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What do I do with a saved .UTC file?


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Ok SO I edited Atton to see how it works and it wonderful the amount of things I can do just...wow. But I dont know what to do when it asks me to save the file I made. I defaults the file name to "p_atton.utc" But where do I save it? I figured I would save over another file so I did a search for that same file nothing came up. Then I did one for just Atton and still nothing.


Am I missing something? Where do I save this thing?


(btw: Im not crazy I did find Attons voice .wav files so I know that I have KotOR II installed lol)

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the "override" folder. If it doesn't exist, then you can create one :)


However if Atton has already spawned in the game, the .utc changes won't matter (depending on the stage of the game). If he hasn't, then your changes 'should' work.


TSL is horrible for using the same filename for different stages of the game though :fist:

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Ah, I see. I figured out my main question through context in another post. and the second bit I needed confirmation on. I found out somewhat about the spawn rule. thanks for the info. :D


EDIT IMPORTANT!: Does that mean if I somehow found a way to remove or reeplace atton with himself in the game...would that make it work? Is that possible? to "respawn" a character?

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EDIT IMPORTANT!: Does that mean if I somehow found a way to remove or replace atton with himself in the game...would that make it work? Is that possible? to "respawn" a character?


Let me see what I think your saying...

You want to have the main utc (p_atton) but you want to have a seperate utc for a different occasion? (atton_02 for example)

Then yes, it is possible. Just don't ask me how. It just is :p

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EDIT IMPORTANT!: Does that mean if I somehow found a way to remove or reeplace atton with himself in the game...would that make it work? Is that possible? to "respawn" a character?

Not without some major work, unfortunately you will need to restart from a save game from before he joins your party.

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