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My KotOR 3 Story Idea


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Crystal Cave:


The two boys enter the cave only to be attacked by several Kinrath. The boy's manage to take down a few of them then [name of Cathar] is knocked aside by Viper Kinrath. The PC comes to his rescue only to be driven back when [female Padawan jumps into the fray sabering the attacking Kinrath.


[female Padawan] looks angrily at the PC, "What the frak are you doing here you idiot!"



"Saving you!"


[female Padawan] starts laughing, "You've done a really fine job you really need to look in a mirror."


[name of Cathar] moans softly.


[female Padawan] looks at the Cathar whom is starting to come to with disdain, "Why don't you take your little pet with you."



"He's not a pet, he's a person and I suggest you treat him as such." -canon

"Look no offense, but three people have more of a chance to succeed than one."


[female Padawan] glares at the PC, "That little runt is a miserable little animal that Master Bao-dur decided to keep as a pet," she sighs, "Alright you two come with me cause I'm not going to be blamed for you two getting killed."


The three of them walk to the back of the cave, [name of Cathar] lags behind looking around nervously. Finally the trio comes to the crystals.


[female Padawan] looks around disappointedly, "This is all there is? Only stuff this looks useful for is cheap jewelry."



"What are you talking about?"


[female Padawan] looks at the PC in annoyance, "Sorry I didn't remember that you wouldn't know anything about the quality of jewelry since you were a pauper."


[name of Cathar] looks around nervously then suddenly he ignites his lightsaber. "LOOK OUT!"


Several figures suddenly become visible some bringing out Sith Quarterstaffs, however one has a lightsaber.


The three fight with the mysterious attackers when one of them comes around to take the PC's head off [name of Cathar] swings his lightsaber in and stabs the assailent in the shoulder. The assailent goes down screaming the other assailents (those that are still able) take off running reactivating their stealth field generators. Moments later there are shouts and the sounds of fighting towards the entrance of the cave.


[name of Cathar] grabs a rock with one hand and the fallen assassin whom is still breathing and yanks at the mask angrily which comes off. His eyes go wide and he drops the rock from his hand.


[will add more later]

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This is a really good idea- im also working on one at the moment been working on it for 2 weeks or so and have over 55 pages of story- however i plan to submit my work to lucasarts so i cant post it since it becomes public domain but i like the work, we have some similar thoughts but we have both gone very seperate ways

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It doesn't necessarily become public domain, it just means I've given people access to read it if they choose, however it is still my work.





Crystal Cave (continued):


Bao-dur and Atton come in lightsabers blazing.


Atton looks like he is angry and relieved at the same time, "I thought I told you two to stay in Khoonda!"


Bao-dur walks over to his padawan.



But! -- canon

Yes sir.


Atton: "Don't you but me! You coulda been killed, you could have gotten [name of Cathar] hurt maybe even killed!"



But we had some medpacs!


Atton: "Well that may be good for you but that could possibly kill [name of Cathar]."


Bao-dur kneals over [name of Cathar]'s prisoner, "Atton."


Atton: "Can it wait, I'm a little busy?"


Bao-dur doesn't even glance up but is instead trying to bind the prisoner's wound, "Atton, I'm going to have to take him to Khoonda."


Atton: "Huh?" Looks over towards [name of Cathar], "He looks fine to me."


Bao-dur: "I'm not talking about my padawan."


Atton looks over towards the captured assassin, "Okay fine." [name of Cathar] starts to go to follow Bao-dur and escape the situation. "[name of Cathar] you're staying right here, both of you are going to help [female Padawan] harvest crystals."


[name of Cathar] gulps nervously and starts toward the crystals.


The PC and the young Cathar help harvest crystals until they stop at two glowing crystal formations and as they pick the crystals Atton whom is standing at the only accessway away from the crystals and to the exit of the cave glances up.


Atton: "Hey you two hold on a moment."


[name of Cathar] looks up scared as [female Padawan] goes to take the crystal from the Cathar's hands.


Atton walks over, "Keep your hands off the crystal, [female Padawan] it isn't yours. Last time I've seen something like this I was with the Exile."


[female Padawan] looks irritated, "What are you talking about the Temple needs crystals for lightsabers, letting those two keep crystals..."


Atton looks annoyed, "Shut up! That crystal belongs to him, it's worthless to anyone else. I thought something like this was rare and two kids have crystals responding to them at once. Hang onto them you two, we'll see about installing them in your lightsabers."


They finish up collecting crystals and turn them over to [female Padawan], except for the crystals Atton told them to keep. Then Atton takes the group back to Khoonda.





The PC hangs out around the medical ward in Khoonda with [female Padawan] and [name of Cathar].


[female Padawan] looking digusted mutters, "I can't believe I have to babysit the little animal, there's something called a leash or a shock collar."


[name of Cathar] mutters, "Stupid schutta."


[female Padawan] turns toward the Cathar, "What..."


Unnoticed by the three Padawans, Bao-dur had emerged from the medical ward, "[name of Cathar]..." The young Cathar flinches as though he's about to be hit. Bao-dur sighs, "[female Padawan] hang here for a while, you two come with me." The PC and [name of Cathar] follow Bao-dur.


[name of Cathar] looks scared, "Master where we goin?" He asks timidly.


Bao-dur looks at him as he opens up a room with a workbench, "We're going to work on you two's lightsabers, installing those crystals you and your friend found. I'm just making sure you're supervised because last time you tried something like this you cracked you saber's emitter."


[name of Cathar] looked at the floor, "S-s-sorry master, I can do better..."


Bao-dur grabbed the Cathar by the should and turned him so he was facing the Iridonian, "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just concerned you could get hurt, the fact you're not very good at handling computers, repairing machinery, and so on isn't your fault. The fact you've managed to come as far as you have after what you went through before I found you is extremely impressive. Just I don't want you to get hurt okay."


[name of Cathar] nods hesitently as Bao-dur sets down the Cathar's lightsaber on the workbench and carefully installs the crystal. Then Bao-dur hands the lightsaber back to him, "There it's finished, now let's look at your saber."




"I can do it myself."


Bao-dur looks at the PC, "This really should be done by an expert because this isn't something that can be replaced if the crystal is damaged." He then glances over at his Padawan, "Shouldn't you be studying?"


"Yes sir, sorry master," the young Cathar stammers and bolts from the room.



"Studying what?"


Bao-dur doesn't look up from the lightsaber, "Learning to read, arithmatic, astrogation, basically an education."



"What why isn't he just getting holodiscs to look at now, he's about as old as me?"


Bao-dur sighs, "When he was first brought to the Jedi Temple he was probably six to seven years old, least that's the best guess. He didn't even know his alphabet let alone being able to read anything at all. He really had problems speaking too."



"Hey Master Rand found me when I was around that age."


Bao-dur doesn't pause from his work, "Weren't you able to read somewhat when Atton found you..."



"Yeah I was, and you're making this up he doesn't have any problems speaking."


Bao-dur chuckles, "He doesn't now, but it took a lot of work and it shows just how intelligent he really is. There finished." Bao-dur hands the PC back the lightsaber, "Now could you tell me about why you decided to go to that cave when we told you to stay in Khoonda.



"There were some settlers talking about some old guy getting killed by the cave, and maybe having something to do with the strange lights from the old Jedi Enclave."


Bao-dur looks puzzled, "Strange lights..." Suddenly he puts two and two together, "You need to come with me, we need to tell Atton."


Bao-dur leads the PC into the infirmry where Atton is observing the sleeping prisoner.


Atton looks up, "What now?"


Bao-dur has the PC recount the conversation overheard from the settlers earlier.




Settler 1: "You hear about old man Tarn."

Settler 2: "No what about him."

Settler 1: "His body turned up outside that old cave you know the one the Militia tried to seal."

Settler 2: "What happened to him?"

Settler 1: "Doctors say it was kinrath, he isn't the only one, the kinrath have been actively hunting people, the militia say they've never seen them act like this, worse the Kath Hounds are even more aggressive than what they were just before the Malak bombed us."

Settler 2: "You suppose it has anything to do with the strange lights from the old Enclave."


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I love the story. The people with negative comments are just jealous that they did not think of this before you did lol. Now, for Cathar names.......... maybe you should check StarWars.wikia.com? It has a short list of famous Cathar. Maybe you can get a general idea of what Cathar names sound like (I have the same problem, not being able to decide on names).



Edit: I know. I was just joking. sorry.

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From this point on more choices show up, I've just gone with one choice route thus far but will probably go back and write the other possibilities later. So if it seems linear, it's just cause I haven't written all the possible outcomes yet.



Atton looks at the PC intently, "We really need to check this out don't we, Bao-dur you stay here in case someone comes to collect our guest. Okay, we're going to need one other person for our little investigation. Whom do you think we should take with us?"



1 [name of Cathar] seems to be good at noticing things that could be very useful.

2 [female Padawan] is the most trained Padawan, she could be of great use.

3 T3-M4 would be very helpful in getting into databanks of the old place there's bound to still be some working cameras and stuff.

4. HK-47 would be very helpful if we run into trouble.


Atton Responses (based on choices)

1 "That means we'll have to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't get hurt, otherwise Bao-dur will kill me..."

2 (sarcastic) "Great choice, I'll be sure to bring a nail kit along in case she breaks one, the little brat."

3 Okay I'll admit that the little trash compactor on wheels proved his worth several times.

4 (sarcastic) "Great, we're going to have a homicidal psychotic droid watching our backs, I know I'm going to regret this..."


Atton: "You sure about this?"



1 Yes

2 No


Outside of "Abandoned" Jedi Enclave, Dantooine


Atton, the PC, and [name of Cathar] (this is only if possibility 1 is chosen) sneak towards the old entrance to the sub level of the Enclave. The PC starts creeps forward until Atton pulls you back.


Atton (whispering): "Hold on, look closely along the ground."



"I know it's a bunch of open area, but it can't be helped."

"What about it?"


Atton (sighing): "That's not it, there's..."


[name of Cathar] interrupts Atton, "Mines and somethin on a ri-pod." The Cathar looks at Atton half expecting to be beaten.


"Very good, it seems Bao-dur's taught you about them." Atton praises him.


"Just how to notice them Master," [name of Cathar] replies.


"Okay, I'm going to have to go on alone and take care of the mines and the sensor, you two wait here." Atton goes into stealth mode using force camoflague and disables the mines making his way to the sensor. Then he disables the sensor using his knowledge of security systems. He then gestures to the PC and [name of Cathar] to follow him. They make it to the door and Atton gets it by overriding the security system.


Atton: "Pure pazaak, okay now you know how to work that stealth belt?" The Cathar nods slowly. "Good, now turn it on and stay close to us okay." The Cathar nods again, and the three enter the Enclave.

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These should be put into episodes like Xenosaga! Ep. 1 is the kid stage, and Ep. 2 and/or 3 are grown up.


If/when the game gets made, I'm wondering if they'll use the same cinematics engine or not. I think it'd be really cool if they did the same thing as far as not leaving gameplay, but to give the character's in the cut scene a more cinematic feel like how they move and such like Shenmue's cut scene's. It's still the gameplay's graphics, but it's a cut scene. You know, like FFVII's gameplay graphics were really blocky with the characters, but it's cinema scenes were more defined.


To give you an image of what I mean, imagine the beginning of the first KOTOR game where you see one of Bastila's comrades fighting a Sith. Now instead of the turn-based fighting in the scene, put in something like Anakin's fight choreography with Dooku in Ep. III.

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Hey ... Sorry, that I have not posted yet ... I have been re-he-he-he-he-he-he-heeeeaaaalllly annoyingly busy and have not had the chance to come on here all that often.


Anyways ... here is my opinion.

It is a very good concept. I like the general idea but the idea of linear is a little on the bad side for me. Never much liked it to be honest.

BUT! Saying that, it does not mean I do not like your story (As I have already said)


@Darca Lar: I just cannot wait until the day when all graphics, (in-game and movies) are the exact same quality. (Take FF: Advent Children for example)


Anyways, back to topic.

Well done, GarfieldJL. This is a very good story so far .. keep it up! :D

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Okay this is linear right now because it's hard to write all the different possibilities at once. I do plan to go back and add things based on the choices later. However Dantooine is the last linear planet. This part may be subject to change cause I'm not sure if this might be too early in the story.




Abandoned Enclave sublevel:


The three sneak into the enclave and see a lot of the debris inside has been picked up. They follow each other trying to stay close as to not get seperated starting down the corridor to the left of the entrance.


As they reach the first room which is circular with seats ringing the room the three hear voices.


Cut scene:

An Armored human stands facing a smaller figure wearing the simple robes of a dark padawan.


Armored human: "What do you mean they haven't reported in since they followed those Jedi brats."

Female Twi'lek: "I mean they haven't reported in Master, I think they missed the brats and hid.." She gasps as she's lifted into the air. Her master speaks to her calmly, "You think, maybe I should sell you back to the slavers if you're too naive to realize what has happened."


-- Character check only occurs if [name of Cathar] is in party, variation of the same thing with better results if T3-M4 is in party.


[name of Cathar] loses his temper at that moment and charges the Armored man. The Dark Jedi drops the Female Twi'lek to the ground and his arm shoots out latching onto the Cathar's throat.


"Well what have we here..." the Dark Jedi looks at the Cathar in bemusement, "one of the Jedi brats I take it, that means they failed, is your master here too?" The Cathar shoots him a defiant look, and force lightning arcs out of his hand torturing [name of Cathar].


"N-o-o," [name of Cathar] admits shaking.


"So much fear, so much anger, is your little Jedi friend here too," the Armored Darksider laughs in a manner that has no hint of malice as the Cathar screams in pain as the Darksider rips through the boy's surface thoughts. He tosses the boy against the wall. "I think you've just gotten a way to redeem yourself, find this Jedi welp's friend."


The Twi'lek nods and leaves the room walking past Atton and the PC. Atton grabs the PC to keep him just outside the entrance to the room..


The Dark Jedi looks at [name of Cathar], "Now then let's see how strong in the force you are..."


"Step away from the hairball," Atton says evenly as he shifts out of Force Camoflague, "Get out of here fuzzball." [name of Cathar] takes off out of the room as fast as he can.


"You his master..."


"Nah, I'm just a guy with a lightsaber," Atton replies, the two do battle as [name of Cathar] is grabbed by the PC. Atton exits the room after he kills the Dark Jedi and rejoins the party.


Atton glares at the Cathar, "You idiot, if you ever do something like that again..."



"Master, I don't think he'll do it again."


Atton calms down, "Okay fuzzball you stay close to [name given by friend on Ord Mantell]."


[name of Cathar] nods and they carefully continue down the corridor they finally end up at an access ladder that leads to the upper levels of the enclave and begin to climb it still in stealth mode. From there they finally get to two corridors leading in opposite directions.


Atton, "Damn it, there goes staying together, okay you two go that way, I'll check out this way."


The group splits up with Atton going down one corridor, the PC and [name of Cathar] going down the other.





The PC and [name of Cathar] explore the area and find another ladder leading to upper most level. As they explore they gradually make their way into the old council chamber where Revan had stood before the council years ago.



Cut Scene:


Atton arrives at a computer room and with his computer skills from his scoundril days he manages to get into the system, and goes through the files. Atton stops, "Oh hell!" He takes off running back the way he came.




"The re-construction was supposed to have been abandoned," hissed [name of Cathar].



"How do you know that?"

"What are you talking about? Have you been here before?"


"Stories Master Bao-dur told me bout the Exile," shrugs [name of Cathar] whom suddenly goes into a defensive stance pulling out his lightsaber. There is a shriek of metal causing both the PC and Cathar to turn however it was too late as a chair which had been bolted to the floor flew into the Cathar, whom dropped his saber in surprise, slamming him into the wall.


"Hello, [name given by friend on Ord Mantell], how long has it been friend," came an accusatory voice a figure shifted out of stealth mode.



"[name of friend], what are you doing here?" <--------- canon

"So you're one of them too?"


"You abandoned me," a red colored lightsaber blade sprang forth, "I was there for half an hour and you never came back my master looked for his men, and found them dead. I thought you were dead too, but no here you are in Jedi robes you never even thought about anythin but yourself."



"I didn't know."

"I didn't abandon you, Master Rand thought you were already gone."


"Save it," [name of friend] closes the distance slowly, "I've had enough of your lies."


The PC ignites his/her lightsaber protectively and [name of friend] lunges as a lightsaber battle ensues. [name of Cathar] however begins to twitch beginning to come to, and ease himself out from under the chair, and glances around for his lightsaber.


The PC's old friend lunges at the PC, driving the PC back. It is a complete mismatch, [name of friend] is taller, stronger (it is possible to win just is extremely hard), somehow the PC manages to fight back but in the end is knocked to the floor.


[name of friend] stands over the PC, "Pathetic weakling."


[name of Cathar]'s lightsaber twitches and then returns to it's owner's hand the Cathar surges toward [name of friend] lightsaber blazing. [name of friend] barely manages to block the blow caught completely by surprise. However, the Cathar's advantage is short-lived as the youth is thrown into a wall by the exit completely over-matched he falls to the ground screaming in pain putting both hands on his head.


There is a commlink buzz, and [name of friend] answers it, "Master." There is a pause "I'm just finishing up dealing with two Jedi brats." The Cathar moans weakly. Another pause, "On my way." [name of friend] chuckles, "You seem to be lucky, just like on Ord Mantell," he kicks the Cathar, then throws the chair into the PC with the force, "My master wants you alive cause if you're alive your master will be too busy helping you to bother us, pathetic Jedi. Enjoy the fireworks." [name of friend] walks out, kicking the Cathar one more time as he leaves.



Cut scene:


Atton runs into the room as the PC is picking himself up off the ground, "We need to get out of here!"





Atton shouts at the PC, "MOVE!" Atton picks up the semi conscious Cathar and the Cathar's lightsaber. Then Atton and the PC run out of the room.

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As a storyline for the K3, I'm not so sure it works b/c the character starts out a little too young. Perhaps, as has been suggested, it could be a game on it's own (like MOTS or something). As a novella or fan fic, I think it has potential for being an engaging story. I understand why you've written it the way you have (no names/genders), but it does get a bit distracting nonetheless. Frankly, also, if the PC choices follow along the lines of K2, then whether he's a soldier/scoundrel/scout won't have much bearing on what class of jedi you choose and thus shouldn't matter. Keep up the "chapters" now that you've whetted my appetite. ;)

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Here is what I have for what happens next it could be subject to changes.


Enclave Interior:


Atton carries the Cathar down the ladder actually keeping his feet off the rungs so he can go down as quickly as possible. The PC follows though more slowly.


"MOVE IT!" Atton snaps.


The level above them that they had just left bursts into flames. They come across a bunch of battle droids, that had just been activated to impede the party's escape. The PC lunges into action, while Atton just uses the force to fry the droid's circuitry.



"How'd you do that!"


Atton, "I'll explain later when we aren't being chased by droids that are trying to kill us and we aren't in a building that's burning down around us."


They confront several other parties of droids until finally they manage to escape from the Enclave coughing from the smoke.




Enclave Exterior:


The Enclave burns smoke rises into the air and a large shuttle surges into the air. As Atton and the PC looks back the shuttle roars towards the stars.



Cutscene: (shuttle interior)


[name of friend] walks into the cockpit.


[sith master], doesn't bother looking at her apprentice, "Well boy, did you succeed?"


[name of friend] kneels, his face full of anger, "I did not kill them as you instructed my lord."


"Patience my young student, one of them may be of some use to us," [sith master] chuckles, "It is unfortunate we didn't grab your friend on Ord Mantell when we took you. I fear the Jedi have turned your friend against you permanently."


[name of friend] scowls, "I know master."


"Don't worry we'll be taking one of the Jedi whelps soon enough," [sith master] chuckles.


(Assuming [name of Cathar] was party choice)

"The furry runt, he was a weakling," [name of friend] says angrily before looking like he expects to be punished.


"Perhaps, but remember the Cathar isn't the only young Jedi of their group," [sith master] laughs softly, "You have done well, go rest my young apprentice."


"As you command master," [name of friend] gets up from his kneeling position and walks out of the cockpit."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay here is what I have for what happens next:




Enclave Exterior:


The Cathar starts to come to, as Atton and the PC watch the Enclave burn. "Once I would have loved to watch this place burn to the ground," says Atton, "but now..."



"Master, did you know?"


"It's a long story."


[name of Cathar] gets to his feet shakily while Atton and the PC are looking at the fire.



"No, Master did you know about him?"


Atton looks startled, as if he doesn't know what to say.


[name of Cathar] interrupts, "I'm sorry I didn't kill him, wish I had the Sith spawn of a Hutt."



"What did you say?"


[name of Cathar] shrugs, "Sorry I wasn't able to kill that Sith, that spawn of a Hutt."



Run away -- Neutral

"Shut up you..." The PC starts to goes to throttle the young Cathar and lands a punch in the face sending [name of Cathar] to the ground. Atton goes to intervene but the PC takes off. --- DS point



If PC Chooses to run away:


[name of Cathar] looks bewildered, "Did I say somethin wrong?"


"It isn't about you, this has to do with something you couldn't possibly have known," Atton answers shaking his head, "I think I better tell you about how I found [name given by friend on Ord Mantell].



If PC punches Cathar:


[name of Cathar] starts crying, "Why, why'd I trust him, he's just like all the others!"


Atton picks up the Cathar and starts shaking him, "KNOCK IT OFF!"


[name of Cathar] looks at Atton with tears running down his cheeks, "You're gonna hurt me too!"


"Only if you won't stop crying and acting like a baby," Atton snaps angrily then his face softens as the Cathar's face goes pale though he shuts up for a moment, "Sorry for what I said just now, but I had a feeling it was the only way I could get your attention. What he did was wrong, but it has to do what happened when I rescued [name give by friend on Ord Mantell].



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