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Recruit Darth Bandon?

Maciej Master

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Making him a recruitable npc is possible, not sure how to do it off the top of my head but there are some tutorials in how to make an npc recruitable that you can read from Darth333. As for the dialogues though, if you're talking about new dialogue options with his voice, it can't be done since he's not here for us to record from, we can only work with the base game files for his dialogue which don't include what you're requesting.


Darth333's How to recruit an NPC in less than 10 steps Tutorial:



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ive got a mod i dowbnloaded from pcgamesmod before it crashed that already does this catch is game stalls out. prob with mod is trask fight bandon script doesnt fully fire so game just hangs there. would love it if a working one was realesed though!!

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Bad idea. When wearing clothes game crashes!


Not if you make adjustments to the Darth Bandon row in the appearance.2da file. Darth333's Recruit Darth Bandon mod addresses this and fixes the problem.

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poor malak nobody seems ti like him lol. anyways if dartyh finds the mod or shem puts it up either way can one of you send me a pm with downl;oad link for fixed version thanks alot!!


Closing thread to prevent further resurrections, a Private Message (PM) to the member with the mod would be more appropriate to posting in this thread here if you do desire this mod. -RH

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