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Plot Idea

Jacob fett

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This I Thought of after viewing the paradox's connceted to time traveling and i thought up of this.



You start out (i know alot of people hate the idea of starting out as a jedi) as a jedi in guise of a republic soldier set 3 years after exile's departure. Things have gone from bad to worse for the republic after a unknown species in space craft of organic nature attacked the surpreme chancellor's ship and excuted him. You Are Taken To Serveral Planets (The Original Star Map From Kotor) And After Solving the last planet's problem, The Ebon Hawk Crash lands in a landing pad. You Enter the ship but no one is onboard except for a Astromech droid of the name T3-M4, it tells you that the invaders will be impossible to deafet without the help of the jedi. You Find a Square object in the bridge of The Ebon Hawk and after taking to space the machine activates and sends the PC into the past right when revan and malak are heading for the Dantooine Rakatan Ruins. The PC And T3 Encounter them in at the star map. You engage battle with the two sith lords to be and loose, But before revan tries to chop off your head you hear the voice of master vandar saying that you must stand firm and fight. You engage battle again and win killing malak while stripping the force from revan, then when you exit the ruins revan is murdered by kath hounds. you find out that several jedi have discovered the other star maps and are heading to Lehon, You Encounter Them and Defeat them. You Find out revan's death has caused a paradox that will cause a rip in reality. You Fix the Problem by naming your self a sith lord and fix the problem with the name... Revan.



Watcha Think?

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This is a very... creative idea. I don't think it would fit, with the time travel thing not really fitting with Star Wars. It seems kind of strange that this Jedi is somehow able to kill Darth Malak and then somehow strip the Force from Revan. And then Revan get killed by kath hounds?? No offense, but I don't really like this idea. This is interesting, but it just wouldn't fit in my opinion.

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I don't see the point of this idea... The alien invaders were undefeatable, yet nothing is done about them, and instead you just end up killing Revan and Malak.


Besides, I'd leave the timetravel stuff to Star Trek - it's already giving enough of a headache there ;)

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Well, it is interesting, but does not fit into the Star Wars Universe. At best it would be an interesting infinite story akin to skippy the jedi droid.


So, sorry I would have to say NO.



I like the idea, but it doen's seem to fit within the KotOR storyline.

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