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The Soul


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Right. I was going to put this in Kavar's corner but i don't want it to turn into a debate. For roughly a year, i had been without a job until now. I have a job and although it is only temporary, it is a very reputable job and will look extremely good on my cv for the future. In the year prior to this job right to today, i have felt empty inside. I think it was a gradual feeling that crept upon me over the months as i drifted around after leaving college. I just literally lost interest in everything. Nothing shocked me, old things that i enjoyed alot were just meaningless objects and i pretty much felt dead inside. I still feel this way today, even though i have a job and things a very slowly picking up for me.


Anyway, i could'nt quite figure out what this emptyness was. It is the most irritating feeling that you can never shake off. The best way to decribe it is like being constantly bored but still wanting to do things like play computer games etc. About three days ago, i finally figured out what it is. My soul has disappeared.


Now as many of you know, i am in no way religious and have a very 'Han Solo' approach to all things astrological and philosophical. I always thought the soul was something made up that i could refer to on occasion when i talked about Ebay. But it hit me a couple of days ago that this is what has gone from me. I heared somewhere that uncertainty makes your soul disappear. This would most likely be the case as although i have a very rough and ever changing path set out for the future, a career is something i believe i will never find, until it finds me. This has been on my mind most of the time.


So i think the question im trying to reach is: How do i get my soul back?


Oh and as this is not in Kavar's corner, i don't mind your own opinions on what the soul/psyche is.

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I may not be religous either, but hypothetically, perhaps you sold your soul to the devil. :p


But it's probably a thing teenagers experience. Hell, I experience it. But suprisingly, I don't take any notice. It's probably just part of growing up, and your childhood has left you. I wouldn't know, I'm not an expert.

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Geez, you guys are no help to Herbie. Selling a soul to the devil? Sex issues? Sheesh.


Some of these symptoms are consistent with depression, actually, which would be very normal in people who have had trouble getting jobs or are having financial troubles, family troubles, and so forth. Feelings of emptiness, not wanting to do anything, and losing interest in things are typical symptoms among many others, and you don't have to feel sad to have depression. What I would suggest is seeing your family doctor to talk to him/her about it, make sure there's not an underlying health problem (sometimes underacting thyroid can cause these kinds of feelings), and if appropriate get treatment. Please don't put it off--depression and other health issues are much easier to treat when you catch them early. If the doctor blows you off, find another one. Good luck with that.

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I'd give you advice Herbie, but reading that post almost made my soul disappear early. Better make the most of high school I suppose. :/


Edit: Oh never mind, I just thought of something. Whoever it was above that mentioned something about women had a good point. Get involved socially, get a girl, something like that. Helped me in the past. ;)

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i'm also feeling this way...it is on and off...i'm constantly finding myself bored and lonely.


If i were to get socially involved, I would feel twice as bad when they leave me behind. This has happened to me on several occasions so when I hang out w/people anymore, I have this feeling in the back of my mind which prevents me from having a good time.


of course sometimes the feeling goes away and i feel whole again. i think the only time when that 'lost' feeling was completely gone, was at basic. i gotta lose at least 15 pounds and then i'm going back in probably around september.

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Thank you. I think to be honest it was also the rythem i lost at college doing my everyday tasks then suddenly i left and the rythem stopped. I think when i sink into work abit more, the feeling or at least part of it shall gradually return.

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Some of these symptoms are consistent with depression, actually, which would be very normal in people who have had trouble getting jobs or are having financial troubles, family troubles, and so forth. Feelings of emptiness, not wanting to do anything, and losing interest in things are typical symptoms among many others, and you don't have to feel sad to have depression. What I would suggest is seeing your family doctor to talk to him/her about it, make sure there's not an underlying health problem (sometimes underacting thyroid can cause these kinds of feelings), and if appropriate get treatment. Please don't put it off--depression and other health issues are much easier to treat when you catch them early. If the doctor blows you off, find another one. Good luck with that.


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I get that occassionally, depending on what time of the month it is:xp:


Tell me all about it, honey.



@Herbie--Mama Jae sez see a doctor. Preferably this week. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better once you get the issue treated. Putting it off just means you sit and suffer even longer. Don't do that to yourself.

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