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Wall damage


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Sorry, the topic title isn't very clear but I don't really know how to call that...

I want to make that when a player (or bot, npc) hits a wall (or ceiling) fast enough, it gets damaged (like falling damage but with walls, ...)


Is it hard to do? I don't have any idea on how to do this...


Thanks in advance


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Unless the wall is an entity (func_breakable) You cannot make the world geometry break like what you want to do. And you cannot make an entire map out of func_breakable. Because you need world geometry or it will fail to compile. Infinite leaking, etc. And entities don't interact like normal world geometry even brush entities.

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And there is a max number of func_breakables too.. 255 I believe. If you add the spawnflag "Thin" to the breakable (it's a checkbox in the Entity Window), it works like glass, so you can jump on it, and it breaks.

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Yeah, thing is running and bunny hopping with force speed with incredible speed way higher than the speed of falling a couple stories gives you no damage when you bump into a wall. Like Ensi said I think just take a look at the fall damage code.

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