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Star Wars: Darkness Falls

The Doctor

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Visas had formed a strong bond with the exile as they traveled together, both opened the force to one another in their own way, mostly in the time they spent fighting together and talking. She knew that something was happening, and the thought crossed her mind as it was said in the exile's mind.


"Could it be Revan?", Visas asked herself, she had learned of Revan from her previous master and she had marvelled in the legend that he became. The legend was real and there it was 'The heart of the Force' as Darth Traya had said once.


- "Interesting" - Visas said in a monotone voice and headed towards the ship's loading ramp and stood there waiting for it to open, she wanted to meet this Revan and see for herself, in her own particular way, the man she had only heard tales of.

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"Hey hey hey," Drake said, jumping back, "Put that saber down. You got into a fight with the dock and the dock won." The man's knee's started to visibly shake. "It's all right, we were just trying to help," he said, his arms all the way out. He took slow steps toward the man, trying not to alarm him. "I'm Drake, and this is...." he said, looking towards the other man.

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A rusty and destitute droid lay in a scrap yard, water droplets pounding it's metal body constantly. It was huddled next to a drain, under a high pass walkay that went by the scrapyard.


The droid twitched ever so often, it's extremely dim eyes flickering. It's body was oddly bulky for a droid, and it's body was flecked with rusty stains and spots.


The droid wearily lifted it's head as it heard the patter of frantic feet running nearer and nearer. Suddenly a man stubbled off the high pass, careening over the droid's head, and landing face forward into the sludge covered ground.


The man got onto all fours, breathing heavily, he looked back, looking up at the walkway as the noise of pursuers clamered throught the streets. He glanced down noticing the droid, who's eyes flickered brighter at the sight of the man, and it began to jerk slightly as it tried to move.


The man's eyes grew wide as he seemed to recognise the droid, but his mouth was pursed tightly closed. The man got up, sprinting away at high speed, as two figures jumped down into the scrapyard after him, but eventually stopped. They turned around, laughing to eachother, they were young boys, no older than thirteen, one twilek, one zabrak, and they acted, and dressed like thugs.


The boys turned around, spotting the droid, laughing, they picked up pieces of metal, and began throwing them at the droid.


"Looks like a newcomer," one jeered. The droid twitched slightly, the boys faces growing serious for a moment, then sinical smiles spread across their faces.


They approached, snickering they spoke in cocky, and sarcastic tones, "hey there buddy, would you like a fix up?"


They laughed, kicking at it, they mocked, "too bad you aren't gettin' fixed, you're gonna be here awhile."


The kids burst out laughing, as if torturing the droid were the biggest thing since the holonet. But their laughter was cut short at the eyes of the droid suddenly flared up, taking on a new light. It twitched once, then it's arm shot out, snatching one of the boys by the throut.


It began moving, pushing itself up, it got on it's legs, towering over the second boy, the first dangling in it's grasp. It's body almost seemed to expand, and widen as the plates pushedapart, the rusty flecks flaking off as they seemed to be unattached.


With it's free hand it grabbed it's wet, sludge covered face, wiping the grime off, revealing a helmeted head with two small but dark horns, it's green eyes glaring at them darkly.


It looked at the boy it held, tears in his eyes as he wimped in the 'droid's hand.


"Where is that man headed?" Came am extremely heavy, and raspy voice.


The first boy gurgled, clutching at his neck, the second one, wide eyed, mouth open, and frozen in fear, barely responded in a stuttering voice, "h-h-h-he, l-looks, like h-h-he's headed t-t-t-to, the...c-c-c-c-cantinas."


At this the huge and looming figure, that was often mistaken for a large human, headed in the general direction of the cantinas, dropping the boy first, the two children ran faster than they had ever run before.

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Revan shook his head, trying to clear his vision, as the Force alerted him to a familiar presence approaching. One of the many ships zooming around overhead had detached from the main traffic, and was on a course straight for the landing pad. The vessel registered with his memory instantly.


Revan narrowed his eyes. The last time he had felt that presence, it had not been a happy parting.


Turning back to the two men, he deactivated his lightsaber and attatched it to his belt. "I'm apologise," he said. "I forgot myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really must be-"


He was cut off as the ship's landing struts were released with a screech of metal on metal. The docking ramp was already half open as it touched down. Revan lifted the hood of his robes over his head, casting his face into shadow.

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For a moment, Raquel watched as the stranger departed. Then, she turned to the Doctor and remarked coldly, "If you want to be inconspicuous, you'd better get back inside that little box of yours and wait this out..."


The Doctor scowled at her. "Nah, where'd the fun in that be?"


Raquel rolled her eyes. "You have an incredibly odd sense of 'fun'," she said. "You're half-collapsing every ten paces and you say it's 'fun'." She arched an eyebrow curiously. "Any other oddities about you I ought to keep my eyes open for?"


"That's the thing!" said the man, positively beaming. "I don't know! I literally have no idea who I am, or what I'm like!"


"Fantastic," Raquel muttered. "Positively fantastic." With an almost mocking smile, she held out her hand, "Want to go try and figure it out over a drink or something to eat?"


The man seemed to take great entertainment in her words. "Fantastic!" he said. "Fan-taz-tix. Fan-tas-teek!"


"Oh, just come on," Raquel growled, reaching out and pulling him along toward the cantina she'd just recently left. As she entered, she found herself confronted by the human and his two Rodian thugs that she'd turned down earlier.


"Going somewhere?" the Human sneered. Then, he saw the Doctor. "And who's this? You need hired muscle?"


The Doctor laughed again. "Muscle?" he asked, pulling up the arm of his new/old jacket. "You won't find any here. Not this time!"


"He's no one," Raquel answered quickly. "And if you're looking for muscle, you'd best be leaving before it finds you in the form of me!"


The Human laughed and reached forward to grab her. With a quick twist, she swung around, her right leg knocking the Human's neck, and propelling him to the ground.


"Warned you," she said softly. "Now get out."


Frantically, the Human and his thugs departed. Raquel directed the Doctor to a small, corner table.


The Doctor shook his head. "All you humans are the same..." he muttered sadly. "All kicks, and punches, and fighting..."


Raquel glared at him, but said nothing. The Doctor looked around the room excitedly for a moment, then closed his eyes and grimaced as a stabbing pain seared at his temples again. "Way did you say your name was?" he asked, trying to distract her.


"I didn't," Raquel answered sharply. Then, she sighed, knowing it wouldn't take him long to ask her for it. "Raquel Annerire."


The man beamed again, reaching out to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you, Raquel Annerire. I'm the Doctor."

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The man from earlier ran into the cantina, frantically looking around, he found a booth table that was in a inconspicuous spot, and had a lot of congragators around it at the other tables, which kept it out of immediate sight.


He sat, calming his breathing, he tugged at the collar of his shirt. He raised his hand calling for a drink, when he noticed that no one was following him he seemed to calm down.


Scud's heavy steps thudded to a stop outside the cantina, he looked up at the sign, then back to the door, the noise of laughter, talking and breaking glasses permeating from the building.


He stepped inside, ducking down to get through the small doorframe. He looked around, then walked through the cantina slowly.


The man slunk down in his seat at the sight of Scud, his heart skipped a beat at seeing him.


As if Scud had detected this, he twisted around on a dime, staring straight at the man, trying to hide in his seat. The man's eyes went wide, he frantically tried getting up, but Scud was at the table before he could get himself unglued from the seat.


Scud sat opposite of the man, the seat growning under Scud's weight. The man gave a nervous smile, then spoke in a cracked voice, "h-hello, Sc-Sc..."


But the man was cut short by Scud placing his hand on the table, his fingures tensing, then relaxing, then tensing again, and then relaxing again. This obviously meant something, because the man was staring at the hand intently, and he had shut up pretty quickly.


"T-that's right, you d-don't like your name sp-sp-spoken in public...by your targets," the man said nervously, whispering at the last comment.


"Dead or alive Mr. Worren?" came Scud's deep, raspy voice, causing the man to flitch at the sound.


The man seemed to calm down at this, thinking over what Scud had asked.


"I've run for so long, my life has gone to the rats....Death is better than torture at...his hands....and I've been too afraid to kill myself," Mr. Worren said to Scud, and Scud could already understand where this was going, and what the answer would be.


"Finish your drink Mr. Worren," Scud told him, leaning back, folding his arms across his chest, waiting for him to finish.


Mr. Worren smiled a weak smile, he finished his drink, then sighed. "I know you don't use blasters, so use this," he siad, pulling out a small blaster from his boot, and handing it to Scud.


Scud got up, then Mr. Worren, they headed outside. Mr. Worren faced away from Scud, closing his eyes, Scud held the tiny blaster in his huge hands, they couldn't be seen outside the cantina, except for the tinted window, though no one could see out from them.


A blaster shot rang out, the silhuete of Scud holding the blaster, and Mr. Worren's falling form could be seen through the tinted window from inside the cantina.


Soon Scud came back inside, he no longer held the blaster. He went back to the booth table Mr. Worren had been at, and sat down, leaning back, he observed the people in the cantina.

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Kira forced herself to keep a calm control on her emotions as the loading ramp hissed, the hydrolics lowering it to the dock below. She waited for it to touch the ground, her hands folded patiently behind her back in an almost military fashion. She had placed her cloak around her shoulders, the brown folds hiding the lightsaber that was clipped at her thigh.


Descending to the deck, she took in the scene. There were three men - two who looked totally bewildered at everything that had just happened, and one who seemed to barely be able to stay standing. The two bewildered ones were most likely passer-byes. It was the apparently weak one that caught her attention.


"'Evening, gentlemen." she said, her eyes flitting casually from one to the next.

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Revan retreated behind the other two men slowly, moving around them towards the ship that the woman had come out of. There was a group of people at the top of the ramp, looking down upon the woman, but he ignored them.


He turned back to the woman, and watched as one of men bowed to the new arrival, introducing himself. Revan stared at the back of the woman's head, hardly believing his eyes. She was here. After all these years... how he had missed her...


"Kira..." he said slowly, loud enough for her to hear him.

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Visas observed the sight, the shape she could see that was soo bright and with an ever changing presence came from Revan. It was as if the power he had almost burst out of his body where as the exile seemed to absorve power. Maybe that was what Traya spoke of, the exile being a wound in the force trying to heal itself.


She did not speak, she merely observed and concentrated on the situation at hand, if there was to be any trouble she would be prepared for it. She was ever ready to sacrifice herself to save the exile if it was needed, that was how far her loyalty reached.

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((Sorry it's taken me so long to post, guys. I've had a bit of a busy week :xp: ))


Kira nodded at the two men as they introduced themselves, her blue eyes studying and watching both of them.


"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, "I'm Kira Starr. The others are my companions: Atton Rand and Visas Marr."




The sound of the voice sent a shiver up her spine, causing her heart to skip a beat. She knew that voice. She had been right - she hadn't mistaken the presence. Not that she ever could...but it was almost...too good to be true...


She turned to look at the dark shadow of the cloaked man, her face seeming to be unsure of what emotion to display first and as she spoke the name, her voice was weak.



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He stepped out of the shadows, lowering his hood as he moved closer. He stared at her for a moment, then shifted his eyes across her companions - he assumed the male was Atton, making Visas the woman. He turned his gaze back to her.


"It's... been a long time," he said, trying to keep his voice free of emotion.

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She shot forward, catching him as he collapsed. He was really hurt - the terrible pain echoed across the Force, her own body aching with his.


"Atton, quickly." she said, pulling Revan to his feet and slinging his arm over her shoulders, "Please, help me. We need to get him to the medlab."




Atton frowned faintly at the invisible connection that Kira and the newcomer shared. What had she called him? Revan?? That wasn't possible. Revan was supposed to be beyond the Outer Rim, battling for his 'redemption' in the Unknown Region.


The look that he saw in the blue eyes of the Jedi Exile only deepened his frown, knowing the thrill that currently ran through her body. There were times when she looked at him like that - and he knew what she was thinking, had a very good guess as to what she was feeling. And he didn't like it.


As she called for his help, he grudgingly moved down the loading ramp to help her.

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Revan. The name was well known. Daven stepped forward and put Revan's other arm aroudn his shoulders and helped Kira take him into the medlab.


As Revan awoke, Daven leaned against one of the walls in the medlab, he hadn't been asked to leave, so if he could help he would.

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Drake walked up behind Daven and leaned against the wall.


"He all right?" He asked, staring at the IVs running to Revan's body. "When I pulled him out, he looked pretty bashed up." Blood had dried on the side of Revan's face that lead to a gash on his temple, and his tunic was bloodied as well.

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((Aww! Doc, I forgot to do my planned Raquel intro... guess it'll have to wait for when we meet up with the others :p ))


After the Doctor's introduction, Raquel watched him in complete silence as he eagerly took in his surroundings. When a waiter appeared to ask if they wanted anything, the Doctor declined, but Raquel ordered food and drink enough for both of them.


"You have traveled a long way," she said sharply, scolding. "You'll need refreshment if you want to keep going at your frenzied pace of 'fun'."

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