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Outta This World!

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Darrick ntoiced one of the walls start to seperate. Monica walked through with Leon right behind her. "You Ok?"

Darrick looked at her weird, "Yes I'm Okay. Just had no clue how to get out of this here room. Where are we? And what is all the shaking for, is the building collapsing?"

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Monica answered, "We're on the Millineum Falcon." She looked back at Leon, with a worried look on her face. "Great. Now he's hurt bad. We gotta get him back to the front. C'mon. Help me carry him." She helped Darrick up, carrying one arm around her neck.


"It's ok, Darrick. We're here."




Miss Stone walked up the stairs to her house. When she opened it, she turned on the lights, and placed her purse on the hanger pole. She was tired. Sitting on her sofa, Fluffy, her cat, jumped on her lap. Miss Stone chuckled quietly.


"Hello, baby girl." As she stroked her cat's fur, Miss Stone wondered if it was right to give Monica the locket. "Oh, she deserved it. Besides... she might be the right one to save everyone." She stretched her arms out, yarned, and fell to sleep.

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Kala was wondering if Rueben was okay on the Assassin's ship. If anything happened to her long time friend... the Assassin was going to regret for what he did. But Kala meditated alone in a room, trying to keep peace within herself.


"Oh, Rueben. I know we're friends, but... I care about you too much to get hurt. Hm. Amazing, isn't it? That... a friend can like another friend?" She said through the Force, that even a Jedi might hear. She closed her eyes and looked down.

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The Assassin drew his blade and counter attacked Rueban. He made a few swipes and a mixture of flurries with his sword. The two clashed blades together.


"I will not serve Jedi. Nor do I serve the Sith. I believe in neither religion nor side of the force. What matters is how you use it!"


The Assassin Force Pushed Rueban against the wall.

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"My head hurts a little Monica, but you don't need to help hold me up." He forced her arms off him. He then stumbled around and was grabbed by Monica again. " Okay maybe its worse than I thought. Oh and by the way, isn't the falcon a ship that Han Solo uses? Along with Chewbacca?" Loud enough for Han to hear himself.

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"Forget it... I'll deal with you later." Rueben said to the Assassin. "Or Luke will kill you whenever I get off this ship."


Rueben smiled. Ok... Luke fire when ready. Rueben said jumping outta the ship and back onto the Falcon.



"Artoo... tell the other Jedi that they can fire at will." Luke told his droid.


The Jedi's ship began to fire up... when they saw an escape pod jetison from the ship.


The Assassin must be trying to escape... follow it down to Korriban. Luke told everyone but Han and the current crew of the Falcon.



((Temp Character, you can kill him... but I was just keeping from killing the Assassin.))


"Sir... I fired the escape pod so that they would think that you abandoned ship." An akward looking man said.

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Monica helped Darrick on the passeenger seat and nodded. "Yeah. Han and Chewie..." suddenly, she was interrupted.




Kala ran to Rueben and hugged him. Finally, when she letted him go, Kala looked down embarrassed. "Guess you know my secret now, huh?" A tear came out of her eye.

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"Don't ever say that name again." Rueben told Moncia. "It upsets Han more than just about everything. Chewbacca died several years ago, now Leia is the Co-pilot of the Falcon."


Rueben turned to Kala.


"Truth be told... I always knew... I was just waiting for you to admit it. Ever since the day I met you, I've known... remember when we first met, in the Jedi Academy." Rueben laughed.



A Gizka hopped up to Rueben, and licked the back of his leg. He bent down and picked it up.


"Lily... I told you to stay in my room at the Temple." He said.

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Monica looked at Rueben. "Oh yeah. Sorry." She smiled sheepishly.

Kala rubbed it off. "Aw, that's ok, kid. Ya didn't know... or forgot." She turned back to Rueben.


"Yeah. I remember. When we were little, I came to you, saying 'Hi! I'm Kala! You're kinda cute!' Then I added with a blush, 'For a friend!' " She laughed, and nodded.


"Hey, Lily! How ya doing, girl?" Kala said, smiling.

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"Thank you!" The Assassin impaled his sword through his assistant. "But unfortunatly, you are needed no longer!"


The Assassin took the wheel of his ship and plotted in the coordinates for his next contract to kill. He took his shuttle to Corelia.

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As Monica sat down by the view, she kept staring at her locket that was in her hand. How can a little thing like this... have such great power? Suddenly, she remembered what might've been building up inside of her... The Force.


Yes, it was strange. But amazing. Monica looked at the her friends, wondering if the Force was building inside of them as well.

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After Leon had helped Darrick and Monica he sat back next to monica who was staring at the locket she had got from the shop. No one can ever no how I really got here and yet... I feel as if I should as if im endangering everyone by not saying anything... He thought to himself but quickly felt the coldness of Tulak near and forgot the idea of saying anything.

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"The Darkside is near... something I haven't felt since the second destruction of Telos, well the second attempt anyway." Bastila said, appearing before Rueben and the crew of the Falcon.


"What?" Rueben asked.


"Do you remember the stories I've told you about Revan and I?" Bastila asked.


"Yeah... Revan left the Republic in search of the true Sith... to destroy them." Rueben said.


"Well... yes... but that's not entirely the truth." Bastila said. "Niether one of us left the Republic. We went into hiding, and Revan hid our presence from the darkest of all Dark Lords, Darth Nihilus. He could literatley suck the Force from all living beings... he even tried to kill Jedi Master Atris and the Jedi Exile, and now... I feel the Darkside rising again, just about the same way he was..."


"That's impossible... the Sith have been destroyed... they were destroyed by Master Skywalker and Master Korr." Rueben said.


"Yes... that is true... but do you remember how Marka Ragnos' nearly came back to life?" Bastila asked. "Well other Sith Lords could do the same... even the darkest one of all."

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Leon began to feel weak as Tulaks hold began to get stronger his eyes became covered by a wilky white haze making him apear blind as his hole body began to shiver he fell to the floor his body shaking.

" Remember our agreement apprentice," A cold voice said in Leon's now throbbing head as a migraine began to take hold.


" Do not tell them about me it is important they will try to stop you they would all be afraid that you would become more powerful then them and hold you back..."

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"It's too late." Rueben said. "The Darkside becons to him, but if you can have him resist it."


"We will all try to stop it." Bastila said, using the Force to crawl into Leon's head.


Rueben turned to Han.


"Go on ahead to Courscant... the Jedi will catch back up." Rueben said.



"Sir... the pod was empty." A Jedi told Luke.


"You mean he escaped?" Luke asked.


"No sir... we believe the pod was never inhabited." The Jedi replied.


"Great... guess I'd better go tell Rueben." Luke said.

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"That was what I intended on doing any way" Han smiled.


He ran back to the cokpit and punched in the algerbraic coordinates for Coruscant. He then charged up the Hyperdrive and shot off into Hyperspace...


"Well, we oughta' be ariving at Coruscant in a couple of hours, so I guess we can lay back!"

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Leon activated the green lightsaber he always did in the vision he began to strike at Tulak but each attack was matched with a perfect defence. That is when she came Bastila apeared infront of Leon jsut before he was lost forever she stopped Tulak in his steps and Leon returned to the light never to be disturbed by Tulak again... Her hoped


Leons eyes returned back to there normal colour and his body began sto stop shivering Monica was near her face full of worry. Leon stared then just Grabbed hold of her hugged her held her close he knew that when with her. He was safe.

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Monica held him close to her. "It's all right, Leon. We're here. Don't worry. You're safe, among friends." She could feel the darkness in him... being driven away. Things were getting a little weird. But no matter, because Monica was worried that her friends might turn to the darkest force of all...


The Dark Side.

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Leon sobbed into Monica shoulder he felt so scared. So weak and yet he could still feel the power he had been taught deep inside him waiting to be triggered. He kept sobbing until slowly he calmed down and began to feel tired and then he slept still in Monica's arms.

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Monica rocked Leon to sleep, after he sobbed. When he did fell asleep, she worried if the dark side held into him still. She had much to learn of the Force herself. As Leon started to feel scared, Monica felt scared as well.


She looked at the others, with tears in her eyes.




Kala looked into Rueben's eyes. "D-did you feel the same way about me?" she asked, after her feelings were admitted. She glanced down, sighing unsteadily and afraid of what his answer might be.

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