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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed




Emperor Palpetine……………….Rueben Shan

Darth Vader…………………………Nancy Allen``

The Apprentice……………………the Hidden Apprentice

Juno Eclipse…………………………

Arden Lyn……………………………Grace

Shaak Ti………………………………

Maris Brood…………………………

General Kota……………………….Master_Archon

Ashira-Li Starlighter……………JediMaster12




Quinlan Vos…………………………Jason Skywalker

Tara Skyrider………………………Jason Skywalker

Fede Hejia…………………………..Kotor_jf

Alixe Medcraft...................Nancy Allen``

Mara Jade........................Rueben Shan




the casting call and discussion thread is here.


your character will be added to the casting once you create your character sheets at the address above. have fun :)

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars: Episode 3.5

The Force Unleashed


Finally the Sith had their revenge. Lord Vader hunted the surviving Jedi one after another. The galaxy is clouded with darkness. There is no space for hope.


Realizing the tricks of the Emperor, Darth Vader took Jedi founded on verge of dying beneath the wreckages of the Jedi temple and hid him from the Emperor. He sought to train him in order to help him overthrowing Darth Sidious himself.


Being cunning enough to survive, the Emperor heard of rumors concerning Vader’s apprentice, thus he sent one of his deadliest hands, a Teras Kasi master known as Arden Lyn, to spy on Vader and eliminate his apprentice if he does exist.


Now, Lord Vader has sent his hidden apprentice in a mission to Felucia system in order to hunt a Jedi called, General Kota…

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The sleek Avalonian fighter dropped out of hyperspace with a smoothness that could only come from years of practice. Indeed the pilot had had practice but that wasn't on her mind. What lay ahead was a desire to seek out General Kota. She remembered Kota from the Clone Wars having been there when they combined the Republic troops with Avalonian warriors in a battle. What battle it was she didn't care to remember much like she didn't care to remember the one where she lost her Jedi sister.


Growing up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jedi Master Ashira-Li Starlighter led a difficult life as that Avalonian philosophy often contradicted with the Jedi Code. She went to war when she shouldn't and she loved when it was forbidden but in many ways, she was a Jedi. That was why she was heading towards the Felucia system. If there was one thing that Avalonians could be counted on for, it was their undying loyalty and a damnning trait it was. The "Light of Courage" she was.


Turning her amber eyes towards the planet below, she scanned with them to see if there were any Imperial vessels. Seeing none, she spoke to the special astromech that she had built, "R4, scan for any Imperial vessels. I sense there may be some danger."


The droid beeped its reply and scanned the system. It reported the findings to the Jedi Master who commented, "Good work R4. We can avoid them by heading in here."


The droid beeped. As she turned the nose to take the ship down to the planet.


"Don't start up your tirade again. He knows why I have to go and agreed with me."


The droid beeped indignantly.


"I made a promise and I will keep it. Right now we have to help Kota. Don't worry. We've done this a hundred times over."


Nothing more was said as the fighter enetered into the planet's atmosphere and landed in a hidden landing pad.

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Felucia , It’s a strange world , well at least for me. I was born in Alderaan and trained in the Empire Academy in Carida and nether of the planets it’s close to the habitat of Feluca… I hope we don’t stay too much time there , I hate strange places.


I have been send by the empire to go to Feluca as the leader of the 304th Stormtrooper Division and go and secure our people, search and kill any enemy of the empire, They did not said directly to go hunt for a Jedi but well , they always send us to hunt them , that means that this will be No.22 , yeap 22 killed Jedi’s.


I then entered the meeting room where my soldiers are and said …..



“Soldiers, get ready. We have been send to the Feluca System, Or mission search, Protect the citizens and Kill any enemy of the empire. Are we clear?”


“Sir,Yes,Sir” - They Responded


“Well , Let’s teach ‘em “- I replied


“YEAH!!!” they answer


We then departed from the flagship “The Turner” and entered our ships. I did have a strange feeling of something nasty was going to happen, but I have always been lucky to live and ready to keep living no matter what.


We then entered the planets surface and we where received by the designated division here on the planet , It’s good to see some friends back from the academy , but then It’s hard to see them fall at battle , I hope for the best……

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Tara Skyrider had been called to her Master's chambers, Darth Sidious. She made her way on the Star Destroyer and onto the bridge.


"Lord Sidious called me," Tara told the Sith Trooper guarding the entrance.


"Step right in Miss Skyrider," The trooper told her, stepping beside and opening the door.


"You wanted to speak with me Master?"




Quinlan Vos was hidden on the planet of Felucia with another Jedi Master, General Kota. He could sense two strong presences coming to Felucia. One good and the other evil.


"Master Kota, i feel someone coming."

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The room was dark and cold. The emptiness within has transformed the ship into an old deserted tomb drowned out of life. The lights of the stars of the firmament sent their dim lights through the glass dome enlightening the sacred illustrations of gold and silver engraved on the grey ground beneath. Silence concealed the clear thoughts of the mysterious man sitting in the center of a triangle surrounded by a small circle crossing its three angles. His lenient eyes are somehow healing from a terrible pain…


“…but you do know that what we are doing is wrong…”


“Only from a certain point of view…”


“I am afraid…I’m feeling…strange…”


A sudden sound from his comlink disturbed his thoughts. The sweet voice of a young woman fell upon his ears…


“We’re here milord”


“Any one noticed us?” he asked. His eyes are still closed.


“Sure not milord…you have the stealthiest ship in the universe…and the best pilot.”


She answered trying to add some humor, but the apprentice remained calm. No movement, no utterance, the thing that made her confused. But she thought of something to say and quick were her thoughts…


“Should I land?”


“Yea…” he continued coldly “I have felt a familiar presence Juno…”


“Maybe its General Kota…”


“No…” he replied, and then he opened his eyes and stood “it’s someone else…someone I am so familiar with…”


He reached for his lightsaber, and then he stormed to the ship’s cockpit. His mind was clear now. Ethereal visions of the tormented past were vanished by the present concerns…

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Ashira-Li jumped out of her fighter to be greeted by dockmaster who professed to knowing her. She eyed him warily until he spoke the coded language of her people. It was a bit of reassurance to her as she explained that she needed it secure for the ship. He readily agreed. Anything to help a princess of Avalon.


After dealing with that she turned to her astromech who had ejected himself from the ship and said, "R4, do you have a layout of the city?"


The droid beeped a response that sounded annoyed causing her to smile and say, "OK. I know your memory core is superior since I was the one tha built it. Come on. We need to find the nearest outpost."


Securing her ship and hiding her lightsaber on her belt, she tugged at her long braid to disintangle it from her back and set off. Wearing traditional Jedi robes of teh Avalonians would allow her to blend in better since most people of the Republic didn't know what Avalonian Jedi wore and assumed they were like the Jedi on Coruscant. She muttered to the droid, "First thing: get new clothes," and set off into the heart of the city sensing an urgency to find General Kota.

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General Kota sat with his eyes closed, meditating on his thoughts, and the movement and feel of the lush, jungle planet. It was barely colonized, the largest city wasn't even a city, more of a large resort.


He sat on a moss covered rock, surounded by thick jungle. He felt a presence appraoch, then heard them speak.


"Master Kota, i feel someone coming." Quinlan Vos told him.


Kota grunted as he put his hands on his knees, then pushed himself up, and off the rock.


"Thank you captain obvious," he said in a gruff, and all too serious tone, yet it was his way of being humorous.


"Whoever it is, is drawing a darker presence behind them, but for now, we must greet this person. If they figure out we're in the middle of the jungle, that is," he told Quilan with a smirk.


At this he waved his hand at the fungal plant wall that blocked there way, the plants seeming to move aside, and bow as Kota passed. He moved through the jungle, heading to a small streamlet, where there was a small lack of plantlife near a large moss covered rock.


An acklay came screaming out of a hidden cavern under the rock, but Kota only waved at it, the creature stopping, cocking it's head, it turned around and went back into it's secluded home. Kota climbed up the rock, sitting on top, he closed his eyes and began meditating again, waiting for the arrival to find him.

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Where has he gone this time? Arden Lyn asked herself. Her orders from Palpatine had been to spy on Vader, but for a giant, nearly all-machine man, he was remarkably adept at hiding... sometimes. Arden suspected it was in the times that he was 'hiding' that he contacted his mysterious apprentice, if such an apprentice existed. But Arden had been ordered to keep her eyes on Vader, so that's what she would do... whenever she could.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"You are kidding, aren't you?" Senka demanded incredulously. "You must be if you think I'm going to hack your rival's personal accounts because you need a little money."


"I'm begging here!" the man she sat with urged. "Makes him look like a fool, gets me some extra cash in the process. Couldn't be better, especially with the bad press circulating around him right now."


Senka cleared her throat. I'm not in the habit of ruining lives that don't deserve it," she scolded. "The answer is no, plain and simple. You've just wasted twenty minutes of my time and yours."


She stood and walked out. But the Force warned her in advance of dangers awaiting her and she did not go directly to her ship. Only when all ten snipers were disarmed and unconscious and four explosive devices were deactivated did she board the small freighter. There, she found a message waiting and returned the call.


"Arden Lyn, what a surprise," Senka said. Arden smiled faintly.


"The Emperor may ignore you," she said, "but I have need of your help."


Senka rolled her eyes. "You've lost track of Vader again, haven't you?"


"He's quite illusive," Arden protested. Senka shook her head.


"It's only because he knows someone is following his trail," she said. "For such an old woman, you're remarkably dense when it comes to tracking exercises."


"I've been asleep for 25,000 years!" Arden protested. "I don't feel that old at all."


"Neither of us look it, my dear Arden," Senka said with a faint smile. She sighed. "But I think I feel it far more than you."


"How old are you, anyway?" Arden wondered. A mysterious smile traced itself across Senka's lips.


"Never did say, never will," she answered. "Don't worry, Vader will show up again in all due time. When he's ready to be followed, you'll find him."


"I'm supposed to find him before he wants me to know where he is," Arden protested, annoyed. Senka chuckled.


"That's your problem," she said. With a cheerful wave, she finished, "Happy Hunting."


The call ended and Senka leaned back in her chair. That still left her with nothing to do. With a sigh, she shook her head and decided a job would wait. A job would likely find her when she least expected it... and those sort of jobs always ended up being the most interesting.

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Ashira-Li paused when she sensed a change. She had known that a presence was following her. She had known for a long time that Palpatine wanted her for her abilities. It was she, not Ani, that he wanted mainly for her influence over the Avalonian troops and for her powers. Funny thing was that she was no Jedi since she didn't believe that Jedi should be forbidden to love or show any form of emotion. True it had gotten her into self imposed exile and in trouble more times than she could count but at least she held to her principles.

She stopped to make sure that no one was following her by appearing to look at a building as if she were lost. Sensing no immediate threat, she managed to sense a presence that was beckoning her. Grabbing onto it, she followed it to a source. She remembered General Kota had a commanding presence but also a cautious one and there was no mistaken that it was his presence that she sensed through the Force. She sensed that it was leading her away from the city and took to the paths that led out. She turned to her droid when it moaned and said, "R4 I know you can make it through. Your gears are made to handle the terrain of all the sister planets."


She set out ignoring warnings that there were dangers in the forest (?). She followed the paths and the presence.

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We have been fallowing a strange human woman that arrived at the planet not long ago, she have been acting mysteriously, I have been send undercover to investigate, If is it a Jedi, it will be difficult for her to reed my thoughts, I have been train in a old way of playing pazaak on my head to prevent been mind reed.


"This woman is very strange, I will send a message to the office to lead a team and try to capture this woman" I thought wile I was thinking in pazaak play so she couldn’t reed my mind.



"R5 , Take this message:


This is captain Hejia , Send a squadron of 12 soldiers , I believe we have a suspect that is planning something against the empire.


Meet me at point 667 section 00092.


End of message."-I told R5


Let's see what this woman is planning……

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The Rogue Shadow landed on the surface of Felucia. Juno picked up a perfect place to hide the ship in. The leather and comfortable seats started to feel somehow annoying for her. She closed her eyes for a while and put herself to rest. She couldn’t imagine being a member in a hunting mission three years ago. Like many other Coruscant residents, her life was quite normal, quite calm, until that sudden reformation from a republic to an empire. She saw the speech of the Emperor on the TV as many have, but at that time she couldn’t think of someone other than him, “The Jedi”. At that time, she was sad, but then her sadness was vanished only to be replaced with hate when she saw Imperial Stormtroopers destroying the statue of The Jedi once build in her university’s entry and level it to the ground…


“What a strange planet!” she wondered, trying to keep her thoughts away from the past. But the Rogue Shadow took this responsibility as its radar started to peep informing her that someone is near…


“What is going on?” he said, suddenly came from his room.


“Looks like we have some company.” She answered sarcastically.


“Explain further!” he demanded.


“Two ships actually, one of them is anonymous, the other is an imperial.”


“I have no time for Stormtroopers now…this isn’t going to be easy” he muttered.


“I can handle these Stormtroopers. I’m an imperial officer, they’ll answer to me.”


“They will answer only to their leader.”


“I can try…” she insisted, and then she started to explain her motives to him, but he couldn’t hear her talking for his thought were unwillingly dwelling in different place…at different time…


…darkness and pain…darkness and pain…someone opened the cell’s door to create a space wide enough to the dim light gathered outside to enter the room and to spread some signs of life in what seemed to keep from sleep…




He eyed him carefully, and when he discovered his identity he closed his eyes again…


“…to speak the truth, I’ve expected someone older, more powerful when I heard that a Jedi General has crossed the separatist’s defenses only to kill their leader…indeed you are powerful General, and brave…yes you are brave, but yet a fool…”


He raised his head up and gazed at the man standing before him angrily…


“There is much anger in you for a Jedi…Master Windu wont be pleased to see you in such situation…I advise you to be mindful young Jedi.”


“I take no advice from a traitor…”


“So blind too I say…” he said smiling, and then he took off two lightsaber’s in his hand and handed them to the captive Jedi…”take these…the first one is yours, the second is for your previous master. It seems like Count Dooku likes to keep a connection between him and his victims…”


“Why are you giving these to me?” he wondered as he took the two lightsabers.


“Like I said kid, I’m no traitor…now, here’s the plan, I’ll call for the guards and we will both take them down, then you’ll wound my hand and go away, after this its all up to your abilities…GUARDS!!!”


…he returned to the present time to see Juno standing before him putting her hands on her waist waiting for an answer to come.


“Do what must be done…” his words were few as usual, but for some reason it seems to her that they were not enough. She gazed at him in wonder, and he seemed to carry a heavy burden. Although she first him only when Lord Vader assigned her for this mission, and that would be two months ago, still she felt he isn’t in his best moments...


“Are you all right?” she asked anxiously.


“Echoes of the past consuming…” he sighed “…Master Vos is here…”

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Kota remained on the rock, he felt the new arrival being drawn to him, and as the arrival got closer, he felt the presence more clearly. It was familiar, it was different than most other jedi's presence, it was like that of someone he had fought with.


"Hm?" He muttered to himself in thought. 'Come now, you're so close, and yet you're taking so long,' he thought to himself, mostly.


Scud sat as still as stone as he watched a screen of different bounties flash before his face. He was, for the moment, unable to find a job, or anything to occupy him that wasn't petty, and uninteresting.


Scud was almost ready to just turn the screen off, and go practice, when a bounty came up, a fresh one, a strange one too. It was for a woman, she seemed highly capable, cunning, and strangely, force sensitive. The bounty was posted by a man who seemed ticked off at her for some reason or another, he didn't really read the description, nor the minor wage he would get from the job.


It was perfect, because there were few leads, and little information other than name and reputation for her work as a...mercenary. Strange for a force adept to be a mercenary, but it didn't matter to him, he just wanted a hunt, he wanted a challenge, and though little could be said on this bounty, it was elusive, and he liked tracking those kind of bounties.


Scud pushed a few buttons, then transfered the info being sent into his HUD. A message came across the screen, '30% of credits forwarded to account, other 70% to be sent after job completion.'


Scud confirmed the credits in his account, though he could care less, he wasn't in it for the credits, not that the job was paying alot for such a hard target anyway.


'Would you like to confirm identity?' The screen asked, an option to allow the contractor to know who's hunting their target for them. Scud thought for a moment then pressed the, 'no' button, he wished to remain unanimous to this contractor.


If he became known to the contractor, then the prey could catch wind of his pursute aswell.


Scud turned the screen off, shifting in the chair, he set coordinates in the ship to head in the last known direction of this prey.


The ship slipped into hyperspace quietly, traveling to it's destination. Scud got up, heading into the back of the ship, he began hand picking which weapons to best use for the hunt, taking each one, and putting it on his person accordingly.

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Ashira-Li pause as she heard the thoughts. They were unmistakeably Kota's thoughts and gave her courage to walk faster. She sensed that someone else was with him too, another Jedi it seemed. She thought loud through the Force, One can't be too hasty in case it is a trap. You should know this from war. She took off going faster much to the dismay of R4 who was forced to speed up along the bumpy path, nearly losing sight of her as she ducked into the shrubs off the road.

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I sense a familiar presence, but who, that i don't know..., Quinlan thought. He could also sense the other presence was closer. A Jedi. But now he also felt another evil presense, but this one wasn't a Jedi and even more evil presences.


"Seems like we have some more company Kota," Quinlan told him.

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'This is not war Ashira-Li, it's survival! Now hurry, time is running short, and the path is easy enough, get here before the one who hunts me does,' he spoke through the force to the now known Avalonian Jedi.


Kota turned to Quinlan, opening his eyes he gave him a serene stare, "last chance friend, the hunter is here, you can still get away while you have the chance."


At this Kota shrugged at Vos, then turned back, closing his eyes again, as he sat patiently on the rock.

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War is survival old friend. came the reply as Ashira increased her speed. Living in the forests of Takashi for several years allowed her to build up a speed that was unhindered by the brush. It was an annoyance to R4 who followed her but kept up easily.


Ashira ran until she came to the clearing and saw a huge rock. On it she saw General Kota. Stopping she called, "War is survival. We fight to live." It was an old war adage from the days of Kirabaros but during the Clone wars, she had used it enough particularly with the Avalonian troops. She waited until Kota could jump down and greet her.

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"There you are, you big metal monster," Arden Lyn murmured, peering through a scope at Darth Vader. Again she marveled at his ability to vanish, but then she considered the chance that Senka was right; he probably just knew he was being followed. And anyone who'd made it as high with the Emperor as Vader had would certainly know how to do that.


"I must be loosing my edge," Arden mused. That amused her and she added, "I haven't had an 'edge' in 25,000 years..."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Looks like someone's busy," Senka said softly. Arden Lyn whirled, startled.


"Senka, you can't go sneaking up on people like that," she scolded. "I could have killed you!"


"You wouldn't have managed it," Senka answered confidently. "So I notice you found Vader again. Told you it would happen. He's just trained to avoid little spies like you."


"That's why I need you," Arden said. "Nobody can hide from you."


"Yeah, well your boss hates me," Senka replied with an amused smirk. "So as usual, I'll have to decline."


"Palpatine doesn't hate you," Arden corrected. "He just ignores you, that's all."


"He ignores me because he knows nothing of me," Senka said. "Arden, you've heard how the Sith were destroyed by now, haven't you?"


"And the Rule of Two," Arden agreed. "Palpatine and Vader, the only two Sith remaining."


"And how long ago did the Sith destroy themselves?" Senka pressed. Arden frowned, puzzled.


"Well, that was something like a thousand years ago," she said. Senka nodded and a flicker of emotion passed through her eyes.


"I was there," she said softly. "I watched the Sith tear one another apart, destroyed by their own greed, their hunger for power."


Arden frowned. "But that's not possible. Palpatine said Bane was the only survivor."


"Bane was not the only one to realize that the only way to live was to withdraw," Senka answered patiently. "Though we did have our different methods of withdrawal."


"You withdrew completely," Arden murmured. Then, her expression darkened. "But I don't know if I can believe that. You're at least a thousand years old if that's true."


Senka smiled pleasantly. "That's a big if, isn't it?" she asked gently. She glanced away for a moment. "Arden, you're loosing Vader again."


Sure enough, Vader was on his way out of sight. Arden leapt up and surged forward, but Senka pulled her backward with a wave of the hand.


"That's your first problem," she scolded. "You're so eager to rush after your prey it's not difficult for them to know they're being followed." She snorted. "A 'master' of Teras Kasi. What, is that all you studied back then? You're a horrid tracker."


Arden glared. "People do things differently these days than they did long ago."


"Ain't that the truth," Senka muttered. She sighed. "But Arden, you have to adapt. Become different with the ages, become better. It's what I've done."


"Which is why Palpatine's freaked out when he heard about you," Arden said thoughtfully. Senka smiled and nodded.


"The tales of Senka have been spread in some of the smaller circles for over four thousand years," she answered. "Palpatine ignores me because he believes the stories."


"And what of the Jedi?" Arden wondered. "Why do they avoid you?"


"Because I was once Sith," Senka answered. "Their opinion is that, once tempted by the Dark Side, the temptation is far easier later."


"Would you turn on them?" Arden asked. Senka laughed.


"I have no reason to," she answered. "However, they have no reason to trust me."


"And I've lost Vader again," Arden complained, looking through her scope. Senka smirked.


"Don't get so panicked," she scolded. "You were a Jedi once. How did you find one another? How did you sense when danger approached? Don't tell me your 25,000 year sleep made you forget."


"I'm just... out of practice," Arden said. Senka smiled.


"Then I will refresh your memory," she offered.

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The Apprentice thought of a solution for this complicated case. He likes things to be ordered and delicate, but surprises are the most things he hates in life…


“If there are more than two Jedi Knights then I’ll go with you instead.” Juno decided.


“No…” he replied “…just try to warn me if any Stormtrooper is anywhere near us, we’re here to eliminate the Jedi, but our first priority is to keep our identities hidden from our enemy.”


“I thought the Jedi are the enemy!” she wondered.


“They are but dead ones, and the dead do you no harm. Our arch enemy is the man sitting upon the throne…”


“The Emperor?!”


He did not answer her last question. Just waited for a moment of silence to pass, and then he put his hood on and said…


“Make haste…we have a mission to accomplish…”

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"War is survival. We fight to live," came the voice of Ashira, Kota smiled inwardly, outward, he was serious, and almost angry.


"War is not survival, and to fight to live would make life itself pointless, for we would constantly kill eachother before many of our lives have even begun," Kota scolded her.


He jumped down to her, approaching he continued, "survival is just that, survival, it is to seek to exist, as easily, or as difficult as one wishes, to keep themselves from the imminence of death. War is to fight for a cause, for a moral, and concious reason, war is something that happens, most of the time, out of our control, and we have no choice but to fight, suvival, is a choice, that is the difference."


He told her, his tone calming as he eventually came face-to-face with her. "If you have not seperated the two, even after so long, then you have lived in the past, and to do such a thing is a sad waste of time...the war is over Ashira, have you realized that yet?"


He stared at her with a solumn stare, but after awhile he smiled, bowed, to make a more formal gesture of greeting, but as soon as he came up from his small bow, he had the Avalonian Jedi in a bone crushing hug. "It's been so long since we last saw eachother, when did we last see eachother? Years ago...yes, I believe so. Where did we las see eachother? Hm? Don't know, you'll have to remind me," he said rapidly, still crushing the fellow Jedi.


He opened his eye, a strange look coming across his face as he realised what he was doing. He dropped Ashira, apolagising in a meek tone, "sorry about that, couldn't help myself, all I've had for company are acklay, and giant fungus...oh, and Mr. Happypants over there."


Kota motioned over his shoulder to Quinlan Vos. Kota turned back to Ashira, his face growing serious, he asked, "so, why have you come?"

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"You have forgotten that I am Avalonian. We are born with the sword in our hand and we die by the might of our blade," Ashira-Li grinned. It was the same thing over and over again. People couldn't understand the Avalonian mindset of seeing the infinite battle to live in a world that could threaten theeir own life. She smiled at Kota and continued, "The last time we saw each other was during the Clone wars. I believe you helped defend Belos from the separatists with my adopted brothers, the twins Miklos and Andros Korin.


"As to where I have been since the Empire rose, I've been on Tatooine. Nice and quite there and always a challenge."


Ashira-Li glanced at Quinlan Vos who was hovering behind Kota. She had heard of him but never had the pleasure of meeting him. She reached out to sense if he could be trusted for a moment. She could sense the shadow that had been chasing her since she landed but it wasn't dark enough for her to launch into the general she was. In response to the last question, she replied, "You know that Emperor has been trying to get his hands on me and my powers. That is why I have been hiding on Tatooine. Until recently I sensed a change and I realized it was you. I came in order that I might find you and lead you to safety, possibly maybe Avalon. You know that the system cannot be found except by those who know where it is and are true of heart."

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“speak not of something you verily do not know Jedi…Though older in matter, your tongues reveals the youngness and the naivety of your essence…War is no time for love fools, nor for greatness, nor for friendship…it is the lowest of the lowest of man’s forms of behavior, and we are condemned to do war only for there are vast capacity of people like you in the universe…”


The Apprentice appeared suddenly from out the bush, wearing his red and black robe so he cannot be identified. He gazed at Master Vos, and then he turned his eyes to his next victime.

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Kota smiled at the mysterious man, the hunter, as he had called him.


"Well spoken, you know much of how war is useless, and how it is no time, or place, to make a life," he said, clapping lightly. "Well, well, you've found us so quickly, and so easily, how very adept, how very good, would youmind telling of your agenda, before you end my life; but I implore you, spare her life, she's young, and still a little...naive, she deserves no death at your hands," he asked, and told the man, displaying no emotions towards him.

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showing no impressions on what’s visible of his face,The Apprentice took two steps ahead and then he said…


“finding three powerful Jedi Masters gathering in one spot isn’t so hard, any force sensitive can do that…as for the girl, tell her to step away if you want her life to be spared…but since I know she wont listen to you…” he looked at her, but then he continued “…like any other Avalonian, then I guess we will have to wait and see what is going to happen”

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Not naive. Just wise in a different respect. Ashira-Li thought quietly to Kota. Like many others, the Avalonian play on words, word games, it was difficult to comprehend. When the stranger spoke and insinuated that she wouldn't listen she replied in her gentle voice. The only difference was that it acquired a dangerous pitch in it. If she were speaking in Avalonian, it would be the warrior dialect recognizable by its militaristic beat and firmness. The third was one spoken only by Rashikians for it sounded like death grating on the ears but only uttered if necessary. She replied, "No game of dejarik can be won without pawns. Its just a matter of you trying to plan the moves ahead."


Ashira-Li had grown up learning diplomacy skills through the old Petronius. He was over four thousand years old and was there when the great Kirabaros united the peoples of Avalon into one and defeat the scourge known as the Blood King. Her time spent with him gave her a biting tongue and a wit that she hid rather well. Few were able to see it, like Siri and Obi-Wan. Even Master Yoda had trouble detecting if she was teasing or not. Seeing that the stranger was still watching them, she added, "If you intend to do what I think you are going to do, I suggest that you come back at another time. Preferably when you have had more experience, sangtahut." She uttered the insult in a mocking manner.

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