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Funny Nar Shaddaa Glitch


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Everytime I play TSL, when I have gained notice with the exchange characters start popping up all over Nar Shaddaa - Mira near the Ebon Hawk, Hanharr at the Refugee Docks, one of the Twin Suns near the cantina.


So when I have Mira in my party, it makes for interesting screenshots...




Try to guess which one is the real one! :D


Anyway, fortunately this has not affected my gameplay--I met with Visquis and went as usual from there--but it sure is strange.


Another thing is that when I speak to the Twin Sun by the Cantina, it immediately plays the cutscene of me walking into the cantina and the Twin Suns appearing behind me, saying "Not yet, we must wait" and "Savor the anticipation" -- although I've already seen it. So apparently the Twin Sun character is some kind of trigger, but obviously she shouldn't be visible.

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