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[NSW-Fic] Fragments of a Fan Fic

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Ok, well, I'm not the only one writing it, so I'm not gonna post the entire Fan Fic, it's our version of how CP's third book will be... it sets place after Eldest... but I'm skipping a head to the Ra'zac attack.




Eragon and Roran slid into the last Ra'zac's camp and found where it was keeping Arya and Katrina. Little did the two know, that the Ra'zac was setting up a trap.


"What do you say, Roran?" Eragon asked.


"I say we march up to Helgrind and kill the Ra'zac and free Katrina and Arya." He said without hesitation.


I wouldn't, little one, I sense there is something you are missing... Saphira started.


Do not lecture me! Eragon cut in.


Saphira fell silent, and continued to Helgrind.


"So when are we gonna land?" Roran asked twenty times in a row, when Eragon wouldn't answer him.


"Just SHUT UP!" Eragon screamed.


"NO! Answer me and I will..." Roran said.


Eragon started talking in the ancient language, which Roran couldn't understand.


"Sleep, and bother me no longer, Roran!" Eragon said in the ancient language.


Suddenly, everything went dark from Roran's view. Eragon smiled when he felt Roran go unconsious.


Finally, I thought he'd NEVER shut up! Eragon said to Saphira, talking to her with his mind, so that he wouldn't wake up Roran.


Saphira just remained silent, focused on her mission. For several hours, the three circled around Helgrind, until they came to a loose rock in the formation. Eragon showed Saphira what he saw, and told her to burn through it. But before the fire even reached the stone, it disentigrated.


What did you do? Eragon asked Saphira.


I thought you did that! Saphira replied.


No, oh well, let's go! Eragon responded.


The three hurled towards the inside of the cave.


Saphira, you stay here, and be prepared to leave! Eragon told her.


Eragon woke Roran up and told him to SILENTLY follow him. The two stalked down the hallways, careful not to even disturb a mouse. The hammer necklace on Eragon's neck started to heat up.


This can't be good, either it's Murtagh trying to scry me for Galbatorix, or it's Arya wondering where I am... but Arya's probably been drugged. Eragon thought, continuing down the hall.


The heat from the necklace, began to recede so Eragon relaxed a little. They reached the torture chambers, where Arya and Katrina were held hostage, nothing had happened to them... Eragon was relieved to see that it was not a trap. The two set Arya and Katrina free, and told them to run back to Saphira, and when they were gone, the last Ra'zac jumped out in front of them.


"Thissss time you ssssshall not esssscape." The Ra'zac said.


Eragon sighed, he had been relieved too quickly. He pulled out his bow and an arrow, but did nothing, awaiting the Ra'zac to attack, but when it did nothing, Eragon began to worry.


"There is only one reason it hasn't attacked yet!" Roran said realizing why it wasn't attacking.


"What?" Eragon asked.


"It's mother is going to attack us first!" Roran replied.


"What are you-?" Eragon started, but was interrupted by a large screech.


It took all of Eragon's will power to keep from covering his overly senstive ears. He knocked an arrow, then screamed, "BRISINGR!"


The arrow caught on fire and Eragon released the arrow, which pierced the monsters heart. It let out one final high pitched cry before falling silent for an eternity. The Ra'zac was suprisingly calm.


"And now Argetlam," The Ra'zac said in a mocking tone. "You will die, along with your cousin."


Eragon knew that there was no way past blood shed, so he drew his sword and was suprised at how light it felt, because the last time he had uttered the word brisingr he had gotten weak and fell unconsious.


The Ra'zac attacked, but Eragon anticipating the move, quickly slid out of the way and the Ra'zac's head rammed into the wall. It was flaming mad when it recovered and jumped to attack Roran, but Eragon had already set up defenses around Roran, his sword clanked with the Ra'zac's steel-like body. It laughed, which suprised Eragon... but then it jumped away from Roran and Eragon and headed to the door.


"NO!" Eragon screamed and ran after the Ra'zac.


Roran was too dazed to do anything.



"So, Eragon really has changed..." Katrina said suprised at his appearance.


"I told you.." Arya replied making sure Saphira was ok.


"So, Eragon was a... Oh my-" Katrina was cut short of her sentence.


The two saw Eragon come sprinting down the hallway, closely followed by the Ra'zac.


"Get down!" He yelled at the two women standing there.


Saphira jerked her head up...


Murder... I will have vengence! Saphira thought.


Saphira calm down! Eragon replied to her thought.


But he was too late, she had already began to blow fire at the creature, who dodged it and went straight to her, but Eragon was quicker than the Ra'zac. He barely made it in time to parry the attack of the creature. Roran ran down the hall as fast as he could, and soon jumped in the battle, but his stay in the battle was short lived, when the Ra'zac pierced his arm, he could no longer fight. That left Eragon with two allies, his blade, and magic. Roran retreated to Katrina's side, but outta the blue, Arya jumped to Eragon's side, pulling out her elegant blade.


"If we don't make it out of this alive, I just wanted to let you know... that I... LOVE you, Eragon Shadeslayer!" Arya whispered in his ear.


Those three small words caught Eragon off guard and caused him to lower his impenetrable defenses. The Ra'zac observed it's opponent's weakness, and jumped to attack, but it was too late, Eragon was already back to his full... power. Eragon parried the blow and smacked it across the face with his blade. It flew to the wall, and left a huge gash where it's unconsious body lay.


"It's time to finish this..." Roran muttered to himself and pulled out his hammer.


Roran stalked toward the unconsious body of the Ra'zac, while Eragon wasn't looking in it's direction, he was too focused on Arya. Roran lifted the hammer high above his head and swung at the Ra'zac.


"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eragon yelled, but it was too late, the hammer was already driving into the Ra'zac's skull and pierced it's brain. "Why did you do that? It was defenseless!"


"But, Eragon, it killed my father, and captured Katrina... I had to have revenge." Roran silently replied.


"But it was defenseless! It couldn't have protected itself!" Eragon flamed.


"I did what had to be done... and that's all that matters." Roran replied, putting away his hammer.


Eragon and Arya sheathed their swords and mounted Saphira, followed closely be Roran and Katrina. The five left in silence, not a word was spoken until they reached Surda.

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Yes, it is nicely done, but there are some things i believe are unreal. Eragon would not want for his cousin to shut up, Arya wouldn't love Eragon just of a sudden after she rejected him and Eragon sounds very Jedi-ish. They both agreed they would kill the Ra'zac and avenge Garrow.


What happened to the other Ra'zac anyway?

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