010

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you sure you want to be named after the worst character in FF XIII? (Sorry, I couldn't resist)


Hey hey hey... I love Hope... :) He's my favorite character... and he doesn't suck if you know how to use him :xp:


And yes... I'm sure I do want to be named after him

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