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Fundamentalists desecrate the very idea of museums

Dagobahn Eagle

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Nice pics, John Galt. I could literally feel my blood pressure going up with some of those. :D


Lesson number 1 in the Atheist "How to Win over Religious Idiots to Your Viewpoint":

Make fun of every possible thing you can in religion.




Lesson number 1 in the Theist "How to Win over Anti-Religious Idiots to Your Viewpoint":

Don't give them extra ammunition by passing off fairy tales and primitive superstitions that have been scientifically disproved as scientific facts. Also avoid pictures showing small children being indoctrinated into believing all that nonsense.


Honestly Jae, I don't see how you can't make fun of something like this. The earth is 6,000 years old being on a sign in a supposed "museum"? Gimme a break. :rolleyes:


I have far more time for well thought out athiests such as ED and Achilles than I do wishy-washey middle grounders, who are too engrossed in the mediocrity of their own lives than to consider the greater implications of what life on earth entails.


Thank you. I'm very happy to see that people of different viewpoints can still hold respect for each other's views. :)

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Honestly Jae, I don't see how you can't make fun of something like this. The earth is 6,000 years old being on a sign in a supposed "museum"? Gimme a break. :rolleyes:


Again I would reiterate that this isn't a museum. But with freedom of speech they are allowed their opinions; Jae is probably in the same problem position that I am in; I have friends who actually believe the world is 6,000 years old.


And what of the evangelist that indoctrinates children into a specific religious tradition? See my point?


It has been my expierance that such children rebel when they get older, and aren't at this moment in time Christians. My parents are very liberal (but both Christians) so I was allowed to form my own opinions of the world with out being indocrtinated. There are a few children who obviously are indoctrinated, but I can think of only 1 who hasn't rebelled.


Anyways, let me now as an old earth creaitonist, quickly take a part this 'musuem' and answers in genesis. Extracts taken from http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/about/faith.asp their 'statement of faith'.


Scripture teaches a recent origin for man and the whole creation.


Sorry did I miss 'And God created a young earth'? The Bible is not meant to be used as a tool to date how old the earth is. Besides my generally understanding of Genesis is that it is more teaching that everything is created by God and we shouldn't worship creation... we should worship him.


The days in Genesis do not correspond to geologic ages, but are six [6] consecutive twenty-four [24] hour days of Creation.


The ‘gap’ theory has no basis in Scripture.


Complete conjecture and not at all factual; the hebrew for day can also be translated as a period of time, as well as the many other varied translations that can come from the book of Genesis. Later in the Bible itself the Bible states that to God a days is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. (NIV Psalm 93:4 4 For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.)



No apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the Scriptural record.


Such a position is dogmatic, fundamentalist and anti-intellectual. Also a definition of 'contradicts' is needed as I don't believe any of what I believe contradicts scripture.


The account of origins presented in Genesis is a simple but factual presentation of actual events and therefore provides a reliable framework for scientific research into the question of the origin and history of life, mankind, the Earth and the universe.


That statement on its own is anti-scientific, science seeks to explain, we most cast out all our own preconcieved ideas as far as we can.


Finally I am reminded of what Jesus had to say on the subject;


4 They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Matthew 23:4


Suggested websites for further old earth creaitonist thoughts;





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