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This is an SWBF1 Map. Version 1.0 of "RLcT: Platform Pwnage."




I had some problems with this map, like peices would be in a certain place in zero edit

and then in another place all together in the game. So some of the objects dont connect

as smoothly i would like. Also i did not do a lot of planning, so the Ai get stuck in certain

places a lot. They also make terrible pilots and run into objects fairly quickly, but i

put barriers around most of the xWings so AI dont steal them all. I did do some weapons

modifications (increased sniper rifle range and modded scope) the first time i had completed

this map and it crashed when loading, i never did figure out the problem and had to start all

over again and left the moddifications out. I will probably make modds that suit this map as

a seperate project. So this one is the second attempt at the same map concept. I was getting

tired of working on it so i rushed the planning. I may come back to this one. let me know what

you think.




***Installation Instructions***

Put the "RLcTplatform" folder into your "AddOn" folder, located

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront\GameData\AddOn.


Have fun


Good Gaming

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