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id's DOOM Beserk force power


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Some of you may remember the DOOM games and the special little weapon Beserk that would make you invincible and kill you enemies in one hit. What I think would be cool is if some one could turn that into a dark side force power, and add like the screams from doom3 when you use it. It could kill the enimies in kotor with one shot and you never miss. and when activate the screen could have a bloody outline i think that part could be done with one of the existing powers that makes the screen go red and wavy i cant remember its name. Also I think it should last for about 30 seconds about the same amount of time it lasts in doom 3 and should use a vast majority of force points. Reason being that its not overused which would make it boring and killing opponents with one shot over and over get reeeeaally boring. Or rather then force points, maybe it could be an item that shows up on the wrist sheild section after you get enough kills, just so you could choose when to activate it and not overusing it making it boring. And for the icon for either force power or wrist sheild it could be the demon skull :) I hope one of you modders use this idea cause DOOM totaly rocks

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