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Linux makefile like Lucasarts has?


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Just recently i've seen the whole thing about "official makefile" so the damages and stuff are the same. Where do i get it, since i'd probably want to use it too then. I'm currently using the universal SDK so maybe it was already included, i'm not sure, hence i'm asking.


Thanks in advance.

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I'd be surprised if the makefile affected damages :/ I think one is included in the Universal SDK, should be in codemp/game but I've never used the Universal SDK so I don't know.


I know, I bet if all these mods that compiled with ICC used the correct flags with gcc they would have same or better results as base =/


I currently use:





-fno-stack-protector (for gcc4)



With Linux:





-static (statically linked glibc instead of shared object)



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