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[Short Fic]The Double Love

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Star Wars

The Double Love


A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away...


The Jedi War was over, the bounties were called off of the Jedi. Everything was going good... Sera Tana had managed to redeem her lover, Darth Sion. Not remembering his real name, Darth Sion went by the name of Sion. His Darkside wounds had been healed and his flesh no longer cracked and his eye was also healed, by the Jedi Master Healers, Brianna Kae and Visas Marr.


Sera Tana, no longer known as the Exile, had developed feelings for Sion. Her problem though she had a crush on both Sion and Atton....


Sera Tana walked into the Secret Jedi Academy on Telos, where she sensed a lot of fighting.... There in her meditation chambers, she found Sion and Atton fighting over her.


"The Exile is mine...." Sion said.


Atton was getting frustrated, and drew his silver double bladed lightsaber. Brianna, who was standing by, immediately jumped in....


"Atton.... lower your lightsaber." Brianna said. "It is not the Jedi way to kill..."


Atton didn't budge........ Sera Tana walked in the room, and Atton deactivated his lightsaber.


"Oh, hello, Mistress...." Brianna said.


"Brianna, how many times have I told you not to call me mistress? You are a Jedi Master now..... not a Handmaiden." Sera said.


"I know Mistr... I mean Sera.... but I can't get used to calling you anything except Misress...." Brianna replied.


"Atton, Sion..... calm down....... there will be no fighting amongst the Jedi, we will not turn into the Sith..." Sera said to the two.


They both just hung their heads in shame, feeling sorry that they had dissappointed Sera.


"Forgive me Sera, I shouldn't be so fast to be angered." Atton said.


"I forgive you both, but be aware of the Darkside." She replied.


The two walked out of the room, and Sera followed Sion to his room to talk to him. She went in and shut the door.


"Sion....... I love you......" Sera started, but Sion stood up.


He started kissing her, but she attempted to get away.... just then Atton walked in, going to tell Sion he was sorry.


"Hey, what the... Sera, I thought you loved me." Atton said, and then stormed out of the room.


When Sera finally got free of Sion, she went to find Atton......


"Atton, all I said was I loved him, and then he jumped all over me..." Sera said, practicing her lines, so she would not look like a fool in front of Atton.


There was a scream and then the sound of a Thermal Detonator blowing up, coming from Sion's room... Sera ran to make sure he was alright, but when she got there...... the room was gone, and Atton walked out of his own room.


"Hey, what happened here?" Atton asked.


"I think I should ask you...." Sera said, toying with Atton.


Atton put his arms around her neck and pulled her close.


"I will always love you Sera, but know this.... I would not kill someone, just because they loved someone else." Atton said.


Atton and Sera kissed for a long time, before parting ways.... it was time for her padawan to go.


"Atton, I have a mission for you...." Sera said.

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Good Choice Pottsie... this one is my favorite too... that I have written... btw to any whom are wondering.... I will have the next one out soon... but I need to think of a name for it, so I can start writting it.... idk why I have to have a name before writting it, but I do.... so, be looking for it


Maybe I can help you think up a title, depending on what the Fic is about. Also, do you want me to put these with the Sera Tana/Sion Saga, on my Forum's Index Threads?

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Maybe I can help you think up a title, depending on what the Fic is about. Also, do you want me to put these with the Sera Tana/Sion Saga, on my Forum's Index Threads?


You can if you want, but this has nothing to do with Sera Tana, it is Atton, Brianna, HK, and T3........ Pottsie.... I don't know what it's about.... perhaps I will start writing... (if possible).... and the name will come to me...

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