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Sicko (the movie)


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I thought it was very interesting and well made. It addressed all the issues and provided good examples eg. how Canada's health care system is compared to the one in the U.S etc.


And I loved what Michael Moore said he tells people when they ask him to describe SiCKO "If people ask, we tell them SiCKO is a comedy about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on Earth." Brilliant.


The thing I find the weirdest with Moore is that he looks like a redneck but is actually smart.

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^he's fat, he's not all that smart, and he's a joke...he just wants the government to pay for his lipo...

He's definitely smarter than half the politicians in Washington. One thing I don't understand is your obsession with his weight. You've mentioned it in every one of your posts, and all I can say is, what the hell does that have to do with anything?

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^he's fat, he's not all that smart, and he's a joke...he just wants the government to pay for his lipo...


Under a sensible health care system, liposuction would not be covered. Only gastric bypass would be and it would be for a legitimate reason. The health care system is broke as it is today. It needs fixing.


^Well, I guess it just amuses me that he's so fat. Not to mention, he doesn't deserve my respect.



You do not sound like the most respectful person in the world, in my opinion.

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^Well, I guess it just amuses me that he's so fat. Not to mention, he doesn't deserve my respect.


Untill you can give one reason that the movie sucks, other then Moore is fat, you don't deserve any respect in this thread.


Well, i though the movie was very intresting, but since i di't live in US i don't know slanted(sp?) it is. If you look on some of his other movies he take quotes that sounds bad, but if you read them in the text it was said it's aint the same

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